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Looking for the name of a book trilogy

Posted: 2007-10-18 06:51am
by wautd
This tread made me remember a book trilogy I enjoyed reading when I was a kid.

Basicly, WW3 happens and it blows mankind back to the stoneage. Several hundreds (maybe thousands) of years later, what was left of europe has risen back to end Victorian era/early Great War tech leves but most of it is a shithole dictatorship with runaway desertification. North America is even worse as a postapocalyptic wasteland full of barbarians.
Greenland however has gotten a warmer climate and over now is populated by a low tech, peacefull civilization run by females.

The books start when a european cruiser discovers this utopia and naturally they want to go imperialistic on those greenland hippies.

Can anyone help me out? I'd love to read them again

Posted: 2007-10-18 06:54am
by wautd
Bah, could someone move this to off-topic please?

Posted: 2007-10-18 11:07am
by NecronLord
As you desire.

Posted: 2007-10-18 12:08pm
by Siege
You're thinking of the Children of Mother Earth saga by Thea Beckman (Kinderen van Moeder Aarde in the original Dutch version).

Good taste there mate--those are awesome books. Although I always wondered what was going to happen once (if) Baaden developed airships...

Posted: 2007-10-19 09:51am
by wautd
SiegeTank wrote:You're thinking of the Children of Mother Earth saga by Thea Beckman (Kinderen van Moeder Aarde in the original Dutch version).

Good taste there mate--those are awesome books. Although I always wondered what was going to happen once (if) Baaden developed airships...
Yeah, I just found out myself (remembered the name Baden and googled for it). I'm suprised that it doesn't appear to be translated to englisch yet.

To ze library!