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If you could. what would you tell your twelve year old self?

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:12am
by Sokar
This was a really interesting post over on Slashdot
If you could travel back in time and leave a note for your twelve year old self, what would you say?

For me it would be the following :
Dear Jake,
Be yourself, and have confidence, it's all you really need.
Oh...and dont ask out Jenny Podawski in the 10th grade, shes not what you think.
Jake at 27(you make it this far :wink: )

What would you guys say?

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:18am
by TrailerParkJawa
Dont slack off in high school.
Save a little bit of money each month.
Dont get too attached to John's sister.


Dont fret about waiting so much for the right girl, just get laid a lot while working at Great America. Just dont make any babies.

Keep your mouth shut at MEPS.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:20am
by Exonerate
It's okay to slack off before HS. Go and have some fun :P

Oh, and give that girl the card you wanted to give... It was your last day anyways; you had nothing to lose.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:25am
by Tragic
I would tell myself don't park your RSX on the left side of carpenter Ave on January 12,2003. Someone will steal it.

And don't bother with Phoena she not worth it.

"G" at 19.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:25am
by Crown
No fear. Go for it.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:25am
by SirNitram
Dear Martin-

Become at peace with yourself and who you are now. Take as much time as you need. It's not a phase.

PS. There is nothing morally wrong with porn, enjoy it while you can sneak it.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:27am
by Howedar
Something about not wasting my time with certain girls, that kinda thing.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:32am
by Posbi
-go out more frequently, so you get a gf earlier
-heavily invest in Microsoft shares, and sell them all in mid-1999
-drive carefully in winter

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:34am
by Wicked Pilot
The St Louis Rams will win the Super Bowl in 2000.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:38am
by DPDarkPrimus
For god's sake man, don't procrastinate on your homework!

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:50am
by Cal Wright
Dear pissant,

Keep doing what you normally do. Use the Force, and fuck over so and so individuals who I would of course list. Make sure your the evilist bastard H'Town knows.

Sincerely, Arrogant American.

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:02am
by Pu-239
Give up totally on your social life and shut up.

Maybe lace the note with poison.

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:04am
by Mr Flibble
I'd tell myself to get some real friends and ditch the losers. That and I'd tell myself to do science, not engineering, and avoid wasting two years.

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:05am
by Captain tycho
-Don't piss of Mrs.Flaugernt
-DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go out with Phoebe (can I say snooty?)
-And the answer to the final question of you SATs: Delianno Felipei :D

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:06am
by Mark S
Take a chance.

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:10am
by Gandalf
Dear Mike,
It all works out, trust me
- 17 year old Mike

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:28am
by Sea Skimmer
[1] Avoid private schooling like the plague
[2] Attempt to do better in math
[3] Do not listen to physiatrists
[4] Get your parents to invest your saved money in the following stocks.....

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:31am
by irishmick79
Dear young Irishmick

Pull your head out of your ass.

sincerely yours,
Irishmick of the future

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:41am
by jegs2
I'd probably just tell myself to be more open and honest with people around me. I'd add that girls don't bite, so it's okay to talk to them. Oh, and I'd tell myself to invest heavily in Microsoft and Intel until the year 2001. That's about it.

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:52am
by Coyote
Quit wasting time listening to your parents; they're too wrapped up in their own insecurities and failures to be of any help.

Those "pointless" cartoons, art, and stories? Go with them. They can take you places. But naildown a style and start sending them to magazines NOW.

Learn Arabic ASAP. Get in good physical shape, don't be afraid to play sports with the other guys. They'll actually think its okay that you try, even if you do badly. Really.

And when you meet Star, stay 100% loyal to her. Do nothing with that other chick. She'll cost you more than you'll ever know existed.

Go to Israel. Live there, love there, and always keep on foot there.

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:56am
by TrailerParkJawa
Coyote wrote:Quit wasting time listening to your parents; they're too wrapped up in their own insecurities and failures to be of any help.
Good advice, except it really only applies to my mom. Note to 12 yr old self ignore your mom's babbling. It never gets better.

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:59am
by haas mark
Embrace all life's experiences.. they are what makes you, you.

Posted: 2003-02-22 03:06am
by Lord_Xerxes
I would have to say "When you start dating a girl named Mandy, USE THE FINGER TEST. Biggest.mistake.ever. You'll understand when the time comes. Better yet. Just don't date her. Save yourself the horrible nightmares of that smell later..."

Posted: 2003-02-22 03:11am
by Joe
Dear 12-year old Joe:

1) Start jerking off (I didn't start till I was 14, I think I missed out)
2) Don't drop advanced math (biggest mistake of my life, I'm still paying for it)
3) Don't be afraid to ask that nice girl out, you'll regret when you're 19 like I am now
4) Don't take Spanish
5) Take your trumpet-playing seriously, eventually it will be very important to you
6) Enjoy being an irresponsible kid while you, those days will be over before you know it
7) ...most importantly, make sure you go to UGA, you won't want to miss out on the 2002 football season.

Posted: 2003-02-22 03:16am
by Tragic
Lord_Xerxes wrote:I would have to say "When you start dating a girl named Mandy, USE THE FINGER TEST. Biggest.mistake.ever. You'll understand when the time comes. Better yet. Just don't date her. Save yourself the horrible nightmares of that smell later..."
Can you fill us in?? I'm curious. :D :D