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Super Smash Battle

Posted: 2002-08-11 03:14pm
by Anarchist Bunny

It's a free for all, no special items.

Mario, jumping expert with fist as strong as steel.
Sonic, superfast hedgehog with a razor sharp back.
Megaman, the blue bomber, Mega Buster with the ability to charge up shots.
Crash Bandicoot, fucking pussy.
Conker, if you've played bad fur day, you know, one bad mother fucker. Able to hover shortly and I don't want to know where he pulls that frying pan out from.

Posted: 2002-08-11 03:35pm
by Cpt_Frank
Difficult. Crash and Conker are the first out, 'cause they're
a) weaklings
b) lack the cult status
c) not classics
Next out is Mario, cause all he can win against in a fight are cute-looking little turtles and ghosts.
It's a head on head between Sonic and Mega Man.
Though, I'd rather go with Sonic, since he's repeatedly shown the capability to dodge plasma shots in the old Sonic cartoon show.

Posted: 2002-08-11 05:08pm
by Mr Bean
Hmm Depends, Where are they fighting?

Posted: 2002-08-11 05:12pm
by VF5SS
Does Megaman also get to use Rush and Rush armor? Even without Rushy, Megsman's got the power to take Sonic down. He can take more hits any of these clowns :D

Posted: 2002-08-11 06:32pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I don't see why people are underestimating Mario. HE CAN SMASH APART BLOCKS OF BRICK WITH HIS BARE HANDS OVER AND OVER AGAIN! He can lift up bowser who is 3 or 4 times his size and wieghs much much more.

Takes place in a small arena, so that sonic isn't hampered very much speed wise but can't get to the a speed where he'd be unbeatable.

I though have to go with Megaman cause he has projectiles and can take the most abuse.

Posted: 2002-08-11 07:13pm
by VF5SS

Posted: 2002-08-11 07:44pm
by Solid Snake
Sonic all the damn way.
No Tails, he would just fuck everything up.

Posted: 2002-08-11 07:44pm
by Solid Snake
Sonic all the damn way.
No Tails, he would just fuck everything up.

Posted: 2002-08-11 09:54pm
by Darth Yoshi
No special items? Like no cape from Super Mario World? Because with the cape, Mario can fly, reflect projectiles, and smash up the ground, making it a hazard to run too fast.

Posted: 2002-08-11 10:06pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Yeah, but with special items conker would get all his guns, megaman would get boss abilities and rush/beat advantages.

Posted: 2002-08-11 10:11pm
by Darth Yoshi
Oh. Well, then Sonic all the way.

Posted: 2002-08-11 11:16pm
by Captain Cyran
All bow to the mighty MegaMan.

Posted: 2002-08-11 11:49pm
by Mr. B
Conker, I like squirels. :D