My (Other) Stepbrother
Posted: 2003-02-17 05:16pm
Or my Half sister's (other) Half brother,
Yeah, my mom and my sister are guilting me because I won't be nice, write or have anything to do with my other stepbrother, while he's in military prison.
Mind you, I have hated him since I was in Highschool (Ok, when we first met), and He came to visit his father from his mom's, and I was visiting with my mom, and stepdad.
I am also finding my sister's insistance I give him a chance semi-ironic as he was convicted of the same things that her abusive husband did. (Wife beating, & drug possession) he just did them on the grounds of a Military Base, and got a much stiffer penalty then a civilian would.
so what are your oppinions?
Yeah, my mom and my sister are guilting me because I won't be nice, write or have anything to do with my other stepbrother, while he's in military prison.
Mind you, I have hated him since I was in Highschool (Ok, when we first met), and He came to visit his father from his mom's, and I was visiting with my mom, and stepdad.
I am also finding my sister's insistance I give him a chance semi-ironic as he was convicted of the same things that her abusive husband did. (Wife beating, & drug possession) he just did them on the grounds of a Military Base, and got a much stiffer penalty then a civilian would.
so what are your oppinions?