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Late Night Haiku Bitching

Posted: 2003-02-06 01:01am
by Sonnenburg
Insomnia sucks
I can't get to sleep dammit.
Is it Friday yet?

Need something boring.
I think I'll read Darkstar's page.
No, mustn't harm the brain.

One, two, three li'l sheep
No, it's not what you're thinking.
Ain't that desperate.

Bet in the morning
Body is going to send me
A big freaking bill.

Posted: 2003-02-06 01:08am
by Captain tycho
Join the club.
I've had insomia for all my life.
It's been much better since I started posting here; relieves the bordeom.
Go do whatever you want until you feel tired.
Lying in bed and rolling around is the worst thing you can do.
Go take a walk, watch some tube, play a game.

Posted: 2003-02-06 01:10am
by TrailerParkJawa
Monday night can't sleep
Late night TV is such crap
Two hours sleep sucks bad