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So who here has a guinea pig?

Posted: 2003-02-08 03:32am
by Superman
I have a psycho guinea pig. Anyone else have one?

Posted: 2003-02-08 06:14am
by Robert Treder
When I was little, my sister had two. They both died or something; I don't remember. Maybe she sold them. They were ok, but they were pretty boring to look at, and they were about as dumb as two bags of rocks. And they made noises at night.
But they were soft.

Posted: 2003-02-08 10:00am
by Tsyroc
I had one a long time ago. She ended up getting cancer. :(

She wasn't a psycho but I inadvertantly trained her to make me fetch food whenever she wanted it. When she'd squeel lound I'd get her a carrot or some lettuce so of course that reinforced the behavior. :)

Posted: 2003-02-08 10:51am
by RedImperator
Glorified rats.

Posted: 2003-02-08 12:48pm
by Illuminatus Primus
My sister owned rats.

Posted: 2003-02-08 01:58pm
by ArmorPierce
I had hamsters, they're like mini guinea pigs.

Posted: 2003-02-08 05:00pm
by Sea Skimmer
I've got one named Ukraine. He's getting old now as well, but is still active enough.

Posted: 2003-02-08 05:01pm
by Sea Skimmer
RedImperator wrote:Glorified rats.
*Works .45 action, aims at head*

Your point being?

Posted: 2003-02-08 06:59pm
by Raxmei
No guinea pigs, but my sister has a hamster.

Guinea Pigs

Posted: 2003-02-08 07:40pm
by Biddybot
No Guinea pigs at the moment, just Guinea fowl. I kept a lot of them when I was much younger, though, as well as rats and mice. I've always thought they make nice, easy-care pets and that a long-haired Guinea pig, one of those that looks a little like a colourful mop, is about as close to having a tribble as you can get. I think I still have a funny article about washing Guinea pigs at home--will check and add to this post if I can find it.

Posted: 2003-02-08 07:42pm
by XaLEv
My fourth grade class had a guinea pig named Precious. I took care of her once over the weekend. My cat ran from her.

Posted: 2003-02-08 07:48pm
by Sea Skimmer
XaLEv wrote:My fourth grade class had a guinea pig named Precious. I took care of her once over the weekend. My cat ran from her.
My pig used to ram his nose into my cat whenever she lay down and he was lose. He'd keep hitting her until she got up and left or went someplace high. Stupid pig, though the cat never tired to attack him.

Posted: 2003-02-08 08:20pm
by Ghost Rider
Had a few when I was little creatures.

Much more amusing than fish.

Posted: 2003-02-09 01:46am
by Captain tycho
I have an adorable hyper guinea pig called Rodney.
Very sociable and active.
Not to mention *so* cute!!! :D :D

Posted: 2003-02-09 02:26am
by Bug-Eyed Earl
RedImperator wrote:Glorified rats.
Rats are cute. IMHO, so there's nothing wrong with that.

Case in point:

Posted: 2003-02-09 02:30am
by Sea Skimmer
Hey Tsyroc

Your sig picture is force formatting, You need to cut it down. Around 7 skulls should do it.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:02am
by Tsyroc
Sea Skimmer wrote:Hey Tsyroc

Your sig picture is force formatting, You need to cut it down. Around 7 skulls should do it.

Ooops, I'll have to fix that when I'm at home. For now I'll take it out.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:57am
by Frank Hipper
Sea Skimmer wrote:
RedImperator wrote:Glorified rats.
*Works .45 action, aims at head*

Your point being?
Roomate of mine had a 9 foot Red Tailed Boa.
He fed it rats. I came home one night and there were two juvenile rats in the bottom of the snake's cage, standing on their hind legs, hugging each other and shaking. It was the most pitiful thing I'd ever seen, so I rescued one. I should have rescued the other, I found it dead and un-eaten in the snake's "feeding theater" 2 days later. Anyway, that rat was one cool pet. She would come to me when I called her, ate out of my hand, and never pissed or shit outside of her cage, unless I was giving her a bath. She got along great with my rescued feeder mouse, too.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:09pm
by Shadowhawk
I had a Guinea Pig for several years. The thing was nervous as hell, so I called him Jitters. In all honesty, I liked the rat I had for a few years prior to getting Jitters better. Much, much more personable. He loved to eat Lucky Charms (I say that the preservatives in all the junk food I fed him kept him alive for so long), crawl around inside a blanket I'd mess up to create dark tunnels, and poke his head out of my shirt's neck... Great pet.
I had a mean dwarf hamster for a year or so before it died while I was on vacation (with a neighbor feeding it). I couldn't even hold the thing, since it liked to bite and it tended to draw blood.
My sister had a Guinea Pig and a rat at the same time I had said animals, and neither of hers lived as long as mine did.

Our cats eventually learned to be content just watching our various rodents, rather than actively trying to consume them.

Guinea Pigs

Posted: 2003-02-09 06:26pm
by Biddybot
Here's that article about giving Guinea pigs a bath. It was passed on to me years ago by a friend in Colorado, who was at the time quite into raising Guinea pigs and showing them and who belonged to a local club. The club published a newsletter several times a year and this particular entry, written by Ruda V. of the Fur Cellar Caviary, caught her eye:


1st: Get all pigs that you are going to give a bath. Take them in a box (from cage to bathtub).
2nd: Put pigs in bathtub (between 15 to 20 pigs will fit easily).
3rd: Turn shower on them (warm water). They will run from one side to the other. Just turn shower head on whichever side they are until they're all wet.
4th: Then get each pig and put whatever kind of soap you use to remove pests all over pig and make suds (do this with each pig in bathtub).
5th: After you are done with all of them, let them sit for about 10 to 15 minutes.
6th: Turn shower on again and rinse soap off. To make sure all soap is out, turn off shower and run each pig under water (warm) a couple of times. Do this with all pigs in the bathtub.
7th: Put pig in a towel and roll up in a ball. Leave pigs in towels while rinsing others.
8th: After all pigs are rinsed and in a towel, take them out of the towels one by one and blow dry them. Then put them in a carrier with fresh new shavings.
This should only take about 15 minutes of your time, plus drying time (not counting soaking time) at the most. Forty-five minutes to do about 15 to 20 pigs.
*Note: Usually, under most circumstances, they tend not to breed or fight while being wet and full of suds, so mixing sexes and breeds usually is not a problem. I wish not to be responsible for any mishaps, so if you have any questions, please feel free to call.'

She then provided her phone number. At this point, my friend expressed her opinion of this bathing method by scrawling 'Why not just throw them all in the washer?' in red ink on the article. I had to kind of agree. I've never washed a Guinea pig, but I have washed chickens, and I always do them individually in the sink. I've never thrown them all in the bathtub and turned the shower on them! :lol:

Posted: 2003-02-09 07:01pm
by Volpent Eagle
I had one when I was little. I accidently stepped on it adn it died.

Posted: 2003-02-09 11:57pm
by generator_g1
Had 2...cute little buggers.. :)

Posted: 2003-02-10 12:33am
by The Dark
I've had four guinea pigs, a gerbil, a rat, and 14 hamsters (I only bought two, but it turned out one was pregnant when I bought it :oops:). Of those guinea pigs, one was blind and another was 70% blind and 85% deaf. They were fun, but they didn't live that long.

Posted: 2003-02-10 02:21am
by Slartibartfast
Guinea pigs are tasty.

Posted: 2003-02-10 02:29am
by Captain tycho
Slartibartfast wrote:Guinea pigs are tasty.
And how would you know?
I'm warning you, don't even think about touching my piggy.... :x :x
or else....