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France-bashing in the news

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:33pm
by Zaku-chan
This appeared in the Buffalo News today and I thought I'd copy it:
House GOP member calls France second-rate country

WASHINGTON - A Republican member of the House International Relations Committee called France "a second-rate country" that should be left out of any future defense coalitions that include the United States. Rep. Peter King of Nassau County, NY, accused France of using its influence on the United Nations Security Council and NATO to hobble international cooperation aimed at disarming Iraq.

"We may have to restructure (NATO), form a new alliance which the French will not be part of," King said Tuesday. "We cannot allow a second-rate country to have a veto power or obstructionist power over American foreign policy." King said France also was a hindrance to US military intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s.

"France is posturing itself as a moral guardian, when they would have lost World War I, and they set a world record in World War II for the quickest surrender by a world power," King said. A spokeswoman at the French embassy in Washington did not return a call seeking comment.

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:35pm
by weemadando
Well he's a fucking moron.

They already have restructured NATO to a form that most of them like.

Its called the EU, and there's the notable absence of America, which makes more European countries even happier.

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:36pm
by HemlockGrey
Frankly, I don't really see why France's approval in the UN is so important. What about Angola? Uruguay? Chile? The Ukraine? What makes France's approval so much more worthwhile?

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:38pm
by jaeger115
HemlockGrey wrote:Frankly, I don't really see why France's approval in the UN is so important. What about Angola? Uruguay? Chile? The Ukraine? What makes France's approval so much more worthwhile?
Media. :roll:

Aside from that, I wonder why he didn't include Germany in that too. :?

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:39pm
by ben
Gah, idiots no wonder the US is so much disliked abroad.

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:43pm
by Sea Skimmer
jaeger115 wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:Frankly, I don't really see why France's approval in the UN is so important. What about Angola? Uruguay? Chile? The Ukraine? What makes France's approval so much more worthwhile?
Media. :roll:

Aside from that, I wonder why he didn't include Germany in that too. :?
Actually its because they hold a permanent seat on the UN Security Council with one of five Veto's actually. German does not, nor does Angola, Uruguay, Chile or the Ukraine.

If UN approval is sought then that of France is needed. The real question is why do we care about the UN? The answer is the US doesnt, its just humoring those who do and using the weapons inspectors to keep Saddam busy hiding his weapons rather then getting ready to use them.

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:45pm
by HemlockGrey
Right, which is part of the reason I believe the UN is misnamed. It's not the United Nations, otherwise we would care about Angola and Ukraine and Uruguay. It's become(and perhaps has always been) European Union: The Prequel, co-starring Russia.

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:46pm
by Kuja
Sea Skimmer wrote:If UN approval is sought then that of France is needed. The real question is why do we care about the UN? The answer is the US doesnt, its just humoring those who do and using the weapons inspectors to keep Saddam busy hiding his weapons rather then getting ready to use them.
Doesn't the US supply something like a quarter of the UN's budget? If the US were to pull out, the whole thing would probably collapse.

Posted: 2003-02-12 09:50pm
by weemadando
IG-88E wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:If UN approval is sought then that of France is needed. The real question is why do we care about the UN? The answer is the US doesnt, its just humoring those who do and using the weapons inspectors to keep Saddam busy hiding his weapons rather then getting ready to use them.
Doesn't the US supply something like a quarter of the UN's budget? If the US were to pull out, the whole thing would probably collapse.
Possibly. But why would the US pull out. The UN is very handy for things other than just declaring war (or atleast, trying to).

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:05pm
by Mr Bean
Frankly the guy has a slight point
"SLIGHT", not the emphisis

This has been the trend of France since WWI, I'll could list all the examples but I'm tired but I'll use the WWII one as most people know it

UK:Are you re-arming your military?
Germany:No, what makes you think that
France:No reason
UK:We have intellgence saying you are, and in violation of the treaty
Germany: Realy? Sure its not bad tea?
France:Thats happened before
UK:What are you talking about? No it has not
France:Sure it has
UK:But I don't even drink tea!
Germany:Yes you do, You drink it every single day
UK:No I don't! Look... loook just be quiet and forget the whole thing

Ethopia:HELP HELP! We are getting our rears handed to us! Send troops!
UK:Great Scott! We most join togther and support them!
France:Frankly its about time you had a new leadership, You know refreshing breath of air and all that
UK:Are you men mad?
France:Maybe abit miffed but otherwise I'm fine, its to cold in here
Germany:Maybe we should close the Window
UK: *silence*

UK:We need to talk about this, First that re-arming then all the new weapon devolpments and new war-factorys, your Violating the Treaty left and right and publicy!
Germany:So we are
UK:If you don't We will FORCE you to disarm in accordence with the treaty! Right France?
France:I'm sure they have good wholesome motivations for this build-up, Your just going through a mid-life crisies arn't you
Germany:I bet thats it, hopfuly we will be over it next year
UK: *silence*

UK:Ok look, we are getting all sorts of distrubing reports everyone, first the Check Republic, now Poland, France have you changed your mind yet?.... Umm France?
Germany:I'm sorry France can't come to the phone right now


Posted: 2003-02-12 10:10pm
by weemadando
Umm... Bean, lets not be too hasty.


Cote d'Ivoire - uprising in mid Jan +6 hours. French forces on the ground and smacking down insurgents.

