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Found this in today's newspaper...

Posted: 2003-01-29 07:54pm
by Dalton

Remember when it was the War on Terrorism?

Posted: 2003-01-29 08:01pm
by MKSheppard
Osama is likely dead, why haven't we seen a videotape of him in months
and months?

Posted: 2003-01-29 08:02pm
by Frank Hipper

Posted: 2003-01-29 08:07pm
by Dalton
MKSheppard wrote:Osama is likely dead, why haven't we seen a videotape of him in months and months?
Ran out of tape?

Posted: 2003-01-29 08:11pm
by MKSheppard
Dalton wrote:Ran out of tape?
Possibly. Then what about a 8 track recorder?

Osama's been dealt with, either way. Saddam's next on
our hitlist. (with possibly a stop on the way to Pyongyang
to settle some old scores with those crazed north korean
fucknuts...I remember when they chopped a US Army
officer to pieces with axes in the DMZ during the 1970s...
we've got scores dating back to the 1950s to settle with
those screwballs up there...)

Posted: 2003-01-29 08:14pm
by Jadeite
Maybe he thinks letting the world know hes alive would attract too much attention, I certainly would.

Re: Found this in today's newspaper...

Posted: 2003-01-29 08:43pm
by Stormbringer
Dalton wrote:Remember when it was the War on Terrorism?
Yes, but apparently the average voter doesn't.

And that's the single biggest reason I'm against war with Iraq. We need proof that Bin Laden is dead. We need to have his head on a stick and until then I don't want to see another war.

Posted: 2003-01-29 08:46pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Here, here, Stormbringer. One problem at a time, I say.

Posted: 2003-01-29 09:28pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Dalton wrote:
MKSheppard wrote:Osama is likely dead, why haven't we seen a videotape of him in months and months?
Ran out of tape?
Yes. After all, those cost $3.99 each, and there aren't many convienence stores in Tora Bora. Also, bin Laden probably wanted to record "Friends" too, using more tape.

I, too think we need to find bin Laden and cripple Al-Qaeda before going after Saddam, unless Saddam does something really bad.

Posted: 2003-01-29 09:33pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:
Dalton wrote:
MKSheppard wrote:Osama is likely dead, why haven't we seen a videotape of him in months and months?
Ran out of tape?
Yes. After all, those cost $3.99 each, and there aren't many convienence stores in Tora Bora. Also, bin Laden probably wanted to record "Friends" too, using more tape.
CNN transcript--

Osama bin Laden: Put in number eight. I wish to see the Winona Ryder episode again.
Unknown: Again? You just watched it.
OBL: I must see it.
U: I think it's even in the VCR still. Just hit play.
OBL: It's not in there. It isn't working.
U: No--Osama, you're hitting the stop button. Hit the one with the triangle.
OBL: Oh, there we are. And they are making out.
U: Praise allah!

Posted: 2003-01-29 09:55pm
by MKSheppard
Pablo Sanchez wrote:
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:
Dalton wrote:Ran out of tape?
Yes. After all, those cost $3.99 each, and there aren't many convienence stores in Tora Bora. Also, bin Laden probably wanted to record "Friends" too, using more tape.
CNN transcript--

Osama bin Laden: Put in number eight. I wish to see the Winona Ryder episode again.
Unknown: Again? You just watched it.
OBL: I must see it.
U: I think it's even in the VCR still. Just hit play.
OBL: It's not in there. It isn't working.
U: No--Osama, you're hitting the stop button. Hit the one with the triangle.
OBL: Oh, there we are. And they are making out.
U: Praise allah!
FUQ this conversation! I Demand it! :lol: :lol:

Posted: 2003-01-29 10:11pm
by Mr Bean
Frankly fokes, theres a good chance of one of the two

1.Ossama's hanging low for the next five years as is his Trademark and its the CIA jobs to dig him out(You think they stoped looking?)
2.Ossama's in small peaces scatted in a Afgan Bunker Somewhere and they can't find anything big enough to stick on a pike

Posted: 2003-01-30 01:34am
by Enlightenment
Shifted to OT. I prefer to keep editorializing or exclusively politicial stuff out of A&P.

Posted: 2003-01-30 05:59am
I, too think we need to find bin Laden and cripple Al-Qaeda before going after Saddam, unless Saddam does something really bad.
What if Saddam violates the sanctions placed against him?

Oh wait...

Posted: 2003-01-30 03:01pm
by MKSheppard
Towards the end of WW2, we kept on looking for the NATIONAL REDOUBT,
a mythical place from Nazi Propaganda where Hitler, etc would shore
up and fight to the bitter end, with huge stocks of underground factories
and munitions. We turned away from Berlin for the REDOUBT, which
didn't fucking exist......

The key is to know when your objective has been successfully achieved...
and to move onto the NEXT objective. Osama isn't a big threat anymore...

Posted: 2003-01-30 03:14pm
by Stravo
Al-Qaeda is dispersed, in deep hiding and disorganized. Sadaam is there, a nice big fat juicy target. We cannot engage Ossama and his minions with a truly conventional force anymore, we need to hunt him down with operatives and inteleligence. Or did we miss the part in the speech where Bush very coldly said "We have up to date detained OR OTHERWISE DEALT WITH 5,000 terrorists and their operatives." What do you think otherwise dealt with means? They are hunting them down and killing them. They are not an army, we're talking about a handful of guys hiding out in shitistsan in caves or villages or remote places. What good is the 1st Infantry division going to do there.

However, Sadaam, who is as great a threat now, has a standing army and alot of territory to liberate. Thats where we need the forces, that's where the more visible parts of the war are going to take place. Let's not forget what Bush said when this war began - there will be some victories that WE WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT." Gentlemen - meet black ops. So let's keep things in perspective. This war is going on on many levels, the Iraq situation is merely one of them.

Posted: 2003-01-30 03:14pm
by Enforcer Talen
and he could just be some cells on a wall - artillery doesnt leave much.