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Can you crack your neck?

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:47pm
by HemlockGrey
I's sorta scary...

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:51pm
by Admiral Valdemar
No, I had a bad encounter once when a mate did it and chipped one of his vertebrae I believe. He wasn't getting his calcium I guess.

It's generally not a good idea to do such a thing, cracking knuckles won't give you arthritis as parents may say, but it will compromise bone structure in later life and buggerthe joints up a bit (cartilage probably).

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:56pm
by Tsyroc
I can. Sometimes just but turning it the right way but most of the time I'd have to use a hand or two for a little extra twisting action. :)

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:56pm
by aerius
Yes, but that's because I almost broke my neck in a biking accident and messed up a couple discs among other things. I couldn't crack my neck before but now I can make the most disgusting cracking noises which is great for grossing out girls.

Edit: I can also crack my left wrist at will, but that's cause I broke a bone in my wrist and went around doing stuff for a week thinking it was just a bad sprain. The bone didn't knit together quite right and I've been able to crack my wrist ever since.

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:59pm
by The Dark
I do sometimes, just because pressure builds up within the joints. Usually it's no problem, but sometimes it just aches (usually when temperature or humidity changes suddenly), and popping the neck releases the pressure differential. I can also pop all my fingers in two places, my wrists, my elbows, and my knees. Occasionally my toes and my ankles, but those rarely.

Posted: 2003-01-25 10:59pm
by Admiral Valdemar
aerius wrote:Yes, but that's because I almost broke my neck in a biking accident and messed up a couple discs among other things. I couldn't crack my neck before but now I can make the most disgusting cracking noises which is great for grossing out girls.
Lol, I bow to your superior girl grossing out techniques.

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:07pm
by Kelly Antilles
neck, fingers, elbows, knees and big toes. That last one is a BITCH when you're trying to sneak up on someone or walk quietly.

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:09pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Kelly Antilles wrote:neck, fingers, elbows, knees and big toes. That last one is a BITCH when you're trying to sneak up on someone or walk quietly.
*Imagines Kelly trying to tip-toe upto someone and then all her joints unfasten leaving a jumble of Kelly on the floor*

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:22pm
by Gandalf
I can crack my neck by reaching my right arm around the back of my head and grabbing my chin and pulling counter clockwise.

I can crack my wrists by doing little more than moving them.

I've freaked out a lot of people by doing these.

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:23pm
by Sea Skimmer
I've never tied, and I don't see a point to it. Cracking various joints increase the risk and severity of arthritis later in life.

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:28pm
by Joe
First thing I do every morning is let loose several very satisfying cracks, from my neck and my knuckles. They've been relaxing for hours and they crack easily. Great way to start the day. :D

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:47pm
by Exonerate
I can by twisting my neck/backbone side to side.

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:52pm
by Shinova
I can sometimes crack my neck twisting it side to side.

I can also crack my fingers, but only once in a while. Also can crack my toes.

I sometimes crack my knee, but that hurts most of the time.

And lastly, I've cracked the joint between my upper leg and my hip a few times. Sometimes hurts.

Posted: 2003-01-25 11:56pm
by beyond hope
I can crack my neck, my back (which tends to pop in several spots at once,) my knuckles and the next joints up on my fingers, my thumbs, and every toe except my big toes (oddly enough.)

Posted: 2003-01-26 12:01am
by Kelly Antilles
Shinova wrote: And lastly, I've cracked the joint between my upper leg and my hip a few times. Sometimes hurts.
Ah yes, but sometimes it hurts worse when you DON'T pop that joint.

My age and the fact I was active when I was young contributes to my joints popping all the time.

Posted: 2003-01-26 12:26am
by LT.Hit-Man
I can crack all of my joints save for the right shoulder that has been pinned up due to it dislocating all the damm time.

When people say that I'm going to peices there not kidding. :?

Posted: 2003-01-26 12:26am
by Keevan_Colton
After I took up sword fighting I discovered that almost all my joints pop.....first thing in the morning I sound like a Rice Crispies commercial.....

Posted: 2003-01-26 01:39am
by weemadando
Yes, along with nearly every other joint in my body.

Posted: 2003-01-26 01:48am
by Joe
I used to be able to pop some bone in my chest. I don't know what it was, but I could hear and feel a grating noise around the middle of my chest.

Posted: 2003-01-26 02:09am
by Shinova
Durran Korr wrote:I used to be able to pop some bone in my chest. I don't know what it was, but I could hear and feel a grating noise around the middle of my chest.
Just make sure you don't accidentally slice open your heart or something :D

Posted: 2003-01-26 03:16am
by RedImperator
Can't do it, no particular inclination to try. The sound sends chills down my spine when I hear someone else do it.

I can, however, make the joints in my hands pop by making a fist and squeezing it. It's part of my anger management technique (breathe in, breathe out, pop hands, count to ten, say "DON'T stub your cigarette out in this asshat's eye", etc.)

Posted: 2003-01-26 03:36am
by The Yosemite Bear
me, it's the ankles, I pop and crack them all the time,

Posted: 2003-01-26 03:42am
by Hyperion
Well, I've been told by some of the little kids in the neighborhood that I sound like their grandparents when I stand up after sitting a while...

Yes, I can and do crack my neck, the movement is kinda wonky if I don't sometimes. I do it by taking a hand and pushing to each side.

My knees crack, so do the ankles, hips, and elbows (all of them are double jointed, and one knee and ankle are damaged. Knee has scar tissue under the kneecap from an unprovoked dog attack, and the ankle was broken last fall)

Obviously I also crack my fingers, they don't work when it's cold unless I crack them... The big toes also crack once in a while, but the noise is generally drowned out by the snapping and popping of my ankles... (after a few minutes of walking I can actually sneak up on someone, but before that time, I can be heard from a mile away)

Posted: 2003-01-26 11:35am
by Tsyroc
Okay here's a different one that I'm sure I'll regret mentioning.

I can pop my coccyx by cleanching my butt cheeks really hard while standing up. :)

Posted: 2003-01-26 11:53am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Tsyroc wrote:Okay here's a different one that I'm sure I'll regret mentioning.

I can pop my coccyx by cleanching my butt cheeks really hard while standing up. :)

Buns of Crunchy Steel!!!!™

As for me, I can't crack a damn joint in my body if I tried, but sometimes it happens randomly on its own.