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Favorite Mega Man Game

Posted: 2003-02-09 02:48pm
by Kintaro
What's your favorite Mega Man game? I've always loved 3, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the music, or some of the cool bosses, like Shadow Man. Mega Man X2 was also a fun game.

Posted: 2003-02-09 02:50pm
by Cyborg Stan
I like Megaman Zero, for some reason.

Posted: 2003-02-09 02:52pm
by Dalton
Three. Music is kickass, first appearance of Proto Man, pretty good bosses, Doc had a lot of good stuff in it.

Posted: 2003-02-09 02:59pm
by Sir Sirius
NES Megaman II. Three wasn't quite as good in my oppinion.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:03pm
by Joe
I'm gonna agree with Dalton here. Three is essential.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:06pm
by Ghost Rider

MM1 was insane, and actually got too much meorization.

MM2 almost...ALMOST did it, but MM3 took everything of MM2 and added Proto-man :)

Past that they really started going downhill(not quickly...I still like some of the MMX's but oi)

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:08pm
by Joe
Memorization, heh, I love how all those NES sidescrollers consisted primarily of playing through nearly-impossible levels until they burned into your mind. CastleVania 3 is a notable exception.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:12pm
by Ghost Rider
Ah Castlevania much fun and screaming at the TV

Still I love Castlevania:SoTN the best.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:27pm
by Kuja
MMX. I love the music.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:35pm
by Exonerate
X2. I remember when those vehicles first made their appearance... :D

Plus, I think that one had the most creativity and good bosses to beat.

Posted: 2003-02-09 03:46pm
by VF5SS
A tie between MMX and MM4 Gameboy version.

Posted: 2003-02-09 04:09pm
by Singular Quartet
To many to choose from... mind... bnreaking... down

But in reality, I might go with MMX5, since it was so damn hard, but otherwise three.

Posted: 2003-02-09 04:20pm
by Cal Wright
Megaman 3 or Megaman X4

I remember MM3. It was bitching and it was fucking long.
Megaman X4 was the first X game I played. Being Megaman was hard, but playing as Zero was huge. Plus grabbing the walls all of the shit you could do. It's really a toss up for me on those two. The others are great, have their little quirks, but those two really have it together.

Posted: 2003-02-09 04:55pm
by Datana
Megaman 3 (for the NES) or Rockman and Forte (for the Super Famicom). The second never saw a U.S. release, but was fun as heck.

Posted: 2003-02-09 05:05pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Rockman and Forte is getting released on the Gameboy as Megaman and Bass(duh) Can't wait, translated cd list, OH YEAH!

I'd have to say MM2 was the best, MM3 was ok, but the bosses were stupid. Topman, WORST MEGAMAN BOSS EVER!

The MMX series was ok, but I always thought it was lesser to the originals, even 7 and 9(Rockman and Forte).

Legends == crap.

Zero Series is good to, I need to play the american version to get the story. I consider it to be better than MMX but still not as good as the originals.

Posted: 2003-02-09 05:18pm
by VF5SS
Man I hate the Cyber-Elves in Zero. They could've handled power up in another way. Not only is it impossible to find enough crystal to feed them all before you face X, but its kinda creepy how they ask you to sacrifice them for power...

Posted: 2003-02-09 06:08pm
by SirNitram
MMX3 or Rockman And Forte. The latter is damn near impossible(The airship? boss is the worst, I can never beat it without cheats..), but still fun, and X3 is just fun in a 'BLOW SHIT UP' way. Plus, X gets gold chrome.

Posted: 2003-02-09 06:11pm
by Dalton
SirNitram wrote:MMX3 or Rockman And Forte. The latter is damn near impossible(The airship? boss is the worst, I can never beat it without cheats..), but still fun, and X3 is just fun in a 'BLOW SHIT UP' way. Plus, X gets gold chrome.
Man, I'll have to find some ROMs.

More detailed thoughts on the ones I can remember.....

Posted: 2003-02-09 06:16pm
by Cyborg Stan
Megaman 1-3

Never played these through. I'm much more used to the ones later in the series. Kept trying to charge up my weapon and dash, with the expected non-results that come from that.

Megaman 7

I recall there being a fair number of secrets in this game. The bosses, even with the right weapons often required a more steady hand and pattern to fight with them competantly. You can get the Super-Adapter and Protoman's shield, which is neat. The ending is good - Megaman actually tries to finish off Wily with a blast in the face rather than taking him to jail to escape again.

Megaman 9 (Rockman and Forte)

I don't think this was released in the US, and apparently borders on playstation sprite graphics in quality. Playing as Forte/Bass is quite fun, and quite different from Rockman/Megaman. You can collect up to 100 CDs over the course of the levels, and no one character can collect all of them. With the aforementioned play differences between the two characters, this puts a suprisingly high replay value for the game. The 100 CD collection in the game also helps build-up an in-game database, detaling old Megaman characters and bosses, such as their hobbies, favorite foods, etc. This would probably be interesting to people that can read Japanese.

Megaman X

First megaman game I really played through. Bosses can be hard unless if you know how to play them in the right order. Various upgrades are simpler and easier to use than in the next few games. Nowadays I can usually beat this game in under in hour, getting all the power-ujps, without losing any lives. The Hadoken ability you can get instantly wipes out any enemy that doesn't block it - which means 2 of the 3 final bosses. Even without it, I can usually beat the final two bosses with only get hit a few times.

I didn't take too much of the ending of this game at first, but it sets the standard for the X-angst thing which follows in the rest of the X series.

