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The Simpsons are From.......CANADA?

Posted: 2003-02-25 11:58am
by MKSheppard

Springfield in Canada? That is what some people believe in the newsgroup, so here is why they say Springfield is in Canada.

The reasons for are:

Matt Groening publicly announced Homer is Canadian.

There are several Springfield's in Canada (Nova Scotia, Ontario, Newfoundland, and Manitoba )

Canada is where Route 401 runs

Many characters say eh. (Burns, Homer, Bart, Comic Store guy, ect.) 

Homer eats foods commonly associated with Canada: donuts, a glass of maple syrup for breakfast, beer, and bacon

There is low voter turnout it Springfield for American Elections

The state Springfield is in is abbreviated NT, NT is the North American postal code for Northwest Territories

They say Springfield America sometimes (But the say USA too), America can include all of N. & S. America

The way Ontario Hydro is run you would think Homer works there

Ralph, who represents Canada at the show's model UN, knows nothing -- where babies come from, how to tie his shoelaces, how to get his finger out of his nose -- but he DOES know the words to the Canadian anthem. -
credit Jane Wilson

Posted: 2003-02-25 12:03pm
by Ted
You're just jealous.

Posted: 2003-02-25 12:05pm
by Lagmonster
Actually, in the 'Behind the Laughter' spoof episode of the Simpsons, the narrator says, "This northern Kentucky family" at one point in reference to the Simpsons. Take that for what it's worth.

Posted: 2003-02-25 12:05pm
by Mr Bean
He's not Canadian

Posted: 2003-02-25 12:57pm
by Stormbringer
Not to mention why would Homer say he's Leaving America for America Jr (aka Canada)?

Or why would Apu be studying to become a US citizen?

Face it Simpsons are American. I could name plenty of other good evidence as well. Need more?

Posted: 2003-02-25 12:59pm
by neoolong
On the return addresses and stuff mailed to Springfield, it never lists state. But it always says Springfield, USA. Thus, it is in the USA. Not Canada.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:06pm
by Stravo
IN the episode where Bart's going to get booted in Australia they flee to the American embassy.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:07pm
by Eframepilot
They're definitely from Kentucky. In an early episode in the season right after "Behind the Laughter", Lisa looks down a hill and we can see the Mississippi with the Great Arch of St. Louis on the other side. They had to rub it in.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:10pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
They're definately not Canadian, but they don't seem to be in one specific state.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:11pm
by Stormbringer
Who would have thought Shep would spread Canuk propaganda. :shock:

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:39pm
by Montcalm
In the episode where Marge order by phone the missing feet for a toy she start giving the adress "742 Evergreen Terrasse Springfiled O hi Maude" she almost give the state name something with O.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:41pm
by neoolong
Montcalm wrote:In the episode where Marge order by phone the missing feet for a toy she start giving the adress "742 Evergreen Terrasse Springfiled O hi Maude" she almost give the state name something with O.
Actually it was probably meant to be, "Oh, hi Maude."

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:43pm
by Trytostaydead
Simpsons from Canada? That could explain why Homer is so slow!! :P

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:43pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Springfield has no real location. It's 600 miles from Mexico on the North Eastern and western coast and the east side of it is three times the size of Texas. There is no real location for it.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:45pm
by Montcalm
Trytostaydead wrote:Simpsons from Canada? That could explain why Homer is so slow!! :P
If Homer is Canadian then George W Bush is too.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:47pm
by neoolong
anarchistbunny wrote:Springfield has no real location. It's 600 miles from Mexico on the North Eastern and western coast and the east side of it is three times the size of Texas. There is no real location for it.
I thought the West side of it looked like Texas. From the episode where Homer goes oil drilling they have a map of Springfield.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:48pm
by Anarchist Bunny
East. West. It's all the same in springfield.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:49pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'm guessing "Three times the size of Texas" was a joke, but there are no mountains over 20,000 feet in the lower 48 states (When Homer was climbing thatmountain, Bart said "There's noly 4 more vertical miles to go!")

Also, it's about 2,000 miles away form Arlen, Texas ("We travelled 2,000 miles for this?")

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:50pm
by Trytostaydead
Montcalm wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Simpsons from Canada? That could explain why Homer is so slow!! :P
If Homer is Canadian then George W Bush is too.
Canda can have George W. Bush

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:54pm
by Baron Mordo
We don't need him, we have Jean Chretien.

Posted: 2003-02-25 01:55pm
by neoolong
Funny how he posts all the reasons it is in Canada and not the reason it isn't.

Here it is:

"They say Springfield is in the United States."

Rather conclusive I would say.

Posted: 2003-02-25 02:02pm
by MKSheppard
Stormbringer wrote:Who would have thought Shep would spread Canuk propaganda. :shock:
During the time period of the Battle of the Bulge, (December '44 to January '45) Royal Canadian Airforce Typhoons flew support missions for the U.S. 1st Army in its defence and later counterattack on the 5th Panzer Army and the 6th S.S. Panzer Army.

More Typhoons were shot down by USAAF Fighters than were shot down by Luftwaffe Fighers in this period.

It got so bad that Typhoons, on spotting P-51's or P-47's, automatically jettisoned their bombs or rockets and took evasive action if the American aircraft were in an aggressive approach path.

One Squadron, after suffering two losses to P-47's, in the course of a month's period, engaged and shot down one of the member's of a flight of P-47's who attacked on a third occasion.

Posted: 2003-02-25 02:09pm
by Anarchist Bunny
MKSheppard wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:Who would have thought Shep would spread Canuk propaganda. :shock:
During the time period of the Battle of the Bulge, (December '44 to January '45) Royal Canadian Airforce Typhoons flew support missions for the U.S. 1st Army in its defence and later counterattack on the 5th Panzer Army and the 6th S.S. Panzer Army.

More Typhoons were shot down by USAAF Fighters than were shot down by Luftwaffe Fighers in this period.

It got so bad that Typhoons, on spotting P-51's or P-47's, automatically jettisoned their bombs or rockets and took evasive action if the American aircraft were in an aggressive approach path.

One Squadron, after suffering two losses to P-47's, in the course of a month's period, engaged and shot down one of the member's of a flight of P-47's who attacked on a third occasion.
Wow, Canadians are really magnets for friendly fire aren't they?

Posted: 2003-02-25 02:16pm
by weemadando
anarchistbunny wrote:
Wow, Canadians are really magnets for friendly fire aren't they?
Maybe its just the Americans getting a bit gun-happy...

Posted: 2003-02-25 02:21pm
by MKSheppard
weemadando wrote:
anarchistbunny wrote: Maybe its just the Americans getting a bit gun-happy...
Oh no! This is starting to head south!!!!!