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New ST Script Reviled!

Posted: 2002-07-06 08:36am
by Mr Bean
Hows everyone doing?
Not like we care if you hate us or love us we get paid the say
Annywhoo as you know every single other epsoide of ST is written by somebodys else
Or if its the same person they have to write it either stoned or drunk(Its Tradition! .... Don't ask)

So I though we share a hint of whats coming up for our first epsode of

Star Trek
The Next Show to give us a Paycheck!

And guess what the ente next generation crew is back thanks to horrble cloning experment gone wrong
.... Don't ask
However we had to replace one of the actors with his nearst non union mexican equvialt
See if you can guess who?

Anywho I know this is the part your all waiting for

A clip from Epsode 1's show!

Here you go!

Pecardo:Mr La Forge What is the Clue Meter Reading at?
Mr La Forge:Holding at Zero Sir since page 4
Pecardo:Mr La Forge!
Mr La Forge:Yes Captian?
Percardo:I need you to recalbrate the clue meter into a Toaster, I'm hurgrey, How long will that take?
Mr La Forge:Around 3 gallons sir!
Mr La Forge:Yes Gallons Sir!
Pecardo:I though gallons where a measurment of liquids not time
Mr La Forge:It can be both sir!
Pecardo:Ahh very good carry on!

Wasn't that exciting?
You can expect endless espodies just like this one!
Heres a clip from one of those gripping parts!

Mr La Forge:Sir the Reactor Core is going to overload in less than(*points at large plastic countdown display on wall) 12:00mins!
Percado:What happend?
Data: I belive when I let my cat loose it took the chance to mark the area as it where Captian
Percardo: What? How did it get past the super advanced shielding
MR La Forge: The Chicken wire Sir?
Percado: No no the flux capastor redunt array
Mr La Forge: Yes thats the chicken wire we use around the core
Percado:Its NOT chicken wire its a Flux Capastor Redundat Array!
Mr La Forge: Ummm... Yes sir Flux Capastor Redunat Arry
Percado: Where? Were is it?
Mr La Forge:Weasly borrowed it for a science project
Percado: Oh thats all well and good I guess, Boys will be boys ha, Why I remeber when I was a lad..
Data: I don't belive we have time for this sir
Percado: Nonsense you bloody robot, everyone always has time for my stories you know that!
Data: .....
Mr La Forge: 10 mins and counting
Percado: Well when I was a wee lad at my home in..

Gripping eh?
Thats just SOME of the existing new storylines we will be running
Tune in here for more hints!

(This is a thank you for Mike Making us an Off-topic forum, I invite everyone to write as many bad and funny plots for Star Trek The Next show to give us a pay check!)
Above all

Re: New ST Script Reviled!

Posted: 2002-07-06 04:03pm
by Robert Treder
Mr Bean wrote:New ST Script Reviled!
Hahahaha...I assume you meant 'revealed,' but this way it's even funnier!

Posted: 2002-07-06 06:22pm
by Singular Quartet
IO believe somebody allready wrote something close to this, but its not here yet so I'll post it:

Picard: ...Blah Blah Peace Blah Blah Friendship for Enternity BLah Blah High Morals Blah Blah Join th eFederation Blah Blah Trade Agreement Blah Blah
Imperial Captin: Commander, have this man shot before he BOREs us to death!

Posted: 2002-07-06 08:15pm
by VF5SS
Percardo: *wakes up* Computer, where are my pants?
Computer: *voice sounds like Michael Jackson* You are wearing your pants, big boy.
Percardo: You are lying!
Computer: I cannot lie, I am a computer!
Percardo: Damnit this is the 24th century and we can't build a computer that can lie? Get me La Forge! Tell him to build be a computer that can lie right now!

Posted: 2002-07-07 11:26am
by Mr Bean
funny if you don't know how true it is

Posted: 2002-07-11 08:18pm
by John Clark
So can I write Star Whores: Invasion of the Plotless Bloat here, too?

Posted: 2002-07-11 09:26pm
by Mr Bean
No you mindnumbling idiotic Troll this is a joke thread not dealing with Pornography, Bloat or anything else
If you want to start your own thread by own means please but as you'll quickly find out while people do like a good joke even at thier own expense few people like just plain old XXX bashing

Posted: 2002-07-11 11:42pm
by David
Mr Bean wrote:funny if you don't know how true it is

And it is true

Posted: 2002-07-12 12:16pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
If you're going to parody anything on this thread, it has to be funny. A truly good parody is something that will make you laugh, regardless of whether you like what's being parodied or not.

Posted: 2002-07-12 12:24pm
by Mr Bean
Thus the mindnumbingly idiotic post about the point

If its a Parady it should make fun of the subject but it should be FUNNY not pure slaming

For example

That was a Parady
Saying Star-Wars Sucks for 2 hours in a varity of ways
Not a Parady

Posted: 2002-07-12 01:56pm
by David

I liked when Dark Helmet accidentaly killed the stage hand and blamed it on the other guy.


Posted: 2002-07-13 10:55pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
This just in, a "lost" episode, of ST TOS.
Scene: Transporter room 1. Kirk, Spock and McCoy (and the obligatory red shirt, Mr. Kyle manning the transporter column)are waiting.
Voice over: "Captains log, monumental, the high fiber diet seem to be affecting both myself and the crew in the regular manner. We are orbiting the planet Pillsberry, awaiting the arival of ensign Poppenfresh, the first of the "Doughboy" species to be served, er, serve, in Star Fleet, who's grades show he rose to the top of his acadamy class."
A deep humming begins, but suddenly, (Like you couldn't see this coming) the transporter malfunctions, An energy discharge strikes the new crewman.
McCoy runs to the hapless red shirt, while Spock says to the captain,
Spock: "This is becoming an increasinly undependable and occasionaly lethal form of tranportation as the ratings slip captain." with his patented Vulcan deadpan understatement.TM
Kirk, alarmed and concerned for the welfare of the latest red shirt loss, ask McCoy imploringly,
Kirk:"Bones, can you save him?"
McCoy looks up from his patient, and says,
McCoy:"He's BREAD, Jim!"

Posted: 2002-07-13 11:10pm
by David