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Make your own anime title!

Posted: 2003-02-01 04:46pm
by Exonerate

Nude Samurai Keryayaa
All-Purpose Merciless Starship Guyoba
Mutant Angel Bisojo
Nude Schoolgirl Pizukyo :wink:
The Legend of Shiny Goddess Uryaba
Uselss Kitten Zeryoo
Battle Monkey Beryogyo

Post the good ones you get.

Posted: 2003-02-01 04:47pm
by Exonerate
Gah, wrong forum! Sorry, could somebody move this to Off topic?

Posted: 2003-02-01 04:49pm
by Alex Moon
Blue Orphan Memoja
Silent Priestess Pedatsu
Star Kitten Hogyahe-9
All-Purpose Martial Arts Boy Gozaso
Pocket Princess Yochasu
Magical Hunter Mumai

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:39pm
by The Dark
Ghost Spy Rihima
Record of Bubblegum Cat Girl Gijai 999 :shock:
Little Lover Ayashi
Record of Revolutionary Monkey Boy Tomeju
Busty Witch Nagabe :D
Shiny Shiny Robot Girefu (just because of the "Shiny Shiny" part :P )
Love Hunter Gukatsu
La Nude Hunter Reriba

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:40pm
by boggy b
Hyper Danteksu Zero

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:47pm
by Mr Bean
Warrior Ninja Koobu
Silent Bean Pijiza 999

Posted: 2003-02-01 07:22pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Is this how they really do it? One has to wonder...

Posted: 2003-02-01 08:29pm
by Jadeite
Vampire Robot Beburya

Posted: 2003-02-02 01:00am
by generator_g1
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Is this how they really do it? One has to wonder...
I think they're just mixing the words from various anime/manga titles...

Posted: 2003-02-02 01:47am
by Exonerate
generator_g1 wrote:
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Is this how they really do it? One has to wonder...
I think they're just mixing the words from various anime/manga titles...
I think he meant if that's how they make real anime titles. Maybe they come up with a random title, then start the anime project based off that! :P

Posted: 2003-02-02 02:04am
by IRG CommandoJoe
LOL :lol:
BTW I got Candy Soldier Hogyahe. :shock:

Posted: 2003-02-02 02:22am
by Sokar
All-Purpose Wrathful Officer Zougyu
Irresponsible Bodyguard Nonume
La Wet Samurai Zogyakyu :shock:
Nude Demon Nerobo :twisted:
The Legend of Kung Fu Demon Heshiza :D

Posted: 2003-02-02 02:31am
by IRG CommandoJoe
Sokar wrote:All-Purpose Wrathful Officer Zougyu
Irresponsible Bodyguard Nonume
La Wet Samurai Zogyakyu :shock:
Nude Demon Nerobo :twisted:
The Legend of Kung Fu Demon Heshiza :D
Who wants to see a nude demon? Ew... :P

Posted: 2003-02-02 02:55am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Naked Rebel Churabo

Busty Starship Fuhecha

Wet Rebel Ruyoka (sequel to Naked Rebel Churabo)

Underwear Hunter Zoyoya

Naked Ninja Bean :shock:

Posted: 2003-02-02 03:32am
by Peregrin Toker
Bunny Android Sahina??
Merciless Monkey Yujoryo??
Mecha Ninja Jogeryu??

Damn, I love stupid Engrish....

Posted: 2003-02-02 04:25am
by Dalton
Monkey Monkey Chinuji
Irresponsible Fairy Sotachi

It's like a bag of broken-up anime titles.

Posted: 2003-02-02 06:55am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Lucky Spirit Chomari 13


Posted: 2003-02-02 11:46am
by Peregrin Toker
Jet-Propelled Monkey Boy Suhoi
Cyber Orphan Geshiki
Useless Fairy Dobachaa
Yummy Hero Yaiho (I particularly laughed at the last one!)

Posted: 2003-02-02 11:53am
by FBHthelizardmage
Record of Honorable Ninja Nochara
La Nude Bodyguard Hanochu
Shiny Lover Hiheryo
Bubblegum Ninja Zuchuroe
Useless Android Nupenu

Posted: 2003-02-02 08:19pm
by McNum
Bunny Lover Nafugomi (I don't want to know...)
All-Purpose Handsome Monkey Boy Dotachu-9
Sensual Cat Girl Romagu :wink:
Yummy Samurai Ryuryagu
Vampire Ninja Datsuta (Vampire = cool. Ninja = cool... Vampire Ninja = :shock:)

Posted: 2003-02-02 08:24pm
by Kelly Antilles
Useless Priestess Shijigyo-9 (*LOL*)
Lucky Samurai Dekochu
Undercover Kitty Jigegya
The Legend of Pocket Samurai Yochabun
Sensual Fighter Fugigi

*hehehe* cute.

Posted: 2003-02-02 08:28pm
by Majin Gojira
Alien Pirate Pepejo
Irrisponsible Ninja Dohakya
Galaxy Cat Girl Ohama :lol:
Manly Maiden Takyuchi :shock:

Posted: 2003-02-02 08:42pm
by Singular Quartet
Sensual Boy Tetogya
Irresistible Prince Rajoshi
-More porn!
Lovely Useless Honey Yoguso
-Probably even more porn!
Heavenly Kitten Puyukyui
-Disgusting cuteness!
Battle Kitten Pumipu
-Disgusting cuteness with violence!
Shiny Gangster Boderya
-I'm don't want to know
Vampire Fairy Todayo
-Cute vampries!
Busty Robot Ketahe
-I don't want to know!

Posted: 2003-02-02 09:57pm
by Defiant
Record of Merciless Demon Zapupe
Martial Arts Witch Tsugoe

Posted: 2003-02-02 10:03pm
by Zaia
Record of Nude Schoolgirl Jayaryo (oh my)
Pretty Gangster Kekate
Bunny Android Toboto (aw)
Wet Maiden Rabihi (errr...)
Underwear Lover Jojuto (LOL)
