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England through to the World Cup Final (Rugby)

Posted: 2007-10-14 04:29am
by Dartzap
Take that, ye' frogs 8)

Beyond the fact that England seem to be running on anti-optimism, what's the current betting on 'em winning the cup for a secound time?

Oh, and the footy team didn't do 'alf bad as well

Posted: 2007-10-14 05:28am
by weemadando
All England is doing is adding more and more nations to the list of people that want to see Johnny Wilkinson lose a leg in a tragic rhino-hopped-up-on-amphetamines-and-dry-humping-his-knee-into-mush accident.

Posted: 2007-10-14 06:17am
by Ubiquitous
This has been a very sweet world cup so far. Regardless of what happens in the final, it has been great to knock out the French and the Aussies. Really, really, great.

Posted: 2007-10-15 04:44am
by Crown
weemadando wrote:All England is doing is adding more and more nations to the list of people that want to see Johnny Wilkinson lose a leg in a tragic rhino-hopped-up-on-amphetamines-and-dry-humping-his-knee-into-mush accident.
I was actually really impressed that England's final score line wasn't perfectly divisible by 3 for a change!


Posted: 2007-10-15 05:44am
by Dartzap
Crown wrote:
weemadando wrote:All England is doing is adding more and more nations to the list of people that want to see Johnny Wilkinson lose a leg in a tragic rhino-hopped-up-on-amphetamines-and-dry-humping-his-knee-into-mush accident.
I was actually really impressed that England's final score line wasn't perfectly divisible by 3 for a change!

Pfft! You know you loved it really! Get back into the Co-op Queue! :P

Posted: 2007-10-15 09:56am
by Zac Naloen
Doesn't kick a decent ball for 75 minutes and then wallops one from 40 metres?

It's fate surely?

Posted: 2007-10-15 10:59am
by Master Arachnos
Considering where we were after the South Africa trouncing we've done extremely well. I can remember being in the pub screaming at the tv about how shite England were before, during and after that game..

Beating the convicts and the frogs is very sweet tho...

Posted: 2007-10-15 11:27am
by tim31
Man, and I really hoped the French would prevail. I mean really. The French.

All hopes rest with the Springboks now.

Posted: 2007-10-15 04:08pm
by Crown
tim31 wrote:Man, and I really hoped the French would prevail. I mean really. The French.

All hopes rest with the Springboks now.
Too right, considering the All Blacks choked ... again! And I was practicing my Kiwi accent all day;

'Fosh and Choops'

Now I have to practice my South African accent. England cannot win this tournament, work will become unbearable!

EDIT :: Typo

Posted: 2007-10-16 10:21am
by tim31
Crown wrote:And I was practicing my Kiwi accent all day;

'Fosh and Choops'

Now I have to practice my South African accent. England cannot win this tournament, work will become unbearable!

EDIT :: Typo
Correction: fush und chups.

Also, practice this one: ooze eh dick-ed now, ay?

Posted: 2007-10-16 01:56pm
by Zac Naloen
You know, I don't think I've met any New Zealanders who talk like that.

To my ears all their vowels are I's not u's.

Posted: 2007-10-16 03:59pm
by Crown
Zac Naloen wrote:You know, I don't think I've met any New Zealanders who talk like that.

To my ears all their vowels are I's not u's.
Are you from Birmingham? :wtf:


Posted: 2007-10-16 04:01pm
by Zac Naloen
Crown wrote:
Zac Naloen wrote:You know, I don't think I've met any New Zealanders who talk like that.

To my ears all their vowels are I's not u's.
Are you from Birmingham? :wtf:

No, i'm your typical live along the Thames can't pronounce my t's southerner :P

Posted: 2007-10-18 03:45am
by Stuart Mackey
Go Boks!!!

Ye Gods we cannot have the bloody English win it again.

Posted: 2007-10-18 05:46am
by Crown
Stuart Mackey wrote:Go Boks!!!

Ye Gods we cannot have the bloody English win it again.
The cup must return to the Southern Hemisphere ... also, is it time the Tri-Nations got expanded to 'Southern Nations' or something? Argentina have proven they deserve more regular matches with quality teams (although :lol: at Australia and New Zealand at the moment as 'quality' :wink: ).

Posted: 2007-10-18 06:21am
by Stuart Mackey
Crown wrote:
Stuart Mackey wrote:Go Boks!!!

Ye Gods we cannot have the bloody English win it again.
The cup must return to the Southern Hemisphere ... also, is it time the Tri-Nations got expanded to 'Southern Nations' or something? Argentina have proven they deserve more regular matches with quality teams (although :lol: at Australia and New Zealand at the moment as 'quality' :wink: ).
Fuck up's all round the pair of our nations..quarter finals?? Jesus..and the bloody ref in our match against France needs to be shot..urgently.

Posted: 2007-10-18 06:24am
by Crown
Stuart Mackey wrote:Fuck up's all round the pair of our nations..quarter finals?? Jesus..and the bloody ref in our match against France needs to be shot..urgently.
Don't get me started on Australia; we couldn't do a scrum to save our lives ( :wtf: ), we had an 'athlete' with a mullet and a beer gut ( :wtf: x 2), it was poor playing, Latham was missing easy(ish) kicks ... grr.

You guys; you're just chokers! :P :wink:

Posted: 2007-10-18 07:15am
by Stuart Mackey
Crown wrote:
You guys; you're just chokers! :P :wink:
No, we just lose at the wrong time, yet between Cup years we belt the shit out of everyone. Perhaps thats the price we pay for being so good, someone else has to win the cup to keep up interest in the game.