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Daredevil Review
Posted: 2003-02-14 02:17pm
by Captain tycho
Ahem. I just saw a screening of the Daredevil this morning, and to tell the truth, it sucked
The acting is bad, the fight scenes are dark and inpersonal, and dull.
The plot is simply tacked on, and the supervillain is moronic.
Out of ten: 3.1
If you were going to see this movie, don't waste any time with it.
It just sucks.
Posted: 2003-02-14 02:19pm
by The Great Unbearded One
This is precisely what I feared from screen shots, trailers and such. It was just another movie tagged on to ride the sucess of Spiderman, which is an 8/10 movie!
Posted: 2003-02-14 02:53pm
by AdmiralKanos
I was never a big fan of the Daredevil concept. Spiderman's big strength is the hero-s journey/coming of age tale of nerdy, bookish Peter Parker: a character we've all known and identified with for a long time.
Daredevil, on the other hand ... well, let's just say there's a reason Daredevil comics never sold as well as Spiderman comics.
Posted: 2003-02-14 02:56pm
by Captain tycho
The Great Unbearded One wrote:This is precisely what I feared from screen shots, trailers and such. It was just another movie tagged on to ride the sucess of Spiderman, which is an 8/10 movie!
The problem I had with Spider man was it's cheesiness, (which I know was a salute to the comics, but this movie just sucks)
Posted: 2003-02-14 03:20pm
by The Dark
AdmiralKanos wrote:I was never a big fan of the Daredevil concept. Spiderman's big strength is the hero-s journey/coming of age tale of nerdy, bookish Peter Parker: a character we've all known and identified with for a long time.
Daredevil, on the other hand ... well, let's just say there's a reason Daredevil comics never sold as well as Spiderman comics.
See, I liked both. Spiderman fit with the nerdy, bookish side of me. Daredevil was really big for me when my eyesight was still deteriorating due to a combination of genetics and acid damage from fireworks. I'm one of the few who's owned more DD comics than Spidey. I'll agree that the trailers and shots I've seen of the movie suck. Which is a shame, because the actors are actually fairly decent. The writers, director, and cinematographers just seem to have been in over their heads.
Posted: 2003-02-14 03:30pm
by jaeger115
I don't know about Daredevil, but I absolutely loved Spiderman. I think it was the best superhero movie of all time.
Posted: 2003-02-14 03:37pm
by Montcalm
I hope Hulk does`nt suck as much.
Posted: 2003-02-14 03:49pm
by Rob Wilson
AdmiralKanos wrote:I was never a big fan of the Daredevil concept. Spiderman's big strength is the hero-s journey/coming of age tale of nerdy, bookish Peter Parker: a character we've all known and identified with for a long time.
Daredevil, on the other hand ... well, let's just say there's a reason Daredevil comics never sold as well as Spiderman comics.
Well I always preferred hornhead to the webslinger. When written properly he was good, a person dealing with the problems of being hero - the lack of real friends, the long nights, the moral ambiguity of it all. Spidey was too boyscout for me in the majority of his adventures (though I liked his wise-cracking
). Spidey and DD are Marvels answer to Supes and Bats in that regard, and while i could take small doses of Supes cornfed, farm raised goodness, Bats was always my favourite.
Re: Daredevil Review
Posted: 2003-02-14 03:50pm
by Rob Wilson
Captain tycho wrote:Ahem. I just saw a screening of the Daredevil this morning, and to tell the truth, it sucked
The acting is bad, the fight scenes are dark and inpersonal, and dull.
The plot is simply tacked on, and the supervillain is moronic.
Out of ten: 3.1
If you were going to see this movie, don't waste any time with it.
It just sucks.
Well a few of us are planning to see it tomorrow, and I'll make up my own mind. I'll post my thoughts on it afterwards and we'll see if a consensus builds.
Posted: 2003-02-14 03:56pm
by 2000AD
I liked it more than spiderman. It's much darker, which is what i like. While Affleck does an OK job at DD, Farrel and Duncan do top class work as Bullseye and Kingpin respectively. Also, who doesn't want to shag the pants of Jennifer Garner?
Posted: 2003-02-14 04:17pm
by Col. Crackpot
It's Ben Affleck! did you actually expect a quality cine,atic experience?
Posted: 2003-02-14 09:32pm
by Cal Wright
I thought it was awesome. Nice and dark. Did feel sort of rushed in terms of how the story moved. Other than that I loved it. I never read the comics either. Only what team ups appeared in the the Spidey comics. The thing I liked about Daredevil is he felt like someone pushed too damn far. He was tired of seeing others pushed down just because someone else could do it. Nice and dark.
btw, for all the hatas out there that keep worshiping the first Batman movie (Wizard Mag, you know who you are) Spiderman is the standard in how comic movies need to be made.
Posted: 2003-02-14 09:57pm
by Darth Fanboy
Posted: 2003-02-14 10:00pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I thought he was stellar in
Posted: 2003-02-14 10:04pm
by Cal Wright
Mallrats was bad ass. Don't forget, he was the bomb in Phantoms yo!
