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US to go KFC during Iraqi war

Posted: 2003-02-21 02:46am
by Shinova
Someone from some other board wrote:Have them all surrender to chickens .....just in case.:D ... 62,00.html

Hey at least its a step up from a remote controlled plane :p



Note: There's a link in there. Hard to see if you're using BlackSoul.

Posted: 2003-02-21 03:37am
by Drewcifer
Despite carrying the latest in military technology, the US is concerned pollution from oil installations will clog up detection equipment, hindering efforts to pick up traces of poisonous gases or chemical agents.

Chickens will be placed in cages on the top of their Hum-Vee vehicles.

The smallest traces of gases or chemicals will kill the birds, warning the troops to put their gas masks on.

Soldiers have dubbed the operation KFC - for Kuwait Field Chicken.

For some reason, this reminded me of an article in the latest Wired, about how many dig cameras will soon have analog image sensing chips.

Posted: 2003-02-21 03:45am
by The Great Unbearded One
Makes sense...after all a Humvee going at 30-80 miles an hour with a caged, gas-sniffing chicken attached to the roof isnt that uncommon nowadays is it? I bet the chicken loves getting the wind ruffling through it's feathers while it awaits death from some toxic odour. And to think they could be using the chickens to feed starving refugess who have fled the area due to fear of incineration...another day in the US Army.

Posted: 2003-02-21 03:46am
by Enforcer Talen
we'll give them the chickens when the war's over ^_^

Posted: 2003-02-21 03:52am
by The Great Unbearded One
Enforcer Talen wrote:we'll give them the chickens when the war's over ^_^
LOL! And they say the day's of caring for refugees is over...pfffttt!

Posted: 2003-02-21 04:30am
by Vympel
PETA is gonna go nuts over this :)

Posted: 2003-02-21 04:46am
by EmperorMing
Vympel wrote:PETA is gonna go nuts over this :)
Let 'em. Heck, some of them would probably volunteer to take the chickens place.... :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2003-02-21 04:51am
by Alex Moon
I have this sudden image of a humvee with a big Col. Sanders painted on the side and a chicken strapped to the top. :D

Posted: 2003-02-21 04:53am
by Captain tycho
Vympel wrote:PETA is gonna go nuts over this :)
Yay. Hope for an article on this in their website. Maybe they'd like to murder the sadistic people behind K-9 squads... :roll: :roll:
What a bunch of dumbassed moronic idiots. (Yes, thats redundant, I know.)

Posted: 2003-02-21 05:01am
by Enlightenment
closet sci-fi fan wrote:...I suppose the US Army could just leave their Soldiers unprotected....
Heard of NBC suits?

Posted: 2003-02-21 05:30am
by The Great Unbearded One
Enlightenment wrote:
Heard of NBC suits?
[lame joke] Yep, every now and again they produce a decent sitcom [/end lame joke]