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Have you played the SW:CCG

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:22am
by CmdrWilkens
Just sorta curious about who out there plays/collects any of the SW:CCGs out there.

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:28am
by Master of Ossus
Yep, I played 'em. I won a tournament, once, too (a real one). My JP deck owned everyone else, even though my LS deck sucked.

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:35am
by Baron Mordo
I kind of did. I was mainly in it for the collecting. I never got a Boba Fett card, and thanks to the horrible taint of Lucas, I never will.

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:38am
by Sriad
Old school Decipher here, my "Probe Droid suprise!" deck was the best thing ever. It's too bad my rebel deck sucked balls...

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:41am
by Master of Ossus
Baron Mordo wrote:I kind of did. I was mainly in it for the collecting. I never got a Boba Fett card, and thanks to the horrible taint of Lucas, I never will.
Which Boba Fett? He had two renditions: a crappy one, and a good one. The good one was from the CC expansion, and tourney junkies nicknamed it "Steve" to differentiate between the two versions. Only losers played the other one.

Posted: 2003-01-28 12:44am
by CmdrWilkens
Sriad wrote:Old school Decipher here, my "Probe Droid suprise!" deck was the best thing ever. It's too bad my rebel deck sucked balls...
Ah that's me, old school. I had an awesome Echo Base Operations deck that fell apart after CC and Dark Deal decks kept beating it up.

Posted: 2003-01-28 01:08pm
by TrailerParkJawa
The only card game I ever played was Steve Jackson's INWO. And even then it was only for a bout a year or two before it petered out. Great game though.

Posted: 2003-01-28 05:17pm
by Messon
I have some pretty good decks, but tournaments stopped where I was when I made them. I never did well in tournaments, but I had lots of fun...

My best loss was against some guy I wouldn't give up against. I kept landing and forfeiting y-wings to one of his guys on the ground so he couldn't force drain but I could. Turned out I did just enough damage to him to force him out of 1st place.

My best win was against a jawa deck. He played a card that made jawas power +2 in the Audience Chamber, then put down about 12 jawas against my 2 walkers and a bunch of other guys. I had to forfeit all but one, and I couldn't get him off the planet, so I ran all the way to the Chamber-which battles couldn't take place in because of another card he had played-and force drained from space.

Then there was the time we were doing the 'pass back the pack and choose a card' prizes, first place was first and so on. I was next to last and got a DS Lando. The kid behind me said "pass it back, you might get something better in the next pack." He would up with some crappy interrupt.

My 'latest' DS deck lets me retrieve one force when I deploy a tie, couple that with a card that makes all ties power +2 for a battle, a cap ship that makes ties power +1, and a droid that adds 1 attrition for each fighter and I could pretty much own anyone in space.

My LS deck let me deploy squadrons strait out of hand, which were immune to attrition, and reduced the opponents force drains by one once it got up and running.

Posted: 2003-01-28 10:27pm
by Gandalf
I got right into their Trek + Wars games (Just the original ones), I rose to be one of the best Trek players in my region, I never broke into wars tournaments, but we played a lot at school, I had a kick ass Hoth rebel deck, and a DS2 Imp deck. Needless to say, my decks were all besed heavily on themes. I annoyed a lot of people with my decks.

Posted: 2003-01-28 10:30pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Utsanomiko and I played about two games of the Decipher CCG, but I think we both found it a little too complicated for our tastes.

Posted: 2003-01-28 10:42pm
by Dalton
Hey Chuck, weren't you heavily into SWCCG once?

Posted: 2003-01-28 11:35pm
by Exonerate
I tried playing once, but failed miserable. I was like 8 at the time; my cousin tried teaching me, but I never really got the hang of it.

Posted: 2003-01-28 11:36pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, it was easier than the Doctor Who card game, I can say.


