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Don't disobey the Council Master, not again...

Posted: 2003-01-23 02:48am
by Cal Wright



My own council shall I keep. The ranks have been invaded by one of the worst denizens possible. Muwhahahahahahahahaha!!! I have finally amassed enough posts to acquire the last remaining title. Not only that, but as soon as I figure out how to backstab and sabotage the other high posters, I will be the only one with the title, Jedi Council Member!!!

I would like to thank the usual suspects. Dalton and his donughts, Spanky T. Dolphin, Master of Ossus, any and all hatwearing donkey fuckers that were steamrolled by my trial by fire. Those that decided to post to my threads, or respond to my idiocy. A special thanks to Mr. Poe for hosting my fucking paintings. I mean seriously, I can't figure that shit out, got have some muscle to take care of the dirty work. Poe, ICS forever !!! Shep for the long range shot on my unknown assailant. God (if he truely exists, and this in now way implies otherwise or is meant to impose any form of religious beliefs on the innocent denizens that happen by) bless the Mauser. David for being an asshat and posting in one of my posts. (Yes David, we know you like the masturbate. It's not just your imagination anymore. :lol: ). Verilon for feedback on my shite transcripts from one of my unfinished stories.

Last but not least, thank you Mr. Michael Wong. This site kicks ass. It shits in the cereal of fucktards across the globe. It pisses in the drinks of those gifted with ignorance. Yes it really drops the bomb on those that oppose intelligence and resoning. It even puts a damper on those who can't speel korrectly on a regular bacis. Here's to many more fucking posts provided by me of course!!! +1

p.s. Everyone get your +1 while you can. Dalton is already fishing for the padlock and chains!!!

::tosses donought past Dalton::

Posted: 2003-01-23 02:50am
by Beowulf
*Shoots Cal*

spam spam spammity spam


Re: Don't disobey the Council Master, not again...

Posted: 2003-01-23 02:56am
by Shinova
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:
My own council shall I keep. The ranks have been invaded by one of the worst denizens possible. Muwhahahahahahahahaha!!! I have finally amassed enough posts to acquire the last remaining title. Not only that, but as soon as I figure out how to backstab and sabotage the other high posters, I will be the only one with the title, Jedi Council Member!!!

Meh, I'm planning to one day earn myself a custom title anyway, so your threats fall harmless against my field of invulnerability :mrgreen:

Welcome to the council. :)

Posted: 2003-01-23 02:56am
by consequences
Remember to watch your back, cuz in another couple of months I will engineer your downfall, and be the only Jedi Council Member, at least until I am likewise brought low by those who follow after me.
Oh, and congrats.

Posted: 2003-01-23 02:59am
by Crown
Powefull you have become young one... But much to learn you still have...

Congrats man! I still remember back in the day when we were one of a handfull of select people to post on this board, ahh the memories.

Oh and Dalton... +1

hehe :D

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:13am
by NecronLord
"How does it feel to be on the light side? Weak?" - Yun, Jedi Knight.


Posted: 2003-01-23 03:14am
by Frank Hipper
Con-grachy-lashuns. And I do not spam. +1

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:15am
by haas mark
Congratulations. :) *bite for the hell of it*

ver is in sleep dep mode...

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:16am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
ROFL, WTF, and Postcount +1!!!

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:18am
by Boba Fett

I'm never going to reach that amount...

Congratulation dude! :lol:

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:18am
by Frank Hipper
Wierd the three of US posted one after another.+1

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:28am
by haas mark
Frank Hipper wrote:Wierd the three of US posted one after another.+1
Not particularly. We're all insomniacs....? Come to think of it... I do believe I've bitten both of you at some point or another...

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:33am
by Frank Hipper
verilon wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote:Wierd the three of US posted one after another.+1
Not particularly. We're all insomniacs....? Come to think of it... I do believe I've bitten both of you at some point or another...
So THAT's what happened. :shock:

Actually I sleep just fine, it's normally from 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. is all.

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:33am
by Robert Treder
I don't get it.

Posted: 2003-01-23 03:49am
by haas mark
Frank Hipper wrote:
verilon wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote:Wierd the three of US posted one after another.+1
Not particularly. We're all insomniacs....? Come to think of it... I do believe I've bitten both of you at some point or another...
So THAT's what happened. :shock:

Actually I sleep just fine, it's normally from 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. is all.
700 am to 3-4 pm here. :)

Treder: Ask Captain_Cyran

Posted: 2003-01-23 04:01am
by Dalton asshole :)
