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Is the world more dangerous post Cold war?

Posted: 2003-02-24 02:02pm
by Ubiquitous
As a person that cannot really remember the Cold War, I don't really have much knowledge on how worried people actually were by it. By 1980-90 it appears that the threat of a massive nuclear war wasn't too great, anyway.

Is it safe to say that people are more worried by the terrorist/rogue state problem that is the vogue at the moment more so than the last ten years of the Cold War?

Posted: 2003-02-24 02:06pm
by jaeger115
I'd say so. The Cold War was pretty stable with that WMD thing. This is the age of terrorism, when anything can be used and anyplace can be hit, provided it has zero or little security.

BTW, jaeger115 has RETURNED! :D

Posted: 2003-02-24 02:11pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I think the world is more dangerous now that the Cold War is over, but a conflict with the Soviet Union generated more fear in my opinion. Simply because an exchange of nukes would pretty much kill most of us.

Posted: 2003-02-24 02:18pm
by theski
To me the peak of the cold was during the late 70s, but the difference today is the enemy you don't know (terrorists can be anyone) to the enemy that you do know (the evil empire)

Posted: 2003-02-24 05:16pm
by Mr Bean
Things are more dangerous post cold war simply because Nuclear Weapons are more profilic, And Nutjobs have been breeding at an increased rate