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Monday the 19th, 4PM ET, Fox News:

Posted: 2009-01-19 01:39am
by Medic
Noted "rodeo clown:" Glenn Beck!
From his site wrote:VOICE: January 19th at 5:00 p.m. on Fox News, Glenn Beck tries to destroy a different cable news network. Find out more at

GLENN: I can't -- I'm surprised that I couldn't destroy the last one. I really tried hard.
Well, we'll roll up our sleeves and do our best, although Fox seems to be a juggernaut. Join us next Monday night at 5:00 and please set your TiVo because I know that, you know, you're busting your butt and especially on the West Coast, you are not going to be around at 5:00. But I promise you it will be worth TiVoing. It will be worth your while and it will be a, I believe -- Stu, after the meeting we had yesterday, not all the meetings but I think yesterday we kind of had a real meeting of the minds and really, we're starting to get really down to the wire here. I think we have a different kind of show than what you've seen over at Fox.
Well, never let it be said he wouldn't tell a joke at his expense. I guess it's hard not to be when, like Rush, he's a reformed addict. (in Beck's case, drugs and alcohol)

I can all but hear those shovels digging over at Fox News. This to compliment a now-Alan-Colmes-less "Hannity." Not that that makes that show any more one-sided. :roll:

edit: for the record, my gut instinct was OT, but I was drinking at the time :o

Re: Monday the 19th, 4PM ET, Fox News:

Posted: 2009-01-19 02:33am
by Count Dooku
If I recall, Beck decided to become, ahem, 'self educated' about everything from science to economics to politics after his troubles with narcotics. Nothing he says has any redeeming value, just like FAUX News!!!

Re: Monday the 19th, 4PM ET, Fox News:

Posted: 2009-01-19 03:17am
by MarshalFoch
You are giving him far too much credit. He doesn't 'self-educate' he just 'selfs'. Beck thinks not knowing a damn makes him better qualified because he can use the common sense those experts lack. Always going on with their calculations and statistics, don't they know the solution to not enough oil is 'get more'!

Re: Monday the 19th, 4PM ET, Fox News:

Posted: 2009-01-19 04:32am
by Ender
what is the point of this thread? Fox is full of partisan idiots, news at 11. Flush this shit.

Re: Monday the 19th, 4PM ET, Fox News:

Posted: 2009-01-19 04:59am
by Admiral Valdemar
Not news. Not news goes to OT.

Re: Monday the 19th, 4PM ET, Fox News:

Posted: 2009-01-21 01:00am
by Elfdart
Wanna see Beck go batshit?

Here you go:

Crooks and Liars
