More IRC weirdness
Posted: 2003-02-22 03:30am
I know many of you have wondered who this 'peer' is. He is infact my silent IRC assassin.
<Uncle_Dalty> Bedtime
*** Signoff: Uncle_Dalty (Quit: Later freaks)
<anarchistbunny> well then sdnet survior challege begins
<anarchistbunny> can I outlastthe uncle-bastard tribe
*** WeeMadAndo ( has joined channel #sdnet
* anarchistbunny hopes Ando's not an Uncle too.
<WeeMadAndo> Not as in "uncle who molests you when your a kid"?
<WeeMadAndo> Like those other two freaks...
<Uncle_Raxmei> I have an air-tight alibi
<Uncle_Raxmei> shouldn't we be doing stuff?
*** Signoff: WeeMadAndo (Quit: Trillian ((Link:
* Uncle_Raxmei whistles
* Uncle_Raxmei mows the lawn
*** You have been marked as being away.
* Uncle_Raxmei plays with a yo-yo
* Uncle_Raxmei is pulled into the lawnmower blade as the yo-yo snags on it
*** You are no longer marked as being away.
* Uncle_Raxmei dies, of gangrene.
*** Signoff: Uncle_Raxmei (Quit: bedtime)
<anarchistbunny> come on spidey, you know you want to leave
<Uncle_Spidey> wow, is this window still open?
<Uncle_Spidey> I didn't even notice.
*** Signoff: anarchistbunny (Connection reset by peer)
<Uncle_Dalty> Bedtime
*** Signoff: Uncle_Dalty (Quit: Later freaks)
<anarchistbunny> well then sdnet survior challege begins
<anarchistbunny> can I outlastthe uncle-bastard tribe
*** WeeMadAndo ( has joined channel #sdnet
* anarchistbunny hopes Ando's not an Uncle too.
<WeeMadAndo> Not as in "uncle who molests you when your a kid"?
<WeeMadAndo> Like those other two freaks...
<Uncle_Raxmei> I have an air-tight alibi
<Uncle_Raxmei> shouldn't we be doing stuff?
*** Signoff: WeeMadAndo (Quit: Trillian ((Link:
* Uncle_Raxmei whistles
* Uncle_Raxmei mows the lawn
*** You have been marked as being away.
* Uncle_Raxmei plays with a yo-yo
* Uncle_Raxmei is pulled into the lawnmower blade as the yo-yo snags on it
*** You are no longer marked as being away.
* Uncle_Raxmei dies, of gangrene.
*** Signoff: Uncle_Raxmei (Quit: bedtime)
<anarchistbunny> come on spidey, you know you want to leave
<Uncle_Spidey> wow, is this window still open?
<Uncle_Spidey> I didn't even notice.
*** Signoff: anarchistbunny (Connection reset by peer)