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Star Wars RPG: D6 or d20?

Posted: 2003-01-27 04:09pm
by ReinnResauq
If this topic has been used before in the forum, please forgive me.

Which do you think is better, WEG's D6 or WotC's d20 version of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game? My vote is for d20. It has its flaws, but I like that the system is more applicable to a wider range of options. It's almost trivially easy to incorporate things from AD&D or d20 Modern into it (and those two games pretty much cover everything, AD&D has the past, d20 Modern has the present, Star Wars has the future).

I really don't like the system of applying damage in D6, neither do I like the probabilities involved. Most d20 odds can be calculated in your head, since they only involve at most three or four die.

I do have to admit, though, my experience with D6 is limited since the only product I have is the first edition book made in 1987 that I found for $3 at an old gaming store.

Posted: 2003-01-27 04:28pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I prefered D6. WEG seemed to put a lot more artistic care and literary effort into their books then WOTC appear to. I actually like to simply look at and read WEG books, while WOTC just seems to put in too much flash and not enough actual quality.

And I liked it that not every WEG book cost $30 USD, unlike WOTC. They don't have to make virtually every single book full colour with glossy pages...

Posted: 2003-01-27 04:40pm
by Stravo
I had far more fun playing D6 then I did in the few times I tried D20. The WEG games were more like SW, free flowing and fun with rules sometimes done on the fly and a combat system that made things simple yet with enough rules to make it seem like there was structure there.

Posted: 2003-01-27 06:07pm
by ReinnResauq
I thought the combat system was the biggest weakness of D6, since it was so much more abstract. It didn't work as well for a generation like mine that grew up with hard numbers via video games.

D6, though, most defininately caught the feel of the original trilogy far better. d20 is rarely played during the Rebellion era since it seems to work far better when the players have more resources available to them. d20 catches the shiny feel of the prequel movies.

As for the price, well, that's what the Half-Price Bookstore is for.

Posted: 2003-01-27 07:41pm
by Enforcer Talen
I like d20 tons more. the system is easier and much more fast paced.

Posted: 2003-01-27 09:35pm
by Alyrium Denryle

reason #1 I have not played d6

reason #2 I have sold my soul to wizards of the coast in exchange for the ability to quickly memorize the books :D

Posted: 2003-01-27 09:37pm
by ReinnResauq
Alyrium Denryle wrote:D20

reason #1 I have not played d6

reason #2 I have sold my soul to wizards of the coast in exchange for the ability to quickly memorize the books :D
Wouldn't be the first time someone sold their soul to a Seattle company.

Posted: 2003-01-27 09:38pm
by The Dark
I'm waiting for Dream Pod 9's Mecha Compendium to come out with conversions from D20 to Silhouette. Then I'll have fun :twisted:.

I prefer the D6 books overall, because they reflect the feel of the setting better. I also liked the sourcebooks from the old novels (the Han Solo Trilogy comes to mind), and the fact that the books were actually affordable and they didn't replace the main rulebook every year. I only keep the D20 ones so I can convert them to Sil. I've basically given up on WotC. I still use AD&D2e rather than play that 3e crap.

Re: Star Wars RPG: D6 or d20?

Posted: 2003-01-27 09:41pm
by Keevan_Colton
ReinnResauq wrote:If this topic has been used before in the forum, please forgive me.

Which do you think is better, WEG's D6 or WotC's d20 version of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game? My vote is for d20. It has its flaws, but I like that the system is more applicable to a wider range of options. It's almost trivially easy to incorporate things from AD&D or d20 Modern into it (and those two games pretty much cover everything, AD&D has the past, d20 Modern has the present, Star Wars has the future).

I really don't like the system of applying damage in D6, neither do I like the probabilities involved. Most d20 odds can be calculated in your head, since they only involve at most three or four die.

I do have to admit, though, my experience with D6 is limited since the only product I have is the first edition book made in 1987 that I found for $3 at an old gaming store.
I prefered the WEG stuff....WotC just use pretty much the same bleedin' system for everything......personally I see no need to pull AD&D into SW''ve deep seated gripes with hasbro...THEY KILLED XCOM!

