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"Meat" and "Animals Hate PETA"

Posted: 2003-02-25 08:19am
by Darth Fanboy
Let's do appetites around the world a favor and talk about the worlds most perfect food, Meat!

Today for dinner I had a couple pork chops with homemade gravy made from the various greases and juices. They were incredibly tasty and were cooked perfectly. Tender but not too tender, and easy to chew with mouth savoring goodness.

I plan on having a steak later this morning along with some eggs. maybe i'll get some biscuits with sausage gravy and/or some bacon to complement it.

There's a waffle I really like to order that I might have considered if it weren't for steak. I've only seen it @ Ruby's Diner but it's called a Bacon Waffle. Basically they cook the Bacon into the waffle then you get to smother it with syrup. Its great, get a side order of bacon with that.

by the way, a good pizza to order is your favorite pizza places all meat version. Because then you get the taastiest versions of Pig and Cow. Some places will have Shrimp and Chicken for your pizzas but those should be saved for more gourmet versions of the pizza.

If eating animals is so wrong then why do animals eat animals? If the animalss don't fucking care why should I? Later today I will be preparing shrimp for the Shark tank at the Ocean Institue in Dana Point, here's what I will be carving up for them.

115g, Shrimp
115g, Squid mantles
115g, Sardines.

to prepare shrimp simply tear of the hea dwith a twisting motion, shell the shrip by pinching the tail and pulling out the meat, then throw non edible corpse away.

Squid are a little trickier because you have to dice the tentacles for smaller fish and then cut off the head. Then you slice the mantle open, removing all of the guts and vestigal backbone. Also, be careful because the ink sack will squirt like one of those joke flowers you wear on April 1st.

Sardines are beheaded, de gutted, unfinned, then chopped into bits. Starfish love them and so do halibut.

There is a previously posted thread on this board that discusses the fact that millions of field rodents and animals are killed every year for grain. Therefore, whenever a vegan eats bread from a farm where tractors are used, they are killing animals too! But they aren;t cute so maybe they don't count? Fuck that Yoda has taught us anything it's how to use the force to pick up chicks AND all things are equal in the force.

If you eat meat you don;t kill an animal, let me explain. THE ANIMAL IS ALREADY DEAD! hahahahahaha, if the animal is dead it is best not to let him go to waste and to serve his memory well. Possibly with a side of honey mustard dipping sauce or perhaps barbecue.

Worse yet, how about the thousands of kids who don;t get hapy meals because their parents don't eat meat. What the fuck those parent's are rotten! I head that in this one vegan family the parents make veggie burgers and light non fat nn tasty fries, put them in bags and stuff shitty little toys in them for their kids so they don;t feel left out. Fuck! If I were that kid id go pawn my moms wedding ring off and get my ass a quarter pounder. (Or if you are in france, a Royale with Cheese, "Royale" is French for "Quarter Pounder" and Cheese is French for "Fromage" which is a stupid way to spell Cheese)

We live in a world full of fucking idiots, whiny bastards, and assholes such as myself. But that doesn't mean we have to put up with them!

To continue on this pro-Meat rant i'd like to point out that without killing animals we'd all be dead. Recent studies have shown that Kangaroos make for excellent boxers. If Austrailians didn't kill hundreds of thousands of them every year for exotic beef jerky and placemats they would be overrun by hordes of boxing Kangaroos. In the US, we have a similar problem with Grizzly bears. A study was done recently where a man and a bear were putinto a closed off arena..errr...area, and the Human was supposed to rationalize with the bear and possibly get him to try a vegetarian diet. The bear shredded him to bits and ate him. thus proving the theory that you can't tell a bear not to eat meat because those claws weren't made for fingerbanging, if my last girlfriend is any indicator.

Posted: 2003-02-25 09:29am
by Darth Fanboy

An interesting site that is some good light reading

headgear to make you hungry

Posted: 2003-02-25 10:50am
by Peregrin Toker
Darth Fanboy wrote:

headgear to make you hungry
Hats of meat?? what the Z'xulth??

Posted: 2003-02-25 10:58am
by weemadando
I remember last year when there was a PLAGUE of roos sweeping across a military base. Problem was, that due to the drought there was only enough food for a portion of the roos. So, you can cull a few thousand and let the rest live. Or you can let them all starve slowly. The most humane option seems pretty self-evident.

But noooo. You get the fucking greenies stepping up and saying that we shouldn't cull the animals. I want them to be there to watch what its like when animals starve to death. Its not pretty watching hundreds or thousands of animals starve at once.

Which also brings me onto the FUCKING FUCKTARD PETA/GREENIE/VEGAN FUCKERS in Britain who run the anti-kangaroo meat protests, effectively trying to convice people that kangaroos are endangered and killed in horrible brutal ways for their meat.

Goddamn fuckers. Come here and see just how fucking endangered roos are.

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:20am
by Nathan F
Heh, same goes for the bunny huggers and bambi huggers here in the US. Seems as though they don't realize that if all hunting was abolished, the animals would overpopulate and never survive the winter after about 3 years of no hunting.

But WTF? I mean, it was completley obvious that the roos were overpopulated and it was clear that they would starve, yet these idiots want to LET them starve? Gah! They make no sense whatsoever...

I am still wondering about the 'Hats of Meat' thing. Heh, the perfect thing to wear to a PETA rally, muwahahaha

Posted: 2003-02-25 02:37pm
by Darth Fanboy
Speaking of Bambi, I was thinking that a good cut of venison sounded rather tasty. Deer meat is incredibly healthy with all of the good meat taste and almost none of the bad stuff. In fact, patients with bad hearts can have venison but no other meat.

