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Drunk Driving?

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:15am
by Dalton

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:19am
by Mr Bean
Owww... thats some bad burns

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:20am
by Zaia
Link isn't working for me. :?

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:36am
by Faram
My take on that is.

If the cops stops you and you are driving a car drunk you should be shot at the side of the road.

No buts if or anything 3 shots in the head and the relatives have to pay for the bullets.

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:36am
by Nathan F
Good gosh...

It is a wonder that she didn't get killed!

:shock: :(

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:40am
by Dalton
Zaia wrote:Link isn't working for me. :?
It might be a blessing then; there are some very disturbing pictures on that page.

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:46am
by Nathan F
Yes, very.

Although it does do a good job of driving home the dangers of drinking and driving, and in a very shocking way, too...

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:47am
by Stormbringer
Disturbing to say the least.

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:49am
by Faram have some of the most fucked up videos ever.

Executions and stuff.

Surf around there if you vant them i'm not going to help you.

Posted: 2003-02-05 11:57am
by Zaia
It's working now. I've seen that before, actually, in a slideshow format. :(

Shame the people who really need to see that message never will.

Posted: 2003-02-05 12:02pm
by salm
Holy Macarel! :shock: :(
get designated drivers, fucktartds!

Posted: 2003-02-05 12:04pm
by Ghost Rider
Sadly...too many never do.

And yeah I've seen the slides....oi, even in class always got me down about how bad it gets about drunk driving and what it causes

Posted: 2003-02-05 03:32pm
by Pistolero
Holy Fucking Shit!!!! Poor girl! My heart goes out to her! Damn, what happened to her sucked ass.

Is ruining a life really worth driving while drunk or stoned? NO!!!! CALL A FUCKING CAB! Don't be cheap on top of stupid!

My 2 cents.

Posted: 2003-02-05 03:41pm
by Lord Pounder
I remember my dad tried to drink and drive once when we were out at a funeral. After my hand print faded from his face we called a taxi.

Posted: 2003-02-05 03:48pm
by Pistolero
"Reggie Stephey, convicted on his 20th birthday of intoxication manslaughter in the deaths of Laura Guerrero and Natalia Chpytchak Bennett, will be eligible for parole in 2005. He and Jacqui appeared in an Austin police anti-drunken-driving video. The damage he did, he says, is 'a pain that will never go away.' "

WTF?!?!?!?! What the fuck is wrong with the prosecutors in Texas????? Parole in 2005????? How is that justice???? You get more time for stealing a twinkie, for Christ's sake!

Posted: 2003-02-05 04:32pm
by ArmorPierce
If it's suppose to be a slide show it ain't working for me, just staying at a one pic.

Re: Drunk Driving?

Posted: 2003-02-05 04:33pm
by jegs2
That group of pictures is shown to our soldiers before nearly every long weekend.

Soldiers still manage to get charged with DUI's.

Posted: 2003-02-05 04:36pm
by haas mark
Oh my god....

Posted: 2003-02-05 05:08pm
by Temjin
That was horrible to look at. I can't even begin to imagine what she's been through.

Posted: 2003-02-05 05:45pm
by Admiral Valdemar
In the UK over Xmas the police always broadcast extra messages on TV and put up more patrols.

My dad almost wanted to drive to a party (not like him to risk it) and I noticed that you got £500 for grassing a drunk driver up. I have no qualms with doing that since it would pay for our Xmas pressies.

He never did though.

Posted: 2003-02-05 05:49pm
by HemlockGrey

Posted: 2003-02-05 05:50pm
by Admiral Valdemar
HemlockGrey wrote:'Grassing'?
Snitching, telling on.

Posted: 2003-02-05 06:06pm
by Next of Kin
Such a tragic set of events. :(

Posted: 2003-02-05 07:41pm
by Cal Wright
A. Distrubing
B. Tragic
C. A damn shame.

That girl was gorgous, and now she's hidious. First of all, I don't drink and do not get the point of it. Second, being so irresponsible as to drive while under the influence is incrediably stupid and unforgivable. If they haven't beaten the shit out that kid, then they need to. Right before a grueling execution by cremation.

Posted: 2003-02-05 07:45pm
by kheegster
If I were the father I really wouldn't know if I would be able to stop from killing that kid who maimed the girl...