Posted: 2003-01-27 09:43pm
by Alyrium Denryle
little do they know that, should by some odd and terrible(and yet at the same time wonderful) chain of events leads me to gaining spellcasting capability(say...the laws of physics and logic flip upside down and inside out) I have a redy supply of souls(yes I collected a couple) with which to bargain with summoned demons :twisted:

I can dream cant I? I would so abuse that power :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-27 09:58pm
by Keevan_Colton
Alyrium Denryle wrote:little do they know that, should by some odd and terrible(and yet at the same time wonderful) chain of events leads me to gaining spellcasting capability(say...the laws of physics and logic flip upside down and inside out) I have a redy supply of souls(yes I collected a couple) with which to bargain with summoned demons :twisted:

I can dream cant I? I would so abuse that power :twisted:
Power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Corruption can be fun.
Absolute corruption.... :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-27 10:01pm
by Alyrium Denryle
The thought of being able to bend the universe to my whims not only makes me drool, but turns me on as sick as that is :D

Can you imagine the orgasm you would have with that kind of power coursing through your blood?

Re: Star Wars RPG: D6 or d20?

Posted: 2003-01-27 10:04pm
by ReinnResauq
Keevan_Colton wrote:
I prefered the WEG stuff....WotC just use pretty much the same bleedin' system for everything......personally I see no need to pull AD&D into SW''ve deep seated gripes with hasbro...THEY KILLED XCOM!
WotC's preference for the system is well detailed on its page, the company feels that all of the conflicting systems out there are a pain in the ass to the players, so it searches for one easily modifiable system. There is no 'pretty much,' they do use the same system for every roleplaying game. In fact, anyone can use the system since it's an open license like Linux.

Because of the simple similarity between classic fantasy and Star Wars, it's a real time saver to simply translate other fantasy things into Star Wars. I mean, Star Wars and fantasy have the same base, right? Magic, a black knight, a rogue, an old wizard, and a princess.

BTW, My hatred for Philip Morris doesn't preclude me from buying Kraft Maccaroni and Cheese. A good product is a good product.

Re: Star Wars RPG: D6 or d20?

Posted: 2003-01-27 10:13pm
by The Dark
ReinnResauq wrote:WotC's preference for the system is well detailed on its page, the company feels that all of the conflicting systems out there are a pain in the ass to the players, so it searches for one easily modifiable system. There is no 'pretty much,' they do use the same system for every roleplaying game. In fact, anyone can use the system since it's an open license like Linux.<snip>
I wouldn't mind that so much if it was a good system, but quite frankly, it's mediocre. Characters go from "too weak to fight a flea" to "able to kill giants and has more hit points than a tank" in the span of a few levels (maybe 8-10 sessions of half-level RP), and it doesn't model modern combat well. Vehicles are confusing (albeit less so in the new SW rulebook), and some of the stats are just garbage. Basing maneuverability purely on size is such an asinine way of doing it, I nearly choked on a sandwich when I realized that was what they had done. It's decent, but too munchkiny for my tastes.

Posted: 2003-01-27 10:19pm
by consequences
WOTC can suck my nuts. WEG put out a better system, that suited Star Wars better. Different fucking game systems are half of the fun of serious gaming, so you aren't playing the same damned thing every week for the rest of their life. D20 has pretty much killed AD&D for me, so I switched to Hackmaster. If every damned book is half the same information, why the hell are they charging thirty bucks or more a pop for them? Also, they seem to thinkthat playing X-Wing computer gams constitutes serious research into SW cap-ship combat.

Posted: 2003-01-27 10:24pm
by Keevan_Colton
Thats just it....standardisation is a wonderful notion if you pick a good standard....and bloody awful if you dont.....

I prefer the more flexible and character driven rp styles like Whitewolf's where the real power lies in the hands of the person crafting the plot as it should.....

WEG's was far more enjoyable for SW's than the WotC's one.....

As for the paying for a good product.....people that really piss me off by canning good products (Xcom) and putting out mediocre repetitive crap at an extornionate price.....arent exactly working very hard at getting into my wallet.....

Posted: 2003-01-27 10:36pm
by ReinnResauq
As I said before, WEG's system suited the Rebellion era better. But for the past 3 years, that has not been the only canon era of Star Wars. Not to mention the playability of the New Republic Era.

The core game mechanic of d20 is a very viable product. It works quite well for most purposes because of the simplicity of the basic mechanic, I'd probably put it only below Gurps as a general use system. Of course, it's not like I've played gurps.

WEG's system, I found, was nowhere near as fun as WotC's. Part of the reason I play during the Old Republic is that d20 sucks for the Rebellion and WEG's system isn't as intuitive as d20.

I've paid full price for one non-MTG WotC product, the Star Wars Core Rulebook. Everything else I bought brand new for half price or less at the Wizard's store or at the halfprice bookstore. $40 for any book unless a really good computer game is included is too much.

