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Help w/ Netscape & certificates & paypal & annoy

Posted: 2003-02-19 08:37pm
by Johonebesus
Every time I open a page on this site, I get an error message saying that Netscape cannot establish an encrypted connection with because the certificate is invalid or corrupted. I have messed with the security settings and cannot get it to stop. How do I get rid of this annoyance?

Posted: 2003-02-21 01:45am
by Johonebesus
Oh come on! Someone must have an idea of what's wrong or how it can be fixed. This is really irritating. The error message pops up, and I have to click "OK" twice to get it to go away and finish loading the page. It happens with every page I load, every thread I view. It has made viewing this site almost more irritation than it's worth. I am sure there is probably some obvious setting that I have missed and I will bop myself on the head when someone tells how simple it is to fix. I really don't want to use IE. The tabbed browsing makes it so much easier to browse forums. Isn't there someone who can help me?

Posted: 2003-02-21 02:55am
by Enlightenment
The problem is the 'contribute to this site' icon in the page header. It's directly linked to Paypal via https. Try upgrading Netscape to a current version with up-to-date site certificates or cut out the middleman and use Mozilla.

Posted: 2003-02-21 07:49pm
by Johonebesus
Updating from 7.0 to 7.01 did not work.

Posted: 2003-02-21 07:52pm
by Tsyroc
That really is odd. I'm using Netscape 7.01 and it doesn't have that problem. IIRC turning on the banner blocker won't block the PayPal icon just the one for :?

Posted: 2003-02-21 07:54pm
by Tsyroc
Would it help if you cleared all your cookies and your history and then tried reloading with your upgraded Netscape?

Posted: 2003-02-21 08:57pm
by Enlightenment
I'm not sure if Netscape can do this or not, but with Mozilla you can right click on an image and tell the browser not to load any images from that server. This should fix your problem since the donations button is AFIAK the only thing on the site that is directly linked to paypal.

Posted: 2003-02-21 10:36pm
by Johonebesus
Blocking the image worked with Mozilla, but it did not carry over to Netscape (as the pop-up blocking did). Of course, Mozilla does not have the little tab to open the sidebar like Netscape.