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quick computer advice - urgent.

Posted: 2003-01-23 08:29am
by Colonel Olrik
I'm buying a new laptop, part of a deal between me and my mother (she want's one, so she'll have mine and I'll get a new one, because my needs are greater :twisted: )

It must be 2000 $ maximum. don't talk about computers in the U.S, because in Europe they're more expensive.

I'm undecided between these two:

Toshiba Satellite 1900-305

Intel Pentium IV a 2.4 GHz
Front Side Bus : 400 MHz
2nd level cache : 512 KB

memory DDR RAM 512 MB expansível a 1,024 MB
HD S.M.A.R.T. 30 GB

Unit combo CDRW/DVD.
CD-ROM 24x
CD-R 8x
CD-RW 8x
DVD 8x

internal unit 3.5" .44 MB

graphic system ATI MOBILITY RADEON de 32MB DDR Video RAM a 64 bit

Ecrã TFT LCD 15.0" 1,024 x 768 a 16.7 million colors

Batery Ions-Litio:
3 hours

Interfaces bla bla are the same.



INTEL Pentium 4 2.4
HDD 2.5 UDMA100
FDD 3.5

Hd 30 GB

ECRAN TFT 15", 1400X1050, 1024X768 TRUE COLOR, CRT MAX 2048X1530



Basically, between more memory and a better graphic card, what should I choose? :(

Posted: 2003-01-23 08:34am
by Vympel
256MB RAM is anemic. Get more. Quality Graphics card on a laptop? Waste of time if you ask me- high end games and such are for desktops, IMO.

Posted: 2003-01-23 08:38am
by Boba Fett
I'd buy the second one...

But it depends on what you want to do with this laptop and what OS will you use?

Ps: Both laptop is equipped with 266 Mhz RAMs?

Posted: 2003-01-23 08:45am
by Mr Bean
The Radeon 9000 on the Laptop is acutaly pretty damn close to the Desktop 9000(Meaning with that Proccesor speed everything currently out there is runable)

Posted: 2003-01-23 08:53am
by Colonel Olrik
Mr Bean wrote:The Radeon 9000 on the Laptop is acutaly pretty damn close to the Desktop 9000(Meaning with that Proccesor speed everything currently out there is runable)
So, you'd buy the second one? They're exactly the same price (2000$) and represent pretty much the two different solutions for that price.

I don't play a lot, but I do like to play. My work is basically done with Matlab and C++ and is resources heavy, since I do a lot of graphical applications. I'm a bit confused, right now. :?

Posted: 2003-01-23 08:55am
by Mr Bean
Let me point out somthing

You can upgrade Laptop memeory
You can't upgrade Laptop Video Cards(And where can you buy them even if you could?)

Go with the first one you can always up the memeory later
You can't up the Vid Card However...

Posted: 2003-01-23 08:59am
by Batman
What do you need it for?
Unless it's really graphics-intensive, the difference won't matter, and if it IS,
both are going to suck, only by varying degrees.
OTOH, there is no such thing as too much RAM.
Vympel's right-256 MB RAM is the bare minimum that's tolerable for today's
Also, consider how long you intend to keep it. Getting a replacement battery
for the Satellite in, say, two years time should be no big deal.
For the Clasus whatever, I'd not be so sure.
Same goes for drivers.
Service is a non-issue because chances are it's nonexistent in both cases.
And that battery endurance is a lie.

EDIT: I guess that what I get for taking freaking forever to post.
WRT Bean's posts, disregard the graphics point. I didn't know that.

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:10am
by Colonel Olrik
Batman wrote:What do you need it for?
Unless it's really graphics-intensive, the difference won't matter, and if it IS,
both are going to suck, only by varying degrees.
Really, to do what I already do with my current one ( a P3 900, with 256 MB ram and a Geforce 2 16MB). I do research and program with Matlab 6.5, and its graphical interface tax the resources. And I like to play an ocasional game.
OTOH, there is no such thing as too much RAM.
Vympel's right-256 MB RAM is the bare minimum that's tolerable for today's

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:21am
by Batman
Colonel Olrik wrote:
Batman wrote:What do you need it for?
Unless it's really graphics-intensive, the difference won't matter, and if it IS,
both are going to suck, only by varying degrees.
Really, to do what I already do with my current one ( a P3 900, with 256 MB ram and a Geforce 2 16MB). I do research and program with Matlab 6.5, and its graphical interface tax the resources. And I like to play an ocasional game.
As the edit said, disregard the graphics issue. I didn't know NB chipsets had advanced that much.
Although the Satellite should still be able to hande anything but a FPS.
Depends on what you play, I guess.

A 16meg Geforce2? I thought I was behind times :lol:

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:24am
by Colonel Olrik
Batman wrote:
Colonel Olrik wrote:
Batman wrote:What do you need it for?
Unless it's really graphics-intensive, the difference won't matter, and if it IS,
both are going to suck, only by varying degrees.
Really, to do what I already do with my current one ( a P3 900, with 256 MB ram and a Geforce 2 16MB). I do research and program with Matlab 6.5, and its graphical interface tax the resources. And I like to play an ocasional game.
As the edit said, disregard the graphics issue. I didn't know NB chipsets had advanced that much.
Although the Satellite should still be able to hande anything but a FPS.
Depends on what you play, I guess.

