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Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 11:07am
by Shroom Man 777
Similar in vein to the Worst Movie thread, but this one will be more awesome in that it will be detailing even worse movies that transcend badness and go into straight sheer incomprehensibility and utter madness!

I'll start off with goddamn Alejandro Jodorowsky's El Topo - a surrealist Western with a record number of carnival freaks and deformed and disfigured people in its cast and crew. It involves the pseudo-spiritual journey of a black-clad gunman as he kills, amongst other things, a pistolier who looks like an emaciated androgynous man but with a female voice and a bunch of crazy cowboys humping iguanas and a deformagrotesquetified symbiont and a rabbit farmer, and he is in turn betrayed by the whore he rescued and her lesbian lover who is a black-haired bitch with a man's voice.

He is shot repeatedly, but instead of dying is rescued by a bunch of midgets and carnival freaks and deformed amputees and other forms of shitpieces who live under a mountain underground, and through this act of tenderness from social outcasts and dejects, he is transformed. He falls in love with a midget and as he shaves off his hair and gains the appearance of a Buddhist monk, he swears to improve the lives of his newfound people.

He and his midget woman go out of the underground and go to a nearby town to earn a living, but the town is full of deranged psycho cultists and utter fuckopathic fuckpieces. To earn money, our protagonist is forced to fuck his midget lady friend and he ends up impregnating her.

Meanwhile, there is this missionary who is revealed to be El Topo's other previous son who has grown up to be not just a missionary, but a badass black-clad gunman like the protagonist once was. The son promises to kill his father for abandoning him. But the father convinces his son to do so only after his great work is complete.

When he, the protagonist, and his midget wife get enough money they buy dynamite and digging tools and begin digging a tunnel in the mountain to free his people - and the son, moved by his father's plight, joins in. The three of them, father, midget wife and missionary gunslinger son, bond like a family during this time.

Finally, they finish the tunnel and the deformed circus freak ugly people living underground are free and in joy they emerge from their prison and run outside. But they end up in the town and the town's fuckopathic fuckpiece residents brutally slaughter them en masse. At this sight, of seeing his entire people murdered in cold blood, the protagonist goes mad and takes a gun and he in turn slaughters the entire town in a violent orgy of sheer unadulterated killfuck. He was once a violent man, and tried a new path of peace, but now he's back to killing the ever loving fuck out of a shitload of people and in realization of this - and of how all was in vain and how his people are now all dead - he douses himself in oil and immolates himself like those Buddhist monks. He burns and dies.

His pregnant midget wife, upon seeing all this, ends up giving birth and the newborn child, the midget mother, and the grown-up missionary gunslingger son (who now dons attire similar to the protagonist when he was a black-clad gunman) end up riding off on one horse into the sunset.


Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 11:48am
by darthdavid
David Lynch's Eraserhead. I win.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 01:15pm
by LadyTevar
"Meet the Feebles"

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 01:34pm
by salm
Naked Lunch

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 03:14pm
by Big Orange
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Labyrinth (1986), Brazil (1985), Yellow Submarine (1968), and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988).

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 03:34pm
by phred
Hot Rod

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 04:30pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Well, I would say "The Happiness of the Katakuris", but that's likely to be far too well known verging on mainstream. Other usual suspects- Dark City of course, the original Solaris, and the brilliant Repo Man which involves flying saucers. Anything from Troma is a good candidate, too.

Derek Jarman's "The Last of England" on the other hand is exceptionally wierd, especially when seen on a channel 4 late night strand at 3am, while suffering from insomnia and maximum dose cold medicine. I'm not even sure I could say what it's about. I'm not even sure he knew.

It's a mid eighties road trip through a post apocalyptic Britain with no scenery at all, just the normal landscape of dead industry, and no actors, just extras doing what they do- I think. How easily normality deforms into the savagery of the end of civilisation, and what not to do to a portrait of the Queen. It's probably a plea for tolerance too, but I really couldn't say what of.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 04:32pm
by Frank Hipper

Eraserhead is a walk in the park in comparison.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 05:13pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
I think to some degree Mulholland Drive is Lynch's strangest work. Inland Empire is more incomprehensible, his earlier works are more disturbing, but there's just something so totally weird about all the insanity, monsters hiding behind diners, and tiny laughing old people, ending with that 'Silencio' stuff, and all of it seeming to be window-dressing for lesbian softcore. I mean, I understand what Lynch was going for, I think, about Hollywood and the Grand Illusion and all that, but that doesn't diminish the oddity of the work.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 06:05pm
by Guardsman Bass
Zardoz. It was pretty fucking strange, although to be honest I spent most of the movie waiting for the tits of the female cast members to pop out of their tops.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 06:37pm
by open_sketchbook
Came here to say Zardoz, but I've been beaten, so I instead nominate kung-fu masterpiece Day of the Tiger. No budget, the best special effects the early 80s can offer, and the only full-length movie I know of that is one continuous fight scene. It's so-bad-it's-good qualities are highlighted by it's absolutely bizarre "plot" and the special abilities of the characters, including the man with the belt-fed machine-gun mouth.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 06:42pm
by aerius
Probably Vulgar. It starts with a loser party clown who's down on gigs and going broke, he takes a job moonlighting as a transvestite party clown and it's all downhill from there. It all goes wrong when the clown is forcibly sodomized in a scene that seems inspired by the famous "squeal like a pig" scene from Deliverance, and after that it doesn't get much better.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 07:16pm
by darthdavid
aerius wrote:Probably Vulgar. It starts with a loser party clown who's down on gigs and going broke, he takes a job moonlighting as a transvestite party clown and it's all downhill from there. It all goes wrong when the clown is forcibly sodomized in a scene that seems inspired by the famous "squeal like a pig" scene from Deliverance, and after that it doesn't get much better.
Are you kidding? That sounds hilariously awesome. :mrgreen:

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 07:30pm
by Oni Koneko Damien

A Japanese horror film with a special hollywood B-list guest star Billy Drago just hamming the hell out of it. If you're a fan of fully depicted torture scenes, dead fetuses floating down the river, the best of bleeding-breast WHORES, and a conjoined twin hand sticking out of someone's head, this is the movie for you.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 07:42pm
by FaxModem1
Southland Tales. Two cars mating. Jon Lovitz as a crazed cop serial killