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Possible ways to screw up Deathly hallows film (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2007-07-22 10:32am
by ray245
Now that the last book is out, what thing do you think the film makers has screwed up in the plot? And how would their editing and cutting end up making HBP and DH to be...well bad?


One thing I can think of is, the part where they think Dobby isn't going to be too important and decide to cut his role in the previous two films, which I think is just going to confuse the movie-only audience in the last film.

Another thing will be Bill weasly, given that they have cut him out so much...that it may seem weird for the HBP film to include him back in...

All I can hope is the movie can stay true in the last book especially...given how many awesome parts it has.

Changed your title to fit in a spoilers tag so your thread was adequately labelled.


Posted: 2007-07-22 12:08pm
by ray245
Another thing would be Snape worst menory which they cut out a bit...

NOT because of James taunting snape, but something that happen to Lily and him in the memory.

Posted: 2007-07-22 01:32pm
by JLTucker
This is the film I believe WB should stick to the first plan they had with GoF: create two films and release them close together. I would prefer they just create one long ass movie.

There is so much important shit in this book and I know they will leave a lot of it out. They will probably cut down The Prince's Tale, get rid of Dobby and Mundungus, and Kreacher will probably have a short role like in OoTP. They may also drop the entire Malfoy storyline, even though Narcissa helps Harry. I have low expectations for the movie.

Posted: 2007-07-22 03:11pm
by Gustav32Vasa
JLTucker wrote:This is the film I believe WB should stick to the first plan they had with GoF: create two films and release them close together. I would prefer they just create one long ass movie.

There is so much important shit in this book and I know they will leave a lot of it out. They will probably cut down The Prince's Tale, get rid of Dobby and Mundungus, and Kreacher will probably have a short role like in OoTP. They may also drop the entire Malfoy storyline, even though Narcissa helps Harry. I have low expectations for the movie.
They cant drop the Malfoy mission or else Harry dies in Deathly Hallows.

Posted: 2007-07-22 03:19pm
by JLTucker
Gustav32Vasa wrote:They cant drop the Malfoy mission or else Harry dies in Deathly Hallows.
Yeah. I did not think of that.

Posted: 2007-07-22 05:06pm
by Lost Soal
I think a big problem is going to be Mundungus. They haven't even mentioned his name much less his actions as athief, and now he's the one who is used to suggest the multiple potters as well as stealing the Horcrux and giving it to Umbridge. You need his lead up from the previous books to stop him being an unexplained tacked on addition.

Posted: 2007-07-22 05:56pm
by JLTucker
Siruis' mirror was also left out of the fifth film, which was quite stupid, seeing as how it plays a role in the the Deathly Hallows (Rowling does speak with the screenwriters about the future books) and that it could give the audience a small hope that Harry would be able to speak with Sirius.

How much trouble could it have been for Sirius to give Harry the package when he was explaining the Black family tree? How much trouble could it have been to show Harry using the mirror after Siruis dies? It would not even have taken six minutes to show this on screen.

Posted: 2007-07-22 06:10pm
by Zaia
JLTucker wrote:How much trouble could it have been for Sirius to give Harry the package when he was explaining the Black family tree? How much trouble could it have been to show Harry using the mirror after Siruis dies? It would not even have taken six minutes to show this on screen.
The problem is that there are easily at least a half a dozen instances I can think of off the top of my head where I've thought the same "It would've only taken a couple of minutes to include that! Why didn't they?" and they all add up.

Posted: 2007-07-22 07:45pm
by Lost Soal
Their decision to get "creative" in Order creates a hole as well. In The Deathly Hallows, no supporters of Voldemorte are able to enter the Room of Requirement due to Neviles choice of words when he called on it thus creating a safe haven, unfortunately in movie land, you can enter simply by blowing the wall open which is what would have happened were it possible.

Posted: 2007-07-22 07:57pm
by Temjin
Lost Soal wrote:Their decision to get "creative" in Order creates a hole as well. In The Deathly Hallows, no supporters of Voldemorte are able to enter the Room of Requirement due to Neviles choice of words when he called on it thus creating a safe haven, unfortunately in movie land, you can enter simply by blowing the wall open which is what would have happened were it possible.
Well, that doesn't really matter, since I can easily picture the Room of Requirement out of the film. Hell, I bet that the trio will instead enter from below the Whomping Willow to get to the castle. There will be no mention of Neville leading the resistance, and Harry will instead kill Nagini. Throughout, Neville will continue being comic relief.

