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Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 04:08pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
I recently visited Medieval Times, and now I'm on something of a knight kick. I would like to see some movies that feature knights fighting each other or possibly dragons, but I don't really know any good ones off the top of my head. I'd enjoy overly-choreographed battles in the manner of Medieval Times, but realistic portrayals are fine, too. So, what do you recommend?

PS: If this is not the right forum for this thread, then I apologize.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 04:13pm
by General Zod
I always thought the old 80s flick Excalibur was a good example of the genre you're wanting. There's also A Knight's Tale if you want something in the less serious vein.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 04:15pm
by Rogue 9
I rather like Kingdom of Heaven myself, mainly because they actually paid attention to how longsword fighting is done. (Shock! Horror!)

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 04:50pm
by Balrog
God, Kingdom of Heaven; if you get it, get the director's cut. It'll be almost as if you watched a completely different (and good) movie, and it addresses some of the criticisms of the original (though "Knights Templar = Rar Bad!" is still prevalent).

Both Excalibur and A Knight's Tale are in the same light, less serious vein; the former is a loose translation of King Arthur myths, the latter a bit more like a modern sports movie set at the RenFaire, plus it has Chaucer! Nice if you just want to see men in shiny armor having a good bash at each other.

The Lion in Winter is a great movie to watch, very little in the way of action but a lot of machinations, backroom dealing and dysfunctional family drama. The cast really shines through, Peter O'Toole, Katherine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins, even Timothy Dalton all put in great performances. Just be sure you get the original, they made a remake in 2003 but I've only heard it wasn't that good.

There's always Shakespearean films, some of which fall within that era, but that depends on how much you can stand his writings and/or Early Modern English. Kenneth Branagh's are usually good, such as Henry V, which is all about the Battle of Agincourt.

Alexander Nevsky is suppose to be good, but then I've never seen it, and it's about those damn dirty Russians, so who knows :D .

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 04:53pm
by Artemas
One of the more recent Joan of Arc movies seemed pretty cool, what little I watched of it.

Has John Malkovich and Milla Jovovich.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 05:46pm
by Guardsman Bass
I'll second Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut, although it doesn't really involve a lot of what you would call "knightly" scenes - the major battles are a siege and a fight on foot (although both are really cool).

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 07:03pm
by Rogue 9
Guardsman Bass wrote:I'll second Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut, although it doesn't really involve a lot of what you would call "knightly" scenes - the major battles are a siege and a fight on foot (although both are really cool).
I dunno; during the ambush near the beginning, the unnamed Hospitaller did some pretty badass horse work. :D Though yes, I should have mentioned the director's cut. I bought it on the recommendations of the board, and it's greatly superior to the theatrical release, though it is a very long movie.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 07:31pm
by Jim Raynor
I think Dragonheart is a fun movie if you're looking for one with dragons.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 07:39pm
by Patrick Degan
Balrog wrote:Alexander Nevsky is suppose to be good, but then I've never seen it, and it's about those damn dirty Russians, so who knows :D .
A Sergei Eisenstein masterpiece and war propaganda to be sure (1943), as Nevsky and his motley army defends the Motherland from invasion by the Knights of the Teutonic Order (sporting swastikas instead of their historical black crosses —not a subtle man was Eisenstein). Big in scope. Very big. In fact, reserve troops of the Red Army were drafted as extras for the climatic battle scene of the film. But it is a sweeping epic movie and features lots of medieval-era action. Bits of this movie were rotoscoped by Ralph Bakshi for his animated film Wizards (1974).

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 10:20pm
by Master of Ossus
Balrog wrote:God, Kingdom of Heaven; if you get it, get the director's cut. It'll be almost as if you watched a completely different (and good) movie, and it addresses some of the criticisms of the original (though "Knights Templar = Rar Bad!" is still prevalent).
I still didn't think that was a particularly good movie, but it was decidedly watchable whereas the theatrical release was anything but. I still just can't understand their decision to go with such retarded and unproductive moralizing throughout the entire film.

