Posted: 2002-08-08 11:04pm
Bad spelling and Pokemon. I have the intense desire to run an ip check. All mods lend me a hand.
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
What do you want to know? I'm an idiot from California. Currently a sophomore in college, so I know about didly. I'm not very interesting.David wrote:Bad spelling and Pokemon. I have the intense desire to run an ip check. All mods lend me a hand.
::blink:: What'd I do? ::blink::Mr Bean wrote:Oh now you've done it..
Quick look away!
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stir up trouble for people.Mr Bean wrote:Wew False Alarm Anarchist Bunny is not logged in anymore he missed your message asking for a dumber picture
False Alarm back to work everyone!
::blink blink double blink:: Eh? Ooooooh.David wrote:I was wondering if you were a banned user come back to haunt us. Village Idiot is a title we give to people that are annoying.
Hey! Why am I getting blame for this? Do I look like I posses some psycho-kinetic powers that allowed me to control your will? I think not! You and only you are responsible for caving in and finally joining this board. Don't try shoving the responsibility to me. I refuse to accept it!Tanith wrote:Yes, I signed up here too. I suppose I can blame that on you, ne?
I don't have a gif of Mr. Bean in his underwear. Do you happen to have one or know of where I can get this?anarchistbunny wrote:*ponders* I wonder if villiage idiot could put the Mr. Bean in his underwear gif as his avatar.
Oh, but Mr. Bean, how would I be living up to my Villiage Idiot reputation if I don't?Mr Bean wrote:Do and you shall be struck down for all time like the fools before you who dared challenged me
Be warned...
he got you there mr. beam, besides, it seems he want to do it in the spirit of fun anyway. afterall he did say he need to live up to to his village idiot title.
Yes, all in the name of fun! Long live understanding!starfury wrote:he got you there mr. beam, besides, it seems he want to do it in the spirit of fun anyway. afterall he did say he need to live up to to his village idiot title.
As a Villiage Idiot, understanding is not part of my vocabulary. So, to answer your question, no, we don't have an understanding. Further more, my stupidity would not allow me to comprehend the value of my own life, which defeats the purpose of a bodily threat. Wait, or is that the display of insanity instead?Captain_Cyran wrote:If I see that picture of Mr. Bean again....I am going to hunt you down, pull your spleen out through your pores, and then tear off your arms and beat you with the bloody we have an understanding?