Posted: 2007-07-22 08:13pm
by Gustav32Vasa
Temjin wrote:
Lost Soal wrote: Well, that doesn't really matter, since I can easily picture the Room of Requirement out of the film. Hell, I bet that the trio will instead enter from below the Whomping Willow to get to the castle. There will be no mention of Neville leading the resistance, and Harry will instead kill Nagini. Throughout, Neville will continue being comic relief.
How will they evacute the students then? During the first battle Voldemort is in the shack.

Posted: 2007-07-22 08:37pm
by Temjin
Gustav32Vasa wrote:How will they evacute the students then? During the first battle Voldemort is in the shack.
Through a different secret passage. There won't be any mention of the shrieking shack at all.

Posted: 2007-07-23 01:02am
by Guardsman Bass
I would guess that they would

A)Cut back severely on the lead-up to the wedding, including Scrimgeour's visit;

B)Cut back on the time they spent in Grimmauld Place;

C)Cut back severely on what we learn about Dumbledore's past and his involvement with the Deathly Hallows, and with Grindelwald.

Among other things, so that instead of Harry being lost in the wilderness struggling to figure out what to do, he'll probably go straight to Godric's Hollow, find the trap, then get captured and taken to the Malfoy's, then escape to Bill's, then meet Griphook, then know exactly what to do, then go to Hogwarts. It's kind of depressing to think about, but then you can't have everything.

Posted: 2007-07-23 11:43am
by General Soontir Fel
Guardsman Bass wrote:Among other things, so that instead of Harry being lost in the wilderness struggling to figure out what to do, he'll probably go straight to Godric's Hollow, find the trap, then get captured and taken to the Malfoy's, then escape to Bill's, then meet Griphook, then know exactly what to do, then go to Hogwarts. It's kind of depressing to think about, but then you can't have everything.
So they're going to cut the Luna subplot, Ron's leaving and coming back, and the persecution of Muggle-borns by the Ministry? Wow...

I think HP would work better as a TV show, actually. That way, there'd be plenty of time to cover all the plot points.

Posted: 2007-07-23 04:58pm
by Hitch Hiker
Hang on, if they (the move industries) could make the LoTR trilogy be however many years long it is and the last King Kong film 3 hours ill never get back =( surely they could just keep alot of the important subplots in.
Theres no Qudditch for them to worry about spending budget and time on. Perhaps they could cut down the amount of time Harry and co wander around lovely countryside.
Also what of the ghosts of Hogwarts? i havent seen them feature much and considering the ghost of Ravenclaw is pretty significant?
But in all surely its possible to make a film thats true to the book?

Posted: 2007-07-23 06:01pm
by Jadeite
If anything in the book gets cut for time, it'll be the 200 or so pages of "Let's wander around the countryside with a meaner version of the One Ring."

Posted: 2007-07-25 12:22am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Hitch Hiker wrote:Theres no Qudditch for them to worry about spending budget and time on.
Instead there's the Battle of Hogwarts, which will probably be a positive nightmare in terms of planing, shooting, and effects. Expect to see money practically burn on-screen.

Posted: 2007-07-25 10:35am
by CaptJodan
Spanky The Dolphin wrote: Instead there's the Battle of Hogwarts, which will probably be a positive nightmare in terms of planing, shooting, and effects. Expect to see money practically burn on-screen.
They'll probably pull something akin to what they did in OotP with that, and just kind of give you a quick rounding of the general battle, then stick to Harry's perspective and cover little bits.

I can't see them cutting out Dolby. It's a relatively major death, and his inclusion was vital for getting away from the Malfoys.

Being the last movie, I don't see what they really have to lose for a 3 hour movie. It's not like it hasn't been enough of a cash cow.

