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Who was in the wrong here?

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:37am
by Anarchist Bunny
Yesterday, I had a project to do, a book project, I was just going to do a simple map and get an easy A. I told my mom this, we go to the local sellout store, get me posterboard, she was looking for a gold permanent marker. After getting paint for here artwork she goes to hobby lobby to get the marker. I think "It's just one pen, I'll stay in the car, listen to the radio" I'm out there for 1 hour 20 minutes and don't get back home til 6:40, with a project to do. I'm naturally pissed off for spending all that time in the van, and I'm pissed off when she gets back, she exsplodes at me telling me to get a my drivers licence. We continue to fight for a little while til she just says she's right and I'll lose computer If I don't comply. When we get home my DAD asks me to APOLOGIZE to her. I'm thinking WTF! She left me in a car for 80 minutes.

So, I'm just wondering, did I really owe her an apology.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:40am
by Dalton
If you didn't start the fight, then no. She is the one that's wrong.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:40am
by TrailerParkJawa
I think she should have come back early since you had a project due, but since you dont have a car yourself you are kinda suck. Id call it a draw.
Just curious, did you wait till the last day to start or was this a short notice assignment?

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:53am
by Anarchist Bunny
I have never done a project before the night it's due, and I don't intend to until college.

Posted: 2003-02-22 01:55am
by Tragic
anarchistbunny wrote:I have never done a project before the night it's due, and I don't intend to until college.
Damn right thats what i did. :D

Posted: 2003-02-22 02:03am
by Mark S
I think you had a right to be pissed if she was knowingly farting around in the store while you were waiting in the car. An hour and twenty minutes is a long time to take to pick out a pen. On the other hand, you could have gone in to pick out your own supplies.

Posted: 2003-02-22 03:18am
by Alex Moon
Why didn't you go look for her in the store?

Posted: 2003-02-22 03:20am
by Lord_Xerxes
Did she come out with other stuff? If she was shopping, she should have dropped you off first, being that you had a project to do. It was inconsiderate. Plus that's one long ass time to leave someone in a car. I'd be pissed.

Posted: 2003-02-22 09:19am
by Frank Hipper
Until you've moved out and are on your own, your parents are right no matter how wrong they are. Swallow your bile and apologise.

Posted: 2003-02-22 09:23am
by Montcalm
There are two simple rules you should know.
1:your parents are allways right
2:if your parents are wrong see rule number 1.

Posted: 2003-02-22 09:38am
by Mr Bean
Parents can be beaten, it is not an easy task, one must mearly go at them with a full logic bent and if they still deny the truth
Have them commited :wink:

It works suprising well :D

(Of course maybe I should not be the one talking though I did get my own Aparment when I was 17 for my Last year of HS because my mother acutal was commited though it was not my plan or my fault as I was not even there when she broke down and attacked an AT&T repairman who was beeing an ass according to her)
FYI I paided for it not her