A 16meg Geforce2? I thought I was behind times :lol:
Just to take that grin out of your face, here are the specs of one of my home computers :twisted:

P4 2.7 GHz

1024 GB RAM

Geforce 4 128 MB


Posted: 2003-01-23 09:32am
by Mr Bean
Just to reterate the point, You CAN upgrade the Memeory Olrik
You CAN'T upgrade the Video Card.....

Depends on how long you want this laptop

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:37am
by Colonel Olrik
Mr Bean wrote:Just to reterate the point, You CAN upgrade the Memeory Olrik
You CAN'T upgrade the Video Card.....

Depends on how long you want this laptop
Yes, considering what you've said I'm now tending towards the video card. I think I'll buy that one.

I'll just have to spend some bucks later in another 256MB of RAM set. Or perhaps even now, if I can get a decent price.

I don't want to change laptops anually, it doesn't make much sense. My current one has an year and a half, and I'm only changing it at my mothers idea (because she wants one), I didn't actually need to do it.

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:38am
by Boba Fett
Mr Bean wrote:Let me point out somthing

You can upgrade Laptop memeory
You can't upgrade Laptop Video Cards(And where can you buy them even if you could?)

Go with the first one you can always up the memeory later
You can't up the Vid Card However...
You mean the second one?

Edit: Sorry I misunderstand it!

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:39am
by Batman
Colonel Olrik wrote:
Just to take that grin out of your face, here are the specs of one of my home computers :twisted:

P4 2.7 GHz

1024 GB RAM

Geforce 4 128 MB

Pfff.Everybody can brag with a high end PC.

My other PC is a

Intel 486/Dx2 66
32 MB PS/2 RAM
512 MB harddrive
512 K something-or-other VESA graphics card

running IBM DOS 7.

Bottom that :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:41am
by Boba Fett
Batman wrote:
Colonel Olrik wrote:
Just to take that grin out of your face, here are the specs of one of my home computers :twisted:

P4 2.7 GHz

1024 GB RAM

Geforce 4 128 MB

Pfff.Everybody can brag with a high end PC.

My other PC is a

Intel 486/Dx2 66
32 MB PS/2 RAM
512 MB harddrive
512 K something-or-other VESA graphics card

running IBM DOS 7.

Bottom that :twisted:

Do you want to sell it? I'm collecting antique reliquvias from the past!

It will fit nicely beside my 386... :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:42am
by Boba Fett
Boba Fett wrote:
Batman wrote:
Colonel Olrik wrote:
Just to take that grin out of your face, here are the specs of one of my home computers :twisted:

P4 2.7 GHz

1024 GB RAM

Geforce 4 128 MB

Pfff.Everybody can brag with a high end PC.

My other PC is a

Intel 486/Dx2 66
32 MB PS/2 RAM
512 MB harddrive
512 K something-or-other VESA graphics card

running IBM DOS 7.

Bottom that :twisted:

Do you want to sell it? I'm collecting antique relics from the past!

It will fit nicely beside my 386... :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:50am
by Colonel Olrik
I'm pretty sure I still can put my Commodore 64 working.

Posted: 2003-01-23 09:54am
by Batman
And to get back on topic, Bean's right, of course, you can always up RAM.
Though unless you intend to keep the system only a year or so, or the graphics issue is critcal,
I'd still go with the Toshiba because of support continuity.

Posted: 2003-01-23 10:02am
by Zoink
Batman wrote: My other PC is a

Intel 486/Dx2 66
32 MB PS/2 RAM
512 MB harddrive
512 K something-or-other VESA graphics card

running IBM DOS 7.

Bottom that :twisted:

My other computer:

286, 8mhz
640k RAM
10 MB HD.
5.25" Floppy

... ok so maybe I don't use it that much lately, but it used to run AutoCAD v2 and Spyhunter really well :)

Posted: 2003-01-23 10:11am
by Batman
Zoink wrote:

My other computer:

286, 8mhz
640k RAM
10 MB HD.
5.25" Floppy

... ok so maybe I don't use it that much lately, but it used to run AutoCAD v2 and Spyhunter really well :)
If it's still up and running, it counts.
Blasted.Worsted again :x

Olrik-that means your CBM64 doesn't until it is :twisted:

Why do you people keep those antiques? :D

Posted: 2003-01-23 10:12am
by Mr Bean
286, 8mhz
640k RAM
10 MB HD.
5.25" Floppy

... ok so maybe I don't use it that much lately, but it used to run AutoCAD v2 and Spyhunter really well
I still have an old Intel 8088 based computer somewhere around here...

Posted: 2003-01-23 10:32am
by Crazy_Vasey
Colonel Olrik wrote:I'm pretty sure I still can put my Commodore 64 working.
Mine still works as well as the day I bought it. Those things are indestructible.

Posted: 2003-01-23 12:00pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Colonel Olrik wrote:I'm pretty sure I still can put my Commodore 64 working.
My C-64 still works, but a lot of the floppies no longer read properly.

Does one of these laptops have a slower hard drive? ( 4200 vs. 5400 rpm )

Posted: 2003-01-23 12:00pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Colonel Olrik wrote:I'm pretty sure I still can put my Commodore 64 working.
My C-64 still works, but a lot of the floppies no longer read properly.

Does one of these laptops have a slower hard drive? ( 4200 vs. 5400 rpm )

Posted: 2003-01-23 12:04pm
by XaLEv
Colonel Olrik wrote:1024 GB RAM
You sure about that?