Cutting a lot on Dumbledore's past is a must. I figure they'll also cut a little into Snape's. They'll show enough flashbacks for you to get the jist, but because Rowling went for a while on the love angle of Lilly, that could be summed up in only 1 or 2 flashbacks instead of how many we got. The important ones with Dumbledore will be there, though. Kreatcher's tale will be shortened, but I can't see how they can take it out, especially since Rowling wanted him in there in the 5th movie because of his important role in the 7th book (though I think the house elves could be cut out completely at that point except for Dolby. We never get the impression in the movies that House Elves are even at Hogwarts, so an army of House Elves at the end coming out of nowhere would be odd for those who don't know, and it wasn't like the battle wasn't being carried by the Centaurs, Giants and survivors anyway).

They'll cut Percy completely. He might be there at the fight, but won't likely have the family reunion or even the dreaded sense of loss at Fred. And I agree that Bill will be a challenge for them. Bill was, as far as I know, never shown, and Fleur was barely there even in 4. They may change Bill's safehouse into Lupin's safehouse. Cover the child angle while they're there, but then leave them pretty much out of further scenes until Harry leaves.
Well, that doesn't really matter, since I can easily picture the Room of Requirement out of the film.
That's hard to do. The room is too important with how Malfoy lets the death eaters into the castle and where Harry hides the Prince's book in book 6, and leads to one of the last horocruxes in book 7. Are you really going to use different passages for all of this?

I also don't agree with Neville. You can clearly see him starting to form into a fighter in movie 5, and I think they are setting up his ability to take out Nagini. He may or may not be listed as the leader of the resistence, but he will likely be the one who deals the blow to the snake.

Either that, or they decide to use Neville to kill Bela instead of Mrs. Weasley.

Posted: 2007-07-25 11:43am
by General Soontir Fel
CaptJodan wrote:They'll cut Percy completely. He might be there at the fight, but won't likely have the family reunion or even the dreaded sense of loss at Fred.
I doubt. They made sure to show him at Fudge's side in OotP, and the only reason I can think of is that Rowling told them it's important for DH.

Posted: 2007-07-25 01:35pm
by CaptJodan
General_Soontir_Fel wrote: I doubt. They made sure to show him at Fudge's side in OotP, and the only reason I can think of is that Rowling told them it's important for DH.
But equally he had zero lines and hasn't really had a line that I can remember since the first book. As far as I know the movies have never introduced him as even being part of the Weasley family. As I said, he might be there in the background, but I don't think they'll attach him to the Weasleys because they have never done so.

Posted: 2007-07-27 03:20am
by Justforfun000
Either that, or they decide to use Neville to kill Bela instead of Mrs. Weasley.
I'd be FURIOUS if they did that. I wanted to erupt in a cheer of "GO Molly" when she got that fucking bitch. Oh I loathed her intensely when she was using the Cruciatus Curse on Hermione. I had to resist an urge to throw the book against the wall.

Funny how good writing can wring emotion out of you. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2007-07-27 12:39pm
by chitoryu12
Justforfun000 wrote:
Either that, or they decide to use Neville to kill Bela instead of Mrs. Weasley.
I'd be FURIOUS if they did that. I wanted to erupt in a cheer of "GO Molly" when she got that fucking bitch. Oh I loathed her intensely when she was using the Cruciatus Curse on Hermione. I had to resist an urge to throw the book against the wall.

Funny how good writing can wring emotion out of you. :mrgreen:
Meh. I've got more of a soft spot for Luna. Hermione is too uptight and narrow-minded. That, and I've always liked blondes.

Posted: 2007-07-27 01:10pm
by Non Catenatum
Justforfun000 wrote:
Either that, or they decide to use Neville to kill Bela instead of Mrs. Weasley.
I'd be FURIOUS if they did that. I wanted to erupt in a cheer of "GO Molly" when she got that fucking bitch. Oh I loathed her intensely when she was using the Cruciatus Curse on Hermione. I had to resist an urge to throw the book against the wall.

Funny how good writing can wring emotion out of you. :mrgreen:
I think Mrs. Weasley is a better choice, but Justforfun000 has a good point. Neville would have every reason to kill Bellatrix, and it'd be exactly the kind of "avenge his parents" ending that a movie would want.

Posted: 2007-07-27 10:37pm
by ray245
Although....maybe bellatrix is the one that kills fred?