Your other suggestions are much better.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-26 10:36pm
by Thanas
^ Despite what MoO here says, Kingdom of Heaven is a great movie.
Patrick Degan wrote:
Balrog wrote:Alexander Nevsky is suppose to be good, but then I've never seen it, and it's about those damn dirty Russians, so who knows :D .
A Sergei Eisenstein masterpiece and war propaganda to be sure (1943), as Nevsky and his motley army defends the Motherland from invasion by the Knights of the Teutonic Order (sporting swastikas instead of their historical black crosses —not a subtle man was Eisenstein). Big in scope. Very big. In fact, reserve troops of the Red Army were drafted as extras for the climatic battle scene of the film. But it is a sweeping epic movie and features lots of medieval-era action. Bits of this movie were rotoscoped by Ralph Bakshi for his animated film Wizards (1974).
Don't forget the rest of the completely ahistorical costumes and the Nevsky hyping.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 01:21am
by The Yosemite Bear
I'm rather partial to "Robin and Marion" with James Bond and Holly Golightly.

oh and if you have the stomach for it, Flesh and Blood.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 03:17am
by Bob the Gunslinger
Thanks, guys. I'm getting some great ideas here. My Netflix queue is shaping up nicely. I should clarify, however, that I'm not really looking for drama so much as action. If you haven't been to a Medieval Times show, it is pretty much just a bunch of choreographed fights between armored Ren Faire-type dudes. Maybe someday I'll get around to renting some of the more dramatic, thoughtful movies, but for right now I'm comfortable just being shallow and prolonging the adrenalin rush.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 03:57am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
You might try seeing if you can get your hands on the Merlin miniseries with Sam Neill. It's fairly long, being a miniseries, but it has some good action scenes of various Britannic warlords and knights going at each other.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 04:59am
by Vympel
Ladyhawke with Rutger Hauer, Matthew Broderick, and Michelle Pfeiffer isn't 'knightly', but it is a very fun Medieval movie with a bit of a mystical bent that's only let down by its somewhat cheesy 80s soundtrack.

Has an excellent duel at the end. One of my favorite all time fight scenes.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 07:21am
by Zixinus
What about the Seventh Seal? While it somewhat lacks knights, I heard that it was a marvellous display of the medieval mindset.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 10:00am
by Dalton
I simply refuse to believe that nobody has yet suggested Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 11:48am
by General Trelane (Retired)
Or how about Jabberwocky? You can't beat the knightly badassery of a full-plate hide-and-seek tournament!

My wife and I spent our honeymoon in the Anaheim area and took in a dinner and joust at Medieval Times. She nearly enjoyed it as much as I. The character acting was over the top, but it was amusing (particularly the villainous Green Knight).

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 12:14pm
by General Zod
Dalton wrote:I simply refuse to believe that nobody has yet suggested Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The Holy Grail doesn't really have a lot in the way of actual fighting in it. :)

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 12:33pm
by The Grim Squeaker
General Zod wrote:
Dalton wrote:I simply refuse to believe that nobody has yet suggested Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The Holy Grail doesn't really have a lot in the way of actual fighting in it. :)


Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 12:35pm
by General Zod
The Grim Squeaker wrote:
General Zod wrote:
Dalton wrote:I simply refuse to believe that nobody has yet suggested Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The Holy Grail doesn't really have a lot in the way of actual fighting in it. :)
One scene does not a lot of fighting make.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 12:41pm
by Jade Falcon
It's a bit of a borderline case, but for a series I always liked the Robin of Sherwood series. Nickolas Grace and the late Robert Addie made wonderful Sheriff of Nottingham and Guy of Gisburne respectively.

The best lines of the Sheriff is here

It had some notable guest stars including John Rhys Davies among others.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 12:55pm
by Darth Wong
Does Robin Hood count as a legitimate knight movie? I think that in order to be a knight movie, the film should focus primarily on (you guessed it) knights, and Robin Hood is no knight.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 01:02pm
by General Zod
Darth Wong wrote:Does Robin Hood count as a legitimate knight movie? I think that in order to be a knight movie, the film should focus primarily on (you guessed it) knights, and Robin Hood is no knight.
Maybe not a knight movie, but it definitely fits the medieval vein.

Re: Good Medieval or Knightly movies?

Posted: 2009-10-27 02:13pm
by Knife
Not very knightly, but 13th Warrior has a lot of medieval battle.