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America's Army: Operations

Posted: 2003-01-31 06:58pm
by Beowulf
Anyone here play it?

Posted: 2003-01-31 06:59pm
by jaeger115
I tried to download it, but it wouldn't play. :?

Posted: 2003-01-31 07:18pm
by ArmorPierce
My brother and Cousin plays it. I will start playing it one of these days.

Posted: 2003-01-31 08:28pm
by Nathan F
I tried playing it, but it would never allow me to connect to the server to save my games, so I never made it past training, even though I repeatedly had the sniper qualification...

Bah, I will get the America's Air Force: Blowing Up Baghdad when it comes out. ;)

Posted: 2003-01-31 08:30pm
by salm
had it on my HD but it wouldnt connect so i had the same problems as NF_Utvol