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My (Other) Stepbrother

Posted: 2003-02-17 05:16pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Or my Half sister's (other) Half brother,

Yeah, my mom and my sister are guilting me because I won't be nice, write or have anything to do with my other stepbrother, while he's in military prison.

Mind you, I have hated him since I was in Highschool (Ok, when we first met), and He came to visit his father from his mom's, and I was visiting with my mom, and stepdad.

I am also finding my sister's insistance I give him a chance semi-ironic as he was convicted of the same things that her abusive husband did. (Wife beating, & drug possession) he just did them on the grounds of a Military Base, and got a much stiffer penalty then a civilian would.

so what are your oppinions?

Posted: 2003-02-17 05:17pm
by haas mark
[slams head into keyboard]

Your family is fucking full of idiots.

Posted: 2003-02-17 05:20pm
by Stormbringer
Why bother establishing a relationship with a distant relation that's a total shit head?

Posted: 2003-02-17 05:22pm
by The Yosemite Bear
[voice=mom]he's your brother![/mom]

Note: I think mom feels guilty as this is her stepson, and she was never able to get past any of the nessary walls to establish rapport/authority with him.

Posted: 2003-02-17 05:27pm
by The Yosemite Bear
My family is very simple

my parent's met in college

they devorced when I was Tiny (Two)

My dad Remarryed when I was Three, My Mom did like wise, but to a total shit.
My mom then got devorced and remarried when I was six.

My other stepdad is rather cool

My mom's family belongs on Jerry Springer
My Dad's family belongs on Junkyard wars.
My Stepmom's Family is Borring
My Stepdad's Family are probably related to Verrillion (My stepdad never returned to Arizonia after getting sent to Vietnam)

Posted: 2003-02-17 06:09pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont see any reason why you should try to get along with someone in prison.

Posted: 2003-02-17 06:41pm
by Mark S
I don't know how much I'd want to have to do with a BLOOD relative that acted like that. Maybe you treating him like shit will cause him to question himself.

Posted: 2003-02-17 06:43pm
by Alex Moon
He's a wife beater. He's scum. Don't bother associating with him.

Posted: 2003-02-17 06:47pm
by Neko001
If he's a wife beater and drug posessor, and he's total crap, don't bother with him. He's a waste of food.