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Have we waited to long?? War with Iraq
Posted: 2003-02-21 05:06pm
by theski ... /54914.htm
Interesting read. He seems to think the war will broaden to include Iran and Syria if we install a Military leader to run the country after the war.[/url]
Posted: 2003-02-21 05:15pm
by Sea Skimmer
Syria is far too smart to try anything, as is Iran. In Iran a coup might change that, in Syria it wont.
Posted: 2003-02-21 05:28pm
by Sidious
Well hasnt Iran has already sent a proxy force into Northern Iraq? Because they want to have some sort of presence when Hussein's regime falls and the new government is set up.
Just going to complicate things.
Posted: 2003-02-21 06:02pm
by Mr Bean
Iran wants as much Iraqy land as they can grap while the US is breacking Saddam's Army and thusly is discrated
While it might complicate things it WILL Draw some Republic Guard Units Eastward as Saddam knows the whole Human shield thing does not work aginst Iran...
Posted: 2003-02-21 06:37pm
by Sidious
Off Topic: Bean is this the first avatar youve had that doesnt have Bean in it?

Posted: 2003-02-21 07:16pm
by Mr Bean
No its not, My Last Avatar(Lenin) was to help raise awarness of the triple Holiday that is Lenin's Birthday/Offical Communism Day(While the Soviet Union was around anyway)and.... Earth Day!
Just point out, of all the days to pick for Earth day... Why Lenin's Birthday?
Posted: 2003-02-21 07:19pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mr Bean wrote:No its not, My Last Avatar(Lenin) was to help raise awarness of the triple Holiday that is Lenin's Birthday/Offical Communism Day(While the Soviet Union was around anyway)and.... Earth Day!
Just point out, of all the days to pick for Earth day... Why Lenin's Birthday?
Because the Greens are a bunch of commies
Posted: 2003-02-21 07:22pm
by Nathan F
Exactly what I was thinking, Skimmer.
Posted: 2003-02-21 07:45pm
by Stuart Mackey
Sea Skimmer wrote:Mr Bean wrote:No its not, My Last Avatar(Lenin) was to help raise awarness of the triple Holiday that is Lenin's Birthday/Offical Communism Day(While the Soviet Union was around anyway)and.... Earth Day!
Just point out, of all the days to pick for Earth day... Why Lenin's Birthday?
Because the Greens are a bunch of commies
you really shouldnt genralise, besides most people know they are just a bunch of hippies with ego issues.