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George S Patton Jr vs. Douglas Macarthur

Posted: 2003-01-31 10:42am
by irishmick79
Patton gets a world war II era armored division. Macarthur has two infantry divisions, world war II era as well. Who would win?

Posted: 2003-01-31 10:48am
by Col. Crackpot
Old Blood and Guts patton would smear them into the dirt! then he would grease the treads of his tanks with MacAurthur and find something else to blow up.

"There are too many soldiers here today willing to die for their country! The point of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other poor dumb son of a bith die for his country!"

Posted: 2003-01-31 10:52am
by Vympel
Patton. MacArther fought the Japanese. The Japanese were a pussy army with crap weapons compared to the Germans, the only thing they had that was worth a damn was their Navy and air force.

Posted: 2003-01-31 10:57am
by RedImperator
The "American Caesar" would get his asshole cored out. Patton whomped Rommel, he tore the guts out of the German army in the west and could have been in Berlin in 1944 if Ike hadn't taken his gasoline away, and he was the only allied commander the Germans were truly afraid of. MacArthur wasn't even smart enough to spread his airplanes out after he learned what happened to most of the fighters on the ground at Pearl Harbor. He got surprised by half a million Chinese in Korea--how the fuck do you get surprised by HALF A MILLION people right on the other side of the Yalu river? It's not like they were invisible or something. Christ, half a million unwashed peasant conscripts, you could probably tell they were coming by the smell.

Having good PR won't do jack or shit to save Dougie from Ol' Blood and Guts. Patton runs through him like crap through a goose. He goes home in a box.

Posted: 2003-01-31 08:56pm
by Sea Skimmer
RedImperator wrote:The "American Caesar" would get his asshole cored out. Patton whomped Rommel, he tore the guts out of the German army in the west and could have been in Berlin in 1944 if Ike hadn't taken his gasoline away, and he was the only allied commander the Germans were truly afraid of. MacArthur wasn't even smart enough to spread his airplanes out after he learned what happened to most of the fighters on the ground at Pearl Harbor. He got surprised by half a million Chinese in Korea--how the fuck do you get surprised by HALF A MILLION people right on the other side of the Yalu river? It's not like they were invisible or something.
Actually, when you're not allowed to have recon over flights, there's a lot of snow and big hills and mountains in the way seeing 500000 or 5 million people becomes kind of hard.

Posted: 2003-01-31 09:06pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
No idea, but I'm sure it's gonna make a nice hellacious racket!

Posted: 2003-01-31 09:08pm
by Sea Skimmer
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:No idea, but I'm sure it's gonna make a nice hellacious racket!
Considering they used basically no motor transport, I think not. The couple tens of thousands of trucks and tanks supporting the advance of 8th army made far more noise then people walking behind low mountains on snow.

Posted: 2003-02-01 12:18am
by Sokar
In his Pacific Campaigns MacArthur showed skill and flashes of brilliance, running a campaign across his area of the Pacific on a shoestring budget compared to the funds invested in the Navy arm(Admiral King, CNO and MacArthur despised each other, and since King fought the War from Washington , was able to push the Navy's agenda in the Pacifc far better than the Army or MacArthur could from Brisbane) of the Pacific War. Dougies problems began during the occupation, when he began to buy his own press, and the adulation of the Japanese, who treated MacArthur as if he were the new Shogun, which he was to an extent. This was compounded by the massive success at Inchon, and the Pusan Breakout which went straight to Dougies head and led him to split the UN Forces in Korea around the spinal mountain range that runs up the center of Korea in the North, rather than send troops into the mountains in the beginnings of Winter. The Chinese exploited this by having the PLA infiltrate into the mountains from across the Yalu, from which they launced attacks all along the UN's over extended flanks(Note, 500,000 Screaming Chinamen WILL fuck up your day). This is what led to many of the encirclements of UN Troops all over North Korea, the most notable being the Marine's at Chosin Resivior. Mac's drive to end the War before Christmas(How often has that promise led to disaster in a military campaign....note to self, sack any commander that promises anything by Christmas, obviously a fucking moron and is setting us up for an asskicking)

Patton was by far a better commander, a fact that stuck in the craw of Monty through the entire war, and caused Eisenhower to royaly and publicly assrape the finest Commander to come down the pike since Stonewall Jackson or Washington, all so some overstuffed little donkey fucker limey wouldn't cry in his rice pudding every fucking night....

In the battle you have described Patton hands MacArthur his ass in about two hours flat.....

Posted: 2003-02-01 01:16am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Patton and MacArthur were both Prima Donnas.......... the difference is that Patton knew what the fuck he was doing. Most people who served in the Pacific despised MacArthur, the did the dying and he got credit he didn't deserve.

Posted: 2003-02-01 01:51am
by Typhonis 1
Could Patton have handed Zukov his Ass if push came to shove in 45?

Posted: 2003-02-01 01:57am
by Sea Skimmer
Typhonis 1 wrote:Could Patton have handed Zukov his Ass if push came to shove in 45?
No. While a war between American and the Union in 1945 was infeasible, US forces would have been drive back behind the Rhine at least. Then the US advantage in production and heavy bombing combind with the poor economic and manpower state of the USSR would have decided things.

If you switch which side has which commander you'd get the same result though.

Posted: 2003-02-01 02:03am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
US air power would probably have torn the heart out of the Red Army. As good as the Red Air Force might have been, I doubt that they could have stopped the hoards of airplanes we had in the European Theater.

Posted: 2003-02-01 02:10am
by Sea Skimmer
BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:US air power would probably have torn the heart out of the Red Army. As good as the Red Air Force might have been, I doubt that they could have stopped the hoards of airplanes we had in the European Theater.
After a time yes. The Russians can't match US production and would suffer heavily from heavy bombers, there fighters not very good against big targets flying high. But even with no opposition it would take quite a while for the USAAF to really start cutting up the Red Army.

Strategic attacks, and the fact that the USSR needed to import huge amounts of food and fuel would be more telling.

Posted: 2003-02-01 02:13am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Thats precisely the point, Strategic bombing of raillines and supply depots along with constant fighter strafing would so disrupt the Soviet Logistical system that the Commies wouldn't have been able to marshal enough reasources to start/maintain a major offensive against the Allied Armies.