It took the Brits another 2 days to get people there. And the Americans didn't even bother.

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:12pm
by Mr Bean
Cote d'Ivoire is.... where now? I have not even heard of the place, let alone that French Military action had been taken

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:14pm
by weemadando
West African Republic. Been having quite a few issues over the past decade. France is generally the first to rock up when there are problems.

Hell, pretty much anywhere in North/Western Africa and you can be guaranteed that France will be the first to turn up. Unless they're the ones starting shit.

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:15pm
by Joe
I see no reason to make fun of France in the media. This backwards, second-rate country practically bashes itself.

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:28pm
by Knife
weemadando wrote:West African Republic. Been having quite a few issues over the past decade. France is generally the first to rock up when there are problems.

Hell, pretty much anywhere in North/Western Africa and you can be guaranteed that France will be the first to turn up. Unless they're the ones starting shit.

What? Are you saying that the French are acting unilaterally? The warmongers, they should have to go to the UN and get permission before setting out on imperialist campaigns. :P

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:31pm
by Sea Skimmer
weemadando wrote:West African Republic. Been having quite a few issues over the past decade. France is generally the first to rock up when there are problems.

Hell, pretty much anywhere in North/Western Africa and you can be guaranteed that France will be the first to turn up. Unless they're the ones starting shit.
That's in part because they already have bases in the area, and overflight rights. Many people forget that it was largly because of the French that Chad didn't fall to Libya.

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:31pm
by weemadando
Knife wrote:
weemadando wrote:West African Republic. Been having quite a few issues over the past decade. France is generally the first to rock up when there are problems.

Hell, pretty much anywhere in North/Western Africa and you can be guaranteed that France will be the first to turn up. Unless they're the ones starting shit.

What? Are you saying that the French are acting unilaterally? The warmongers, they should have to go to the UN and get permission before setting out on imperialist campaigns. :P
Well, actually they are going in at the request of the governments. Somehow I don't think Iraq will be laying down the red carpet for the Black Horse cav, and have Saddam shaking the hands of the Marines as they land on the beaches, giving them each a lei and saying "Welcome to Iraq - We hope you enjoy the mother of all battles mk2."

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:35pm
by Knife
weemadando wrote:
Knife wrote:
weemadando wrote:West African Republic. Been having quite a few issues over the past decade. France is generally the first to rock up when there are problems.

Hell, pretty much anywhere in North/Western Africa and you can be guaranteed that France will be the first to turn up. Unless they're the ones starting shit.

What? Are you saying that the French are acting unilaterally? The warmongers, they should have to go to the UN and get permission before setting out on imperialist campaigns. :P
Well, actually they are going in at the request of the governments. Somehow I don't think Iraq will be laying down the red carpet for the Black Horse cav, and have Saddam shaking the hands of the Marines as they land on the beaches, giving them each a lei and saying "Welcome to Iraq - We hope you enjoy the mother of all battles mk2."
It was mostly in jest. In the Ivory Coast though, the rebels were still fighting only a week ago and I doubt they invited the French over so they could take potshots at them either.

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:41pm
by Sea Skimmer
weemadando wrote:
Knife wrote:
weemadando wrote:West African Republic. Been having quite a few issues over the past decade. France is generally the first to rock up when there are problems.

Hell, pretty much anywhere in North/Western Africa and you can be guaranteed that France will be the first to turn up. Unless they're the ones starting shit.

What? Are you saying that the French are acting unilaterally? The warmongers, they should have to go to the UN and get permission before setting out on imperialist campaigns. :P
Well, actually they are going in at the request of the governments. Somehow I don't think Iraq will be laying down the red carpet for the Black Horse cav, and have Saddam shaking the hands of the Marines as they land on the beaches, giving them each a lei and saying "Welcome to Iraq - We hope you enjoy the mother of all battles mk2."
I should hope not, since the Black Horse currently is using M551's and Hummers with vismod kits over at the National Training Center as the dedicated OPFOR.

Posted: 2003-02-12 10:48pm
by weemadando
Sea Skimmer wrote:
I should hope not, since the Black Horse currently is using M551's and Hummers with vismod kits over at the National Training Center as the dedicated OPFOR.
*grumbling* Goddamn nit-pickers */grumbling

Posted: 2003-02-13 02:40am
by Vympel
weemadando wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:
I should hope not, since the Black Horse currently is using M551's and Hummers with vismod kits over at the National Training Center as the dedicated OPFOR.
*grumbling* Goddamn nit-pickers */grumbling
I was gonna cite you for that violation as well :)

Posted: 2003-02-13 02:47am
by Darth Fanboy
Thank you bean for the improvement to my sig

Posted: 2003-02-13 02:53am
by Perinquus
weemadando wrote:West African Republic. Been having quite a few issues over the past decade. France is generally the first to rock up when there are problems.

Hell, pretty much anywhere in North/Western Africa and you can be guaranteed that France will be the first to turn up. Unless they're the ones starting shit.
That's because these countries were French colonies during the era of imperialism. Why do you think Cote d'Ivoire is a French name?

Posted: 2003-02-13 12:43pm
by David
Ah France, they're always there when they need you. :)

Re: France-bashing in the news

Posted: 2003-02-13 12:51pm
by jegs2
Zaku-chan wrote:Reactions?
Yeah, France sucks.