What also sounds tasty today: Mutton, Veal, Buffalo Wings, Kangaroo Jerky.

Posted: 2003-02-25 03:08pm
by Enforcer Talen
well, the arguments Ive seen involve we eat too many animals, and our methods of killing them are overly cruel. Im somewhat with that.

unless you mean the types that everyone should stop eating meat, including the animals, and we should all switch to lima beans. they're the crazy ones.

Posted: 2003-02-25 03:28pm
by Coaan
If eating meat is murder....then murder tastes real good...


I'm with that personally so long as nothing goes extinct because of it

Posted: 2003-02-25 03:29pm
by neoolong
Coaan wrote:If eating meat is murder....then murder tastes real good...


I'm with that personally so long as nothing goes extinct because of it
Guess you wouldn't eat the ribwich then.

Posted: 2003-02-25 05:22pm
by Yogi
Well, considering that they are burning the rainforest to create land to satisfy Americian's craving for hamburgurs, I'd say linking extinction to meat eating isn't that far of a streach.

Posted: 2003-02-25 05:27pm
by haas mark
You should put "Da!" up there, too.

Posted: 2003-02-25 06:01pm
by Coyote
And "ken". But it matters not... for I can say it this way--

"basar, ze m'mash ta'im! Ta'im may'od!"

"Meat, it's very tasty! Supremely tasty!"

And those darn vegetarians... they eat the food that my food eats...

Posted: 2003-02-25 06:05pm
by The Great Unbearded One
Take one 12oz Medium Rare rump steak with a slight bit of blood still in it. Take one healthy portion of homemade mash potatoes. Take one portion of pea green peas. One healthy lashing of gravy over all. One hungry me.

Best meal in the world! :D

Posted: 2003-02-25 06:36pm
by Korvan
Yogi wrote:Well, considering that they are burning the rainforest to create land to satisfy Americian's craving for hamburgurs, I'd say linking extinction to meat eating isn't that far of a streach.
Does america import beef from south america? I know in Canada, just about all of the beef I see is 100% good 'ol Canuck raised. On a trip to Venezula, I do confess to eating enough cheap steak to deforest 14 acres of rainforest.

Posted: 2003-02-25 06:41pm
by Nathan F
Darth Fanboy wrote:Speaking of Bambi, I was thinking that a good cut of venison sounded rather tasty. Deer meat is incredibly healthy with all of the good meat taste and almost none of the bad stuff. In fact, patients with bad hearts can have venison but no other meat.

What also sounds tasty today: Mutton, Veal, Buffalo Wings, Kangaroo Jerky.
Ah, yes, the wonders of Venison. It must be prepared right, though. I personally like venison tenderloin tenderized then fried and on a biscuit. But you are right, Venison is MUCH healthier than any tame meat product.

And, did you know, Elk meat has less fat than Chicken.

Posted: 2003-02-25 06:56pm
by Neko001
Those vegetarians don't know what they're missing.
Eating meat isn't murder. The murderers are at the slaughterhouses.
Besides, if we didn't eat meat, we'd still be some monkeys in trees.

Posted: 2003-02-25 07:20pm
by fgalkin
Please add "Da" to the poll.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-02-25 08:02pm
by ArmorPierce
Korvan wrote:Canuck
I thought that was what it stood for.

Posted: 2003-02-25 08:05pm
by Colonel Olrik
fgalkin wrote:Please add "Da" to the poll.
No :twisted:

But I've added "sim" :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-02-25 08:09pm
by fgalkin
Colonel Olrik wrote:
fgalkin wrote:Please add "Da" to the poll.
No :twisted:

But I've added "sim" :mrgreen:

I guess, I'll have to wait till Vympel comes along, then. :twisted:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-02-25 08:09pm
by Sea Skimmer
If meat wasn't tasty I wouldn't be able to eat a pound at one sitting.

Posted: 2003-02-25 08:14pm
by Exonerate
I demand you put yes in Japanese there :P

Posted: 2003-02-25 08:24pm
by Soontir C'boath
Fuck, all this reading is making me hungry..................

BTW, I luv McChicken sandwiches.....

Not to much goods here in NYC dump of Queens heh D:


Posted: 2003-02-25 09:35pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
But are McChicken sandwiches actual meat? Maybe it's that grade F meat (Mostly filler, circus animals).

Anyway, if you don't want your kids to be animal rights wackos, don't take them to movies starring talking animals. Then they'll start to feel sorry for them, and not eat meat products. Of course, you could make some venison and tell the kid that you're having Bambi for dinner, but that would be just creul.

Posted: 2003-02-26 01:23am
by Darth Fanboy ... _archive=1
A group of 10 ISU students, calling themselves the Society of Americans Who Have a Clue, were on the scene grilling hot dogs to show their support for the USDA?s efforts.
?We came out here today to see what all the controversy was about and to humor the small town of Ames,? said Kevin Broulette, sophomore in computer engineering. ?We thought the protesters might get hungry, so we brought all this out.?
Alex Rodeck, senior in animal science, stood outside his truck with a group toting signs that read, ?Meat is tasty ? PETA go away? and ?People Eating Tasty Animals.?
Iowa State University finally gives Iowa taxpayers something to be proud about. (they still suck at sports, right Spanky? :lol: )

People Eating Tasty Animals