Posted: 2003-01-29 12:05am
by Sonnenburg
Dalton wrote:Hey Chuck, weren't you heavily into SWCCG once?
I suppose, if you count placing 16th in the 2000 North American championship against the 50 best players on the continent as being "heavily into." [sad that my big shining moment is something this geeky] :)

Hunt Down and Destroy The Jedi with dueling and bounty hunters was a fun deck. In 2001, the last year for state championships, when everyone was packing Watch Your Step, I came within a gnat's fart of winning the day with an old school Dagobah Clouds deck (the deck was so broken in the old days that they made a ton of counter cards, and it died out. Result was that those counters stopped being played to play the Watch Your Step counters; and anti-smuggling cards don't matter much against a deck with Yoda and Cloud City Engineers). Tournament champ beat me with a handful of Force left, but it was a hell of a fun match.

BTW, the Virtual Set should have just come out (free expansion you can get off the net by the Players Committee) and it includes the much anticipated Hoth objectives for light and dark, including blowing up the Shield Generator.

Posted: 2003-01-29 09:19pm
by CmdrWilkens
Sonnenburg wrote:
Dalton wrote:Hey Chuck, weren't you heavily into SWCCG once?
I suppose, if you count placing 16th in the 2000 North American championship against the 50 best players on the continent as being "heavily into." [sad that my big shining moment is something this geeky] :)

Hunt Down and Destroy The Jedi with dueling and bounty hunters was a fun deck. In 2001, the last year for state championships, when everyone was packing Watch Your Step, I came within a gnat's fart of winning the day with an old school Dagobah Clouds deck (the deck was so broken in the old days that they made a ton of counter cards, and it died out. Result was that those counters stopped being played to play the Watch Your Step counters; and anti-smuggling cards don't matter much against a deck with Yoda and Cloud City Engineers). Tournament champ beat me with a handful of Force left, but it was a hell of a fun match.

BTW, the Virtual Set should have just come out (free expansion you can get off the net by the Players Committee) and it includes the much anticipated Hoth objectives for light and dark, including blowing up the Shield Generator.
Wait a sec...

Blowing up the shield generator was already an Epic Event so they added in an Objective for it as well? Hot damn its time to redeploy my "Walker's of Doom" deck. (I had all the Blizzards with matching drivers).

Just thinking about Hoth reminds me of my few tourney wins. Time was great back when I was playing a Hoth defense deck and played my Walker Sighting to get all the shield perimiter out then proceeded to drop about a half dozen troopers into the trench along with Rouge 2 &3 (Luke and 1 were still in the reserve at the time) who were standing by at the hanger. The guy I was playing against basically just stood there while I force drained him while setting up EBO which killed him off. Ahhh those were the days.

Posted: 2003-01-29 10:14pm
by Sonnenburg
I must have a thing about the cold, because Hoth was my favorite Star Wars expansion, and Ice Age was my favorite Magic expansion.

Echo Base Troopers with their rifles and the right supporting cards can be devestating. IIRC, you start with Hoth: Echo Base Command Center and Insurrection, Aim High, and the weapon one. You used the Something Reserves card that lets you play five non-unique troopers for free from Reserve, pass out weapons, put out the Echo Base Docking Bay, and then the next turn you go to whatever planet they're on. With Aim High you are an absolute powerhouse that no one comes near you, and with Suppressing Fire (?) you get a used Sorry About The Mess that can target neighboring sites, characters and vehicles. I took out Tempest 1 with one of those shots. Not strong enough to be tournament worthy, but a hell of a lot of fun (which is better, draining for 4 or sniping the Emperor?).

Posted: 2003-01-30 01:17am
by CmdrWilkens
See I liked artillery weapons and the artillery remote. I would setup the arty back at the Snow Trench then deploy all my Troopers at the Defensive Perimiter (where they get cheap deploy and double the force drain fun). With some Lucky Shots I could take out any vehicles I wanted with my Atgar and turn troops into pudding with my MRBC.

Posted: 2003-01-30 01:37am
by ReinnResauq
I could never find anyone to play with, so I just collected and played occasional games against myself. Then my dog, cat, and mother all conspired against me and destroyed, separated, and generally fucked up my best cards, so that was the end of that.

I will NEVER, under any circumstances, play WotC's version. Playing Magic: The Gathering with Anakin Skywalker is not what I'm wanting to do.