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:18am
by CmdrWilkens
Having never played d6 and having some fun with the d20 system WOTC can still suck my nuts (though I will continue to buy the sourcebooks). My biggest gipe has to do with the fact that they conived Lucas into dropping Decipher as the maker for the CCG and its gone to shit. I mean they just compeltely abandoned the old game which was a LOT of fun. It was, actually, the only CCG I ever played and I enjoyed the hell out if it though I was probably the lousiest deck builder in existence.

Posted: 2003-01-28 01:21am
by ReinnResauq
CmdrWilkens wrote:Having never played d6 and having some fun with the d20 system WOTC can still suck my nuts (though I will continue to buy the sourcebooks). My biggest gipe has to do with the fact that they conived Lucas into dropping Decipher as the maker for the CCG and its gone to shit. I mean they just compeltely abandoned the old game which was a LOT of fun. It was, actually, the only CCG I ever played and I enjoyed the hell out if it though I was probably the lousiest deck builder in existence.
OH MY GOD THAT FUCKING PISSED ME OFF! I think I screamed/cried for twenty minutes when I found that out. The Star Wars CCG is fun and so is Magic, I don't want to mix them. Rephrase; I don't what to play Magic the Gathering with a Star Wars logo on it. When it comes to CCGs, a standard system sucks. Magic's gameplay works just for Magic. Don't know if anyone played Pokemon TCG, but it was identical to Magic without the great artistry.

Whoa, Hasbro is now the sole maker of Star Wars paraphenalia besides books...I'm not sure how I feel about that, that power is almost monopolistic.

Posted: 2003-01-28 01:24am
by Slartibartfast
I have played neither, but I have skimmed thru the texts of both. I think WEG is more elegant. Also WOTC's class-based system sucks ass. WTF were they thinking.

Levels suck also.

Posted: 2003-01-28 03:30am
by consequences
Level based systems can work and be fun, but it just doesn't feel right for SW. WEG had a system which gave me a feel for how tough a SW ship was without resorting to hit points, D20 just seemed to get everything wrong to me.

Posted: 2003-01-28 03:34am
by weemadando
Wizards of the Coast are the Jerry Bruckheimers of the RPG industry.

They make commercialised shit that for some strange reason the vast majority of morons love and knocks all the decent stuff off the shelf and into obscurity.

WotC must die. They shall be one of the targets when I save up enough money to buy a surplus bomber wing.

Posted: 2003-01-28 03:44am
by Utsanomiko
D6 all the way, even though I'm a big Forgotten Realms fan. Gotta love the damage and skill point system from WEG. And also since *everything* was just attribute dice rolled against difficulty numbers or other dice rolls (anyone care to explain how D20's THAC0 or armor class is supposed to be realistic? :? ), you could improvise virtually anything in seconds.

Wookie Smuggler: (to GM) "I'm going to bang this hydrospanner onto the bulkhead really hard and fast untill they guy cracks and gives in."

Game Master: "Um, ok... roll your Strength attribute of 4D+2 to see how loud and long you can do it. Oh, and it'll be against the guy's Willpower skill of 5D, but you get a +5 bonus for this situation."

Smuggler: "Cool. He starts banging it now." (rolls 4 dice) "...Fourteen, so that's twenty-one including pips and the situation bonus.

Game Master: (Rolls 5 dice) "Seventeen. He cracks after a couple of seconds."

Smuggler: "Yeah! The Wookie wins again!!"

Ahh, those were the days. :D

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:12pm
by Captain Kruger
I've never played the d20 so I can't really judge. For me, SW d6 is one of the best systems ever because of its simplicity. It's a paradise for GMs that like to tweak a game system to their needs because it's so bare-bones and easy to customize.

Overall though, I still have to give it up for Hero. Just a pure blast. :D
ReinnResauq wrote:Wouldn't be the first time someone sold their soul to a Seattle company.
And to think I almost went to work in Redmond. :shudder:

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:49pm
by Kelly Antilles

That is just the most WRONG thing in the universe. The d20 system is meant for power gamers. Since I am NOT a power gamer, I don't really like it. You can't be as creative with your character anymore.

BTW, d20 has killed Deadlands. They went away from their original system and to d20 which sucks royally and has turned me off of the game.

However.... if done correctly, SW d20 isn't all that bad. It just lends more towards EVERYONE being a Jedi, which really sucks. I actually have Kelly in both d6 and d20 stats. She's much better in d6.