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Emergency! We may be invaded soon!

Posted: 2002-08-11 11:28pm
by ArmorPierce
lusankya 8/11/02 9:03:00 AM

Another board

There is another board that I often visit, and the people there are interested in hearing from Christians. they are particularly interested in hearing why Christians believe in creationism, as the majority of them are Atheists or other non-christians who don't quite understand it. They want to hear Christian viewpoints and then discuss them. If you are interested, please go to: thanks.

I found this while browsing it look s like they have gotten word of our mockery of them and our forums may soon be flooded by teenage creationists that make no sense! It looks like it will be them who does the invadin... unless... we make a pre-emptive strike! Go to the tread "Should we invade the creationist/fundementalist" thread for more as this thread is meant to inform.(That and I don't want this thread to get locked(by the was, is anyone having problems loging in? I have to keep loging in then rewriting the message multiple times until i get logged in and I am just logged in temporarily)

Posted: 2002-08-11 11:35pm
by XaLEv
There's a guy over there who goes by Jagged Fel. I can't remember if he is a flaming creationist, or a moderate, or what. Could be interesting if he comes over.

Posted: 2002-08-11 11:35pm
by Captain Cyran
Even if we strike first they'll come into here and post all over the place. But i guess we could try....

Posted: 2002-08-11 11:53pm
by Mr. B

Damn you Lusankaya! You tipped our hand. We were going to invade them first not let those retards here first. Now we have to strike hard and fast. With everything we have.

Posted: 2002-08-12 12:01am
by Azeron
ahh who cares? Creationism is really amusing. Judst nod your heads and smile as the creationists go by

Posted: 2002-08-12 12:05am
by Mr. B
Maybe when they see people like DarkStar and Azeron they will run for their lives. :D

Posted: 2002-08-12 12:10am
by Sea Skimmer
Mr. B wrote:Maybe when they see people like DarkStar and Azeron they will run for their lives. :D
Too much to hope for, Creationism level idiocy has a lot of inertia.

Posted: 2002-08-12 12:10am
by ArmorPierce
We could keep them so busy trying to argue with us at their own boards that they wont have the chance to come to our board.

Vote Yes on the aformentioned thread's poll, its what all the cool kids are doing :mrgreen:

Posted: 2002-08-12 12:31am
by Alyrium Denryle
If the motion passes I will probably post as...Elryln the harbinger or something similar depending on the rules for naming on those boards.

Lord Wong do we have your authorization to proceed?

Posted: 2002-08-12 12:44am
by The Yosemite Bear
That's ok, I used to get harrassed in High School by the Local Fundamentalist jerks for Being a Jew/Catholic hybrid. So I have little tolerance for the rude and unreasonable.

Posted: 2002-08-12 12:50am
by Durandal
I don't think we have much to worry about. Creationists in general are complete fools, but I can only imagine how unbelievably stupid high schooler creationists are. I'll quote Mike Wong:

"I've chosen the right side, and that makes it easy to defend. The people who have chosen the other side are fools, and that's not my problem."

Posted: 2002-08-12 01:08am
by LordShaithis
I'd just as soon have it out with them here, where there's no 24 hour wait for posts, and we can say "fuck" all we want. :wink:

Posted: 2002-08-12 01:24am
by Mr. B
These kids have probably never heard a swear word before. We'll warp their fragile little minds. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Yeah we all know this forum is better. More freedom of speech here.

It would be better to bring them here. It would be more interesting.

Posted: 2002-08-12 01:33am
by Enlightenment
Any of you guys ever hear of a place called HOLYSMOKE?

It's (was?) probably the worlds best fundi meatgrinder; fundies come in one door, immolated bits get kicked out the other.

HOLYSMOKE is where to go for fundi disposal practice, and where to send the real hard core creationist nutcases.

Posted: 2002-08-12 02:29am
by The Yosemite Bear
Should I start posts on the Talmud vs. The Bible over there, or start examining "Spirial Dance" over here?

Posted: 2002-08-12 08:34pm
by ArmorPierce
I think that product A is bettter than product C, and product B better than product A, but, product C better than product B!

Posted: 2002-08-13 11:05am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Let's invite the creationists over here. We can make a dummy forum for them, and then when they're settled in, we come in. The link to forums can be hidden somewhere, so they don't even know where it is!

Posted: 2002-08-13 02:16pm
by Mr. B
(creepy voice)THEERRREE HEEEERE(creepy voice)

(southern old guy vioce) Go and fetch my fundie whacking 2 by 4 ma.(southern old guy vioce)