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Microsoft to buy Vivendi Universal?
Posted: 2003-01-24 09:24am
by Xon
If you havent seen it, there are rumors floating around about Microsoft planning tobuy/has bought Vivendi Universal games unit.
Vivendi Universal owns both Serria & Blizzard.
What type of impact, if this rumor is in fact true, would this have on the PC & console gaming markets?
Link on, has a bunch of other links too.
Posted: 2003-01-24 10:19am
by blkmage
Well games that were gonna be multiplatform may not be... Of course that also means they might turn into PC ports as well...
Posted: 2003-01-24 10:31am
by Mr Bean
More money for Mod makers pretty much sums it up
Whem MS buys a company now-adays they stay back from general day to day things and instead fling cash at the Devoplers....
Posted: 2003-01-24 01:24pm
by DPDarkPrimus
You have no idea how much bullshit I have to discredit on sites with Nintendorks bitching about this.
Blizzard would not stop making PC games if Microsoft bought them. Also, Microsoft didn't make Rare cancel Perfect Dark Zero for the GC. Why can't they get that through their little skulls?
Posted: 2003-01-24 04:44pm
by Tatterdemalion
Could've been worse, they could've been bought by EA. I've never really had enough experience with microsofts gaming arm to comment on them, only real negative point I can see here is that they'll probably end up adding a few more x-box exclusives to their list, to the detriment of PCers like me.
edit: Of course Blizzard ain't gonna stop making PC games, I mean, what kind of retards would Microsoft have to be to think that and RTS would make more money on a console than on a PC.
Posted: 2003-01-24 11:33pm
by Pu-239
Oh fuck.
Fortunately I don't like blizzard games, and HW/HW:C is made by Relic/Barking Dog Studios, so they can just find another publisher. Then again that would probably be EA, so

. I hate EA and their annoying copy protection shit.