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You suddenly discover you're a Q...

Posted: 2003-02-16 12:56am
by beyond hope
...more to the point, you're the only one. There's no continuum around to cramp your style and say "no you can't do that" and no other super-powerful entities to get in your way. You can quite literally do whatever you want, fulfill every twisted urge you've ever had in your life, and no one can stop you.

Two questions:
1- without sharing gruesome details* how far would you go with absolute power?


2- How long would you give it before it got boring?

(*yes, this italicized part is my vain attempt to try and keep this thread from eventually being Hall o' Shamed.)

Posted: 2003-02-16 12:59am
by Keevan_Colton
Hall of Shamed?
I doubt it....stolen by the brotherhood perhaps.... :twisted:

1. You really dont want to know how far I'd go.....
2. Since you can apparently reshape the universe at your whim as long as you can keep thinking of things....or do.

Posted: 2003-02-16 01:28am
by Captain tycho
Oh, wait till you heae this... :twisted:
First off, I create a new species dedicated to serving me, and I give them immensely powerful technology, and send them off on holy wars. :twisted: Then I have sex with as many women as I want. :twisted: Then I head down to earth posing as a regular Joe and wreak havoc. (double :twisted: ) I build my own super-empire that spans the entire universe and reform it. Then....I just go and have fun. :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2003-02-16 01:47am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
First things first. Create a new universe dedicated to pain and suffering in the most extreme. IOW, Hell. Then I'll hunt down that judeo-christian god and give the cunt and his pitiful band of bloodthirsty, lying fucktard aliens what's coming to him. Hey God, WELCOME TO HELL!!!

Then I'd rescue all of those cutie boys on Star Trek from fiery deaths by taking them to the Culture-verse. Then I fix Trek Tech to actually make sense and repair the continuity. I'd also remove all knowledge of the concepts of "Reality TV", "Televangelism", and "Microsoft" from this timeline as well. Then I'd have a Grand Old Party with the Roman Pantheon, Cthulhu and his friends, and whatever other gods I take a liking to...

Then I'd have sex with whoEVER I damn well please, and I'll make it physically impossible for people to get more than about 20% body fat...

Oh, and Anal Sex is just as easy and natural as any other kind of sex!!

Posted: 2003-02-16 01:50am
by Keevan_Colton
Hmm.....that gives me an idea.....create valhalla....
An afterlife full of drunken parties, fighting and getting only to people who spend thier life having drunken parties, getting into fights or getting laid a lot....

Hmm.... :twisted:

Posted: 2003-02-16 01:54am
by Exonerate
I'd give the Trek universe ships that could beat the Empire's just to piss everybody off.

*Runs away from the inevitable flood of people who will want to cut his head off and stick it on a fence post*

Re: You suddenly discover you're a Q...

Posted: 2003-02-16 01:55am
by LT.Hit-Man
1: You don't want to know.
2: You REALY don't want to know.

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:21am
by DPDarkPrimus
Actually, I would create entities that could possibly cause harm to me every once in a while, as otherwise I would get bored after a while...

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:08pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
First, I'd tell everyone on Earth that they're all wrong in their beliefs, and they have to accept me to go to heaven. Not only would this end fundies and televangelists, it would bring peace to all of the religions. Then, I'll make hell a place where you're assraped 24/7 by guys with 15-inch penises wearking sandpaper condoms, so everyone will bow down to me so I won't send them there. Then, I'd smite all of the morons.

With such powers, I'd guess I'd have on choice to use them to improve earth, though I might inflict harm on others for fun.

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:10pm
by ArmorPierce
Lots of sex

Get bored from sex?

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:11pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I hang out with Billy Mumy's Twilight Zone character. :twisted:

Re: You suddenly discover you're a Q...

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:12pm
by jegs2
beyond hope wrote:...more to the point, you're the only one. There's no continuum around to cramp your style and say "no you can't do that" and no other super-powerful entities to get in your way. You can quite literally do whatever you want, fulfill every twisted urge you've ever had in your life, and no one can stop you.

Two questions:
1- without sharing gruesome details* how far would you go with absolute power?


2- How long would you give it before it got boring?

(*yes, this italicized part is my vain attempt to try and keep this thread from eventually being Hall o' Shamed.)
I immediately allow an Imperial fleet (complete with SSD) to enter Federation space, then I stand back and watch the show...

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:17pm
by The Yosemite Bear
*summons popcorn*

we have to make sure this stuff is preserved once the Imperials get done....

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:19pm
by Darth Yoshi
1. I'd outlaw stupidity in the universe. You can be stupid, as long as your stupidity doesn't harm others. Then I'd make every Sunday Party Day! Booze! Orgies! No violence, though.

2. Considering how much I can do with my newfound powers, it'll take a while.

Re: You suddenly discover you're a Q...

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:34pm
by Enforcer Talen
beyond hope wrote:...more to the point, you're the only one. There's no continuum around to cramp your style and say "no you can't do that" and no other super-powerful entities to get in your way. You can quite literally do whatever you want, fulfill every twisted urge you've ever had in your life, and no one can stop you.

Two questions:
1- without sharing gruesome details* how far would you go with absolute power?


2- How long would you give it before it got boring?

(*yes, this italicized part is my vain attempt to try and keep this thread from eventually being Hall o' Shamed.)
bored in about 10 seconds.

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:41pm
by kojikun
I'd nuke the human race out of existance. Its not worth the trouble it causes.

Posted: 2003-02-16 02:54pm
by Wicked Pilot
NO MORE GREEDO SHOOTS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 2003-02-16 03:41pm
by Crazy_Vasey
Give Bush, Blair and Hussein force powers and let them renact duel of the fates. Can you think of a better way to sort this whole war thing out? :lol:

Posted: 2003-02-16 04:01pm
by NecronLord
Create all the universes talked about on these forums.

Make you all (regulars) demi-gods answeable only to me (And Darth wong, who will be more powerful than the rest of you.)

Posted: 2003-02-16 04:21pm
by Shinova
1. Destroy all human presence in this universe/or leave it behind and leave it to its own fate, whatever it is. Then go traveling.

2. For as long as possible.