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I hate calculus...
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:35am
by Alex Moon
Goddamn trigonometric fucking limits!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I had to get this out of my system.
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:36am
by Nathan F
hehe, don't we all, don't we all...
If you are Engineering like me, we will both be seeing plenty more in the future. Could someone remind me why I am going to give myself so much grief with this stuff?
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:39am
by Alex Moon
NF_Utvol wrote:hehe, don't we all, don't we all...
If you are Engineering like me, we will both be seeing plenty more in the future. Could someone remind me why I am going to give myself so much grief with this stuff?
Actually I'm an econ major. I'm not quite insane enough to be an engineer. I'm just really bad at math, but need calc for my econ courses.
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:39am
by GrandMasterTerwynn
NF_Utvol wrote:hehe, don't we all, don't we all...
If you are Engineering like me, we will both be seeing plenty more in the future. Could someone remind me why I am going to give myself so much grief with this stuff?
Fear not, there will eventually come a point where it gets easier. And then you quickly find that you see calculus in just about everything and that it makes your life (Well, at least your academic one,) a helluva lot easier.
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:40am
by Alex Moon
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:NF_Utvol wrote:hehe, don't we all, don't we all...
If you are Engineering like me, we will both be seeing plenty more in the future. Could someone remind me why I am going to give myself so much grief with this stuff?
Fear not, there will eventually come a point where it gets easier. And then you quickly find that you see calculus in just about everything and that it makes your life (Well, at least your academic one,) a helluva lot easier.
I took it last semester but did horribly, so I'm taking it again. It's mostly this stuff involving trigonometric limits that sucks.
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:42am
by Hyperion
Well, I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but here it is:
In truth, I enjoy calculus, it's easy for me, in fact far easier for me than algebra is. It doesn't help that I actually learned calculus before algebra.
And yes, I am an engineering major.
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:48am
by Strafe
Hyperion wrote:. It doesn't help that I actually learned calculus before algebra.
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:54am
by Nathan F
How could you learn Calculus without learning Algebra? I mean, so much algebra is used in Calculus, you should have learned all the Algebra you needed to know...
Posted: 2003-02-04 12:57am
by Alferd Packer
All those techniques of integration were what killed me.
Posted: 2003-02-04 01:02am
by starfury
All those techniques of integration were what killed me
yeah, integration sucks, the first half on derivatives was not so bad however.
Posted: 2003-02-04 01:14am
by Alferd Packer
Derivatives are just procedure.
Integration, to quote my calc book, "is an art!"
Posted: 2003-02-04 01:22am
by Hyperion
Calculus based electronics course, no algebra prior, didn't even place into college math (landed in remedial actually), prior to going into that course I had 5 years of math, literally. Though the explanation behind that is VERY long, and I'm not sure I want to even make it known, let's just say I've gone thru hell to get where I am today and leave it at that.
The prof taught me what was needed for the course as we went and I was fine, passed the course too.
It's funny that in the algebra class I'm in now, I was having an ungodly amount of problems with the math, until we hit functions, which are the main basis of calculus, and I'm having no issues now...
Posted: 2003-02-04 01:45am
by Zaia
I hated calc with a passion when I took it in high school. The Eeeeeevil....
Posted: 2003-02-04 01:48am
by Raxmei
When I took calc in high school it was the high point of my day.
Posted: 2003-02-04 01:51am
by mantakai
as wierd as i may sound saying this, i quite like maths as it is my best subject, it is all easy (especially algebra), calculus is one of the harder topics but logarithms is worse, the only problem with calculus is that you basically just have to accept it even though it is illogical and contradictes what you have previously been taught
Posted: 2003-02-04 02:22am
by Hyperion
mantakai wrote:as wierd as i may sound saying this, i quite like maths as it is my best subject, it is all easy (especially algebra), calculus is one of the harder topics but logarithms is worse, the only problem with calculus is that you basically just have to accept it even though it is illogical and contradictes what you have previously been taught
Maybe I like it because it is so abstract, my shrink actually has me on meds that supposedly stops the random firing which plagues my thinking processes. (Yes, it got to the point where I was pretty much unable to keep a coherant thought pattern and was nearly unable to function properly. Before the meds I was only half joking when I told my friends that the effect was like being at a stop light on black ice with water on it, stomping on the gas and popping the clutch; full power but you sure as hell ain't moving. that was my thought coherancy, anything and everything, randomly, people normally have linear thought processes, firing in a set order within reason, for me, sections would be firing so far out of sync that it would hoze everything, though it's really hard to explain in a short post, but I can leave it at this: it nearly caused me to not go back to school, it's hard to do work if you literally cannot think or keep a thought long enough to do something.)
Posted: 2003-02-04 03:09pm
by Durandal
My calculus courses were some of the most interesting courses I ever took. What's not to love about being able to divide something up infinitely?
Posted: 2003-02-04 03:10pm
by Alex Moon
Durandal wrote:My calculus courses were some of the most interesting courses I ever took. What's not to love about being able to divide something up infinitely?
Trigonometric limits
Posted: 2003-02-04 03:10pm
by kheegster
Three words...
Practise, practise, practise...
Posted: 2003-02-04 03:11pm
by phongn
Or having rotations with finite volume but infinate surface area
Re: I hate calculus...
Posted: 2003-02-04 05:43pm
by Joe
Alex Moon wrote:Goddamn trigonometric fucking limits!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I had to get this out of my system.
*groan* I have attempted to take Calculus twice already, but dropped both times because I would have most certainly failed. TO put things in perspective, I got a 14/100 on the first test the first time I took it, and a 28 on the first test the second time I took it. If anything prevents me from graduating on time, it's going to be fucking Calc. I don't really dislike it all that much; I'm sure I'd like it if I could understand it, it's just so fucking HARD for me.
Posted: 2003-02-04 05:53pm
FUCK CALCULUS......LIM x-> infinity (Integral 1 to x((ARGGSHIT(DAMN_FUCK_CALCULUS)^2/7)/(1-x^2)^1/2) dx)
Posted: 2003-02-04 05:56pm
by Larz
Ahh, calculus, that demon in my schedule that makes my brain pulse with pain... along with spanish of course (which, at the moment, makes a bit more sense...)
Posted: 2003-02-04 06:26pm
by Phil Skayhan
Alex I fully understand your situation. I dropped Calc last semester. I got an 80 on test one, 54 on test two so I was in danger of not passing. Funny thing is that I really enjoyed the class.
I am taking a more intesive Precalc class this semester. The class I took last spring was not enough of a review... especially of the Trig functions. It's amazing what you forget after 10 years.
I'm planning to take Calc I this summer so I can take Engineering Physics I in the fall. Still, it sets me a semester behind.
Anyway, good luck (as if luck had anything to do with it)
Posted: 2003-02-04 07:37pm
by Durandal
Alferd Packer wrote:Derivatives are just procedure.
Integration, to quote my calc book, "is an art!"
Indeed, and it's a dying one. It would take me hours on end to integrate 1/(1+x^10), but my TI-89 could do it for me in a few seconds. It's a lot like a story my lab TA last semester told me. He was doing some research work and trying like Hell to solve a differential equation. He'd crossed things out, used countless sheets of notebook paper, and was ready to just give up.
Then the professor walks up behind him, looks at the equation and says, "Heh, lemme show you how
we solve differential equations." Walks over to the computer, plugs the equation in, gets an answer.