Megaman X2

Can't remember too much about the weapons and the bosses in this game, oddly enough. (Chalk it up to the primacy and regency effect.) However, some of the vechiles were neat (particularly the speeder bike) the location of the power-ups, in comparison to X1 or X3, were an excerise in pain, espically for the Flaming Punch. The 3 X-Hunters were also hard to fight if you don't have the right weapons for tactics. Zero (which has a cool theme, even if it loops around too soon) is damn near impossible if you don't use the air-dash ability correctly. The Flaming Punch ability is extremely difficult to get, but worth it. It has a better range, espically against airborne foes, and can take out a boss with one well placed hit. Even the final form of Sigma can't take much more than two. Plus, it looks cool.

I should note that the Zero theme here is pretty neat, even if it is a tad short.

Megaman X3

This game....... if you want to get all the power-ups and secrets, it would take awhile. Usually, I find it more difficult than in the other games to go through in an order not specificed by boss weaknesses. In order to get the upgrades you usually have to play some of the levels over after you beat all the bosses, and then there's the vechiles you get, which requires you to play more levels. The upgrades are even more complicatd in this game, such as the cross-shot and the double-air-dash ability. The two wandering bosses, Bit and Byte can be a bit difficult if you don't have the right strategy, and the third optional boss can also be a bit hard at times. Along with the normal upgrades, you can have one of five chips installed, so you have to make sacrifices (unless if you can find the fifth chip). The final weapon you get isn't as cool as, takes longer to use, and is harder to use than the ones in X1 and X2. It also limits your game ending a bit. The final form of Sigma I find annoying difficult, simply because of the small size and the tendancy of the weak point to move around.

Megaman Zero

This game...... is rather different for a Megaman-type game. It's also the one I played just a few weeks ago, so most of the information is still fresh in my mind, and there's a number of things that are very different in this game than in the others.

It occurs around a century after Megaman X6, and focuses on Zero. The art style is different from that of the Megaman original and X series. (Reminds me a little of the Rockman EXE anime.) If you can get over the fact that Zero now looks like a skinny flat-chested girl and that he shoots a pistol of all things, it's actually pretty cool. It's a bit darker in tone than the other Megamans, paricularly how the story goes and the odd fact that in the Japanese version of this game, your enemies bleed when you slice them in half.

You only get four weapons in this game, each with no distinching elemental properties. However, they take no energy to use and you can level them up by using them in battle, in an RPG-ish sort of way. Later in the game, you can absolutely tear through enemies using the jumping-sword-spin attack you get. Each weapon also has a charged mode, which deals out more damage but is also important in that you can use them in conjuction with 3 elemental chips, which allow you to freeze, burn, or electrocute your enemies.

The Cyber-Elf system which is mentioned in previous posts, sort of combines the upgrade capsule system you know and love from the X series and the shop system from the later of the original series. You collect Cyber elves, which are hidden throughout the levels, and then you often have to feed them energy crystals to use their powers. Zero can potentially become much stronger than even a fully upgraded X by using these. But not only does the Cyber-Elf die (Which is a bit morbid, but fits in the rest of the game.), it lowers your score as well.

You also get a score for each level you beat in this game. You get a rank and a title based on time taken through the level, the number of kills you get, the amount of damage you take, the number of elves you sacrifice, and even what weapon you use on the enemies. Want a challenge? Try beating the game with all the leves in S or the A rank, which requires you to get hit less than twice per level, even in boss fights, and no help from the Cyber-elves. If you want even more of a challenge, try the same in Hard mode, in which all the weapons stay at level one skill level, so the only way to take advantage of a boss's elemental weakness is use a weapon that disables you from dashing. The Cyber-elf system, with the score system put a pretty high replay value for a Megaman game.

The ending is also cool, when put into contrast with that of the X series. Without giving too much away...... instead of X, making a temporary peace and much angst.... we see Zero, alone and facing a huge army of Reploids that stretch to the horizon and blacken the skies. And instead of whining about it, he gladly starts slicing them up, one-by-one. Heh.

Posted: 2003-02-09 09:03pm
by generator_g1
Ghost Rider wrote:MM3...

MM1 was insane, and actually got too much meorization.

MM2 almost...ALMOST did it, but MM3 took everything of MM2 and added Proto-man :)

Past that they really started going downhill(not quickly...I still like some of the MMX's but oi)
Plus MM3 had that little cheat in Magnetman's level where your life bar goes to zero but you're still had something to do with someone doing something at the 2nd NES controller....

When I first played MM1, that clay boss was the pits until I found out all I need to do was use Elecmans wavy ray and press start lotsa times...

Posted: 2003-02-09 09:03pm
by generator_g1
Ghost Rider wrote:MM3...

MM1 was insane, and actually got too much meorization.

MM2 almost...ALMOST did it, but MM3 took everything of MM2 and added Proto-man :)

Past that they really started going downhill(not quickly...I still like some of the MMX's but oi)
Plus MM3 had that little cheat in Magnetman's level where your life bar goes to zero but you're still had something to do with someone doing something at the 2nd Famicom controller....does anybody remeber how it goes?

When I first played MM1, that clay boss was the pits until I found out all I need to do was use Elecmans wavy ray and press start lotsa times...

Posted: 2003-02-09 09:15pm
by Exonerate
I remember playing Megaman3... I can't recall much of it, but the bosses were extremely easy to beat. The battle with Dr. Wiley involved shooting at this green dome until it broke while missiles were flung towards you.

Posted: 2003-02-09 09:18pm
by Soontir C'boath
Megaman X is the only one I remembered and kept, the others I sold to Funcoland.

MMX for me was the best. Hmmm....I should play it again. I missed killing those birds or using that huge robot.


Posted: 2003-02-09 09:20pm
by generator_g1
Double post again!!! My browser is screwing up.. :(

Posted: 2003-02-09 09:55pm
by Isil`Zha