Posted: 2003-02-14 10:07pm
by Darth Fanboy
Ok, leave out all of his bit parts in Kevin Smith movies
Im right! he Sucks!
Posted: 2003-02-14 10:58pm
by David
ok the movie sucked in several ways, but to say why would spoil it for all of you.
Posted: 2003-02-15 01:26am
by Darth Yoshi
Question: is Kingpin the one from Spidey? Because I always thought Fisk was white. If I'm wrong, correct me.
Posted: 2003-02-15 01:59am
by Lord Poe
Darth Yoshi wrote:Question: is Kingpin the one from Spidey? Because I always thought Fisk was white. If I'm wrong, correct me.
Well, he WAS, until he was "re-imagined" by the filmmakers.
If you haven't heard, the new "Battlestar Galactica" has "re-imagined" Starbuck as a female.
Motherfucking idiots.
Posted: 2003-02-15 02:41am
by Cal Wright
I'm not a bit Battlestar fan, so I can't sympathize. However, yes, Dare Devil's Kingpin IS the same Kingpin Spiderman has gone up against. Micheal Clarke Duncan rocks. I don't care what he was supposed to be in the comics, MCD is the Kingpin.
Posted: 2003-02-15 02:42am
by Dalton
Hmm. I saw something on HBO where they said they case MCD because he was a "big guy" not because he was black.
Posted: 2003-02-15 02:44am
by Cal Wright
Exactly. Personally, I wish he had been even bigger. but oh well, he was a dominating presence.
Posted: 2003-02-15 02:53am
by Bug-Eyed Earl
For those of you who just got home from the movie, you may be wondering something(SPOILERS):
."How the hell did the police all of a sudden discover who the Kingpin is?"
An entire subplot was cut from the movie where Matt and Foggy take on the case of Daunte Jackson(played by Coolio), a hood who is falsely accused of the murder of Lisa Tazlo, a prostitute. Matt knows he's innocent, but when the cop who found Jackson at the crime scene testifies that he found Jackson holding the murder weapon, his heart doesn't skip a beat. Only one can be telling the truth.
Matt and Foggy look at the hooker's apartment, and Matt touches a table and finds the initials "MOM 6/8" indented on it where someone had written that down on a piece of paper.
Matt later runs into Ben Urich, who tells him he believes Daunte Jackson is innocent, because he had a source close to one of the Kingpin's men (where he was getting his info), Lisa Tazlo, who got her info via pillow talk. Matt realizes that someone has a motive to set Jackson up, but is still confused as to how the cop could have been telling the truth on the stand. Matt is visibly agitated, and Urich tells him not to have a heart attack. Matt then realizes that the cop had a pacemaker, and goes after him, breaking into his Mercedes and waiting for him. When he shows up, Matt snaps handcuffs around the surprised cop's wrist and hits the gas, crashing into obstacles and demanding information. The panicked cop admits he works for the Kingpin, and when you join, you join for life. If you try to get out, the Kingpin doesn't just kill you, but your whole family. That is when Matt goes to find Elektra.
Meanwhile, Foggy is attempting to make sense of the note, and Karen Page comes along and sees it as she stands across form him, and says he might be looking at it wrong. Foggy realizes MOM is WOW 8/9, the night of the murder. He also realizes tha tWOW might stand for Wesley Owen Welsh, Fisk's assistant. Foggy puts two and two together.
He gives the info to Urich, who realizes that the Kingpin's man Tazlo was sleeping with was Wesley, and that he killed her after realizing he had said to much. Urich gives the info to the cop he is always talking to. The detective finds Wesley, and tells him that he's a liability to fisk, and a nervous Wesley agrees to make a deal.
The last scene from that subplot has Wesley being brought to his cell in Rikers Island. Amid the jeers from the other inmates, he hears a voice form the next cell. "Tell me about your plea bargain, Wesley." The Kingpin is in the cell next to him.
Also cut out form the beginning was a part in the Kingpin's first scene. Right after he says "Someone always does." he sees his guards are nervous. He then says "You know, Wesley, in ancient times, a master would cut the tongues from his guards to ensure their silence." Then. like a rattlesnake, his hand whips out and crushes the throat of one bodyguard, and in the same motion he bashes in the other's skull with his cane.
Re: Daredevil Review
Posted: 2003-02-15 03:14am
by Kamakazie Sith
Rob Wilson wrote:Captain tycho wrote:Ahem. I just saw a screening of the Daredevil this morning, and to tell the truth, it sucked
The acting is bad, the fight scenes are dark and inpersonal, and dull.
The plot is simply tacked on, and the supervillain is moronic.
Out of ten: 3.1
If you were going to see this movie, don't waste any time with it.
It just sucks.
Well a few of us are planning to see it tomorrow, and I'll make up my own mind. I'll post my thoughts on it afterwards and we'll see if a consensus builds.
I've seen DD, and I enjoyed it.
Posted: 2003-02-15 04:35am
by Patrick Degan
Dalton wrote:Hmm. I saw something on HBO where they said they case MCD because he was a "big guy" not because he was black.
That was my first thought: MCD's casting as Wilson Fisk had nothing to do with race, but rather that he is the only actor in Hollywood with the
bulk required for the part.