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Well, I had a bad experience today. (Warning Gruesome)

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:22pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Well, today, I was gonna feed a friend of the families horse, and as I reached in there I almost grabbed, and possilbe was bitten by a opossom. And opossom that had been killing my chickens. So my mom gets a net and I get a knife, we caught the opossom, and my mom has me stab it in the head, I find out it was extremely dull and the tip was broken off. So its hurts it pretty badly and my moms not taking the whole thing well, so I tell her to go away, and I try to put it out of its miseary as quickly as possible with what I had at hand. And so I take it to this fire pit, put it's head over a hollow ceramic brick, and in one swift move put a piece of rebar threw it's eye and out it's skull.

I feel bad about it, but it had to be done.

I probly caused the birth of a PETA member.

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:24pm
by Coyote
Why not just shoot it? Were there no axes around-- it sounds like a farm, or semi-rural environment...?

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:26pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
So you've crushed an opposoms head eh? Gruesome. And there really wasn't any other way to kill it? No sharp objects, no river to drown it in? Wow, gruesome.

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:28pm
by Anarchist Bunny
It didn't bite me, I noticed it in time.

It's on a little property were my mom makes pottery, and I didn't want to spend the time to run over the field, find something, and run back while it laid there suffering. Also there were no guns.

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:28pm
by LT.Hit-Man
not to good but it could have been worse, why didn't you shoot the fucker?

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:29pm
by Raptor 597
Well Not like he felt it. Drowning him would of took longer. I'm sure if he had something else he would of used it initially.

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:30pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:So you've crushed an opposoms head eh? Gruesome. And there really wasn't any other way to kill it? No sharp objects, no river to drown it in? Wow, gruesome.

I had a knife, but it was too dull and the tip was broken off, and it was already cut up and dying.

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:34pm
by ArmorPierce
So you stabbed it where exactly? The skull?

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:38pm
by Anarchist Bunny
ArmorPierce wrote:So you stabbed it where exactly? The skull?
Right below the skull in the neck, I think I broke it's neck, but it didn't die until I used the rubar.

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:56pm
by Nathan F
you could just break its neck, alot less gruesome that way, or you could have just hit it against the concrete block really hard like in the head.

Posted: 2003-02-11 06:57pm
by Seggybop
I feel like punching your mother if I saw her. Ordering the execution of the pathetic creature and then breaking down when you attempt to comply with the order.
In any case, killing things shouldn't be done unless it's absolutely necessary...

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:01pm
by Anarchist Bunny
NF_Utvol wrote:you could just break its neck, alot less gruesome that way, or you could have just hit it against the concrete block really hard like in the head.
Have you seen the teeth on a opossom? Sure there not a tiger, but there intimidating for their size.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:12pm
by Dalton
Seggybop wrote:I feel like punching your mother if I saw her. Ordering the execution of the pathetic creature and then breaking down when you attempt to comply with the order.
In any case, killing things shouldn't be done unless it's absolutely necessary...
Did you even read the post, or is it just a knee-jerk reaction? The opossum was killing his chickens. I'd say it was justified.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:14pm
by Darth Wong
Seggybop wrote:I feel like punching your mother if I saw her. Ordering the execution of the pathetic creature and then breaking down when you attempt to comply with the order.
Well, aren't we quick to condemn, eh?

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:15pm
by Kuja
If I'd caught an animal killing my chickens, I'd stomp him.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:16pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Dalton wrote:
Seggybop wrote:I feel like punching your mother if I saw her. Ordering the execution of the pathetic creature and then breaking down when you attempt to comply with the order.
In any case, killing things shouldn't be done unless it's absolutely necessary...
Did you even read the post, or is it just a knee-jerk reaction? The opossum was killing his chickens. I'd say it was justified.
Not only were they chickens, they were pets, most of them have names, and can easily be held. What would you do if you caught a animal that had killed a cat or small dog of yours, that you have had for years? While none of my older ones were killed, I lost several half year old one children of older birds that have died, and some really beautiful new breeds I bought.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:18pm
by HemlockGrey
There is a bear who routinely raids my uncle's beehives.

My uncle is a former US Marine, an extremely good shot, and better armed than a hundred Shep's.

That bear is in serious trouble if he ever missteps.

On a more related note, that sucks. Part of the reason my uncle carries a pistol on his property and up at his cabin is so that he can put down animals quickly and easily.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:19pm
by Seggybop
You've already got several dead animals. I don't see how adding another one helps you except as some kind of violent revenge. And in that case from your story it doesn't seem like you gained much satisfaction from destroying this enemy.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:20pm
by Robert Treder
Seggybop wrote:You've already got several dead animals. I don't see how adding another one helps you except as some kind of violent revenge. And in that case from your story it doesn't seem like you gained much satisfaction from destroying this enemy.
He's preventing it from killing again. Duh.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:21pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Seggybop wrote:You've already got several dead animals. I don't see how adding another one helps you except as some kind of violent revenge. And in that case from your story it doesn't seem like you gained much satisfaction from destroying this enemy.
Are you blind? It was KILLING his chickens. And if killing something thats destroying your livestock isn't justifyed, then what would you have done smartguy?

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:22pm
by Dalton
Seggybop wrote:You've already got several dead animals. I don't see how adding another one helps you except as some kind of violent revenge. And in that case from your story it doesn't seem like you gained much satisfaction from destroying this enemy.
You some PETA clown? You deliberately not reading his posts? The opossum was killing his chickens. Killing the opossum = opossum not killing chickens.

It's like shooting a wolf that's killing your sheep. Can't you see that?

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:23pm
by Colonel Olrik
Seggybop wrote:You've already got several dead animals. I don't see how adding another one helps you except as some kind of violent revenge. And in that case from your story it doesn't seem like you gained much satisfaction from destroying this enemy.
? It was eating the fucking chickens! You know, they lay eggs and eventually donate the meat.. You obviously don't have relatives living in rural areas.

It's natural for a farmer to kill animals, it's part of the job.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:25pm
by Seggybop
I understand the position of everyone. What I don't get is that after you capture the animal and it's no longer able to cause you damage you need to kill it. It seems sort of gratuitious.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:26pm
by Dalton
Seggybop wrote:I understand the position of everyone. What I don't get is that after you capture the animal and it's no longer able to cause you damage you need to kill it. It seems sort of gratuitious.
You're right, Seggybop. Bunny should have just let the animal cruelly suffer and bleed to death as punishment.

Posted: 2003-02-11 07:28pm
by Seggybop
No, he shouldn't stab it in the first place. He had already captured it. Like shooting captured POWs or something. They can't hurt you anymore but you kill them anyway. Not that the possum is the same as a human, but it's the same idea that there's no reason to hurt it after it's no longer able to attack.