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Shameless Self-Congratulation (GTA:VC)

Posted: 2003-02-01 05:39pm
by Joe
After over an hour of play, I have just reached Vigilante Mission Level 100 in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. 1,126 violent criminals killed, over 10.5 million dollars in profit, and a massively raised criminal rating. Mwahaha, the only person who can commit violent crimes in Vice City and get away with it is gonna be ME....

And I'm not done yet.

It's ironic; for all the talk about what a horrible, violent series GTA is, vigilante work has probably the highest potential payoff of anything you can do in the game.

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:11pm
by Sonnenburg
Oh yeah. In contrast, in GTA3 I made over two million dollars putting out fires in one fire mission.

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:20pm
by namdoolb
Hehe, My moment of Crowning glory in GTA was when I beat the "Turismo" Mission in a Perenial.

Never seem to have enough time at one sitting to just run through the taxi/ambulance/fire/vigilante stuff like that, but there's always time to take progressively crappier cars and take them for a spin round the street race mission.

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:27pm
by The Dude
My best vigilante mission was level 189 - I did it by taking a Hunter to the airport (out on the runways)... You can pretty much hover there and blast away at the re-spawn point (for some reason, the third car was spontanteously dying every time - probably it was spawning out in the water or some such).

I think I made about 70 or 80 million this way - I stopped becasue I was worried my cash would "wrap around" to zero when I hit 100 million.

BTW, what is your criminal rating? Despite having 100% in the game & almost 100 million bucks, my rating is only about 70,000 (Right-hand Man) - to get up to Godfather, you need 500,000!

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:38pm
by Joe
Right now, only 7,600 (this isn't my first game). Incidentally, I noticed you have 100% completion. How the HELL did you beat the paramedic missions?

Posted: 2003-02-01 06:56pm
by The Dude
Durran Korr wrote:Right now, only 7,600 (this isn't my first game). Incidentally, I noticed you have 100% completion. How the HELL did you beat the paramedic missions?
I did it by using the hospital just north of El Swanko Casa (or is it El Casa Swanko)... a large majority of the patients will be on the beach, where it's very easy to avoid collisions and/or rolling the ambulance. It took me a couple of tries (and a couple of hours) to finish it, but in the end it's not too hard so long as you drive carefully and always pick up 3 passengers before returning to the hospital.