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Kansas drug tax!

Posted: 2003-02-06 07:30am
by Faram

Fucking amazing

Deal in drugs and pay the tax :D
Drug Tax Stamp
The fact that dealing marijuana and controlled substances is illegal does not exempt it from taxation. Therefore drug dealers are required by law to purchase drug tax stamps.

The drug tax is due as soon as the dealer takes possession of the marijuana or controlled substance. Payment of the drug tax will purchase the drug tax stamps. Attach the stamp to the marijuana and/or controlled substance immediately after receiving the substance. The stamps are valid for 3 months. Drugs seized without stamps or having expired stamps may result in criminal or civil penalties which may include fines, seizure of property or liens against real estate.

A dealer is not required to give his/her name or address when purchasing stamps and the Department is prohibited from sharing any information relating to the purchase of drug tax stamps with law enforcement or anyone else.

Purchasing drug tax stamps does not make possession of drugs legal.

Posted: 2003-02-06 07:38am
by Mr Bean
But we already weeded out all the dumb crimnals! :(

We have lots of systems in place to do that! Why add another?

Posted: 2003-02-06 10:53am
by Kintaro
What the hell is that? Just another brain-dead idea on how to get more money and lock people away for more time?

Posted: 2003-02-06 11:03am
by salm
WOW :!: :!: :!:

this could easily be added to one of the old western laws lists which are widely spread in the internet...

in alaska it is illegal to throw mooses out of the plane
in illinois it is illegal to smoke under water
in kansas it is illegal to sell illegal drugs without tax stamps

i IS amazing.

Posted: 2003-02-06 09:12pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
This reminds me of something...

"17 bags of cocaine were found under a park bench. If they are yours, call the police to reclaim it."

Posted: 2003-02-06 09:29pm
by Drewcifer
Actually, drug tax stamps have been around since the '80's. Most states have since stopped selling them, however, as most of the buyers were stamp collectors.

(stamp seller with cool pics)

Posted: 2003-02-06 10:21pm
by Xenophobe3691
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

What is the point in these, again? To prove that politicians have destroyed their brains listening to the idiot masses?

Posted: 2003-02-06 10:45pm
by Durandal
"Um ... I'm hear to pick up my illegal narcotics stamp."
"So you just came into possession of illegal narcotics?"
No ..."

Posted: 2003-02-07 12:45am
by Frank Hipper
salm wrote:WOW :!: :!: :!:

this could easily be added to one of the old western laws lists which are widely spread in the internet...

in alaska it is illegal to throw mooses out of the plane
in illinois it is illegal to smoke under water
in kansas it is illegal to sell illegal drugs without tax stamps

i IS amazing.
It is also illegal in Kansas to hunt rabbits from a boat.
It is required by law in Wichita KS. to stop your car at the intersection of Douglas and Broadway, get out, and fire warning shots in the air with a shotgun before proceding through the intersection.
I lived in Wichita for 8 years, BTW, no one observes that law. :D

Posted: 2003-02-07 01:26am
by RedImperator
Maybe it's a back-door attempt to legalize..."Well, we've already got the stamps, so why not?"

Re: Kansas drug tax!

Posted: 2003-02-07 02:06am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Faram wrote:

Fucking amazing

Deal in drugs and pay the tax :D
Technically, and unless they changed the law since the 30s, even at the Federal level, Marijuana is not illegal if you have a stamp. The Federal government simply does not issue these.

Posted: 2003-02-07 02:10am
by RedImperator
So THAT'S how they got around that little "recreational drug use by individuals is so far outside the intended scope of Federal power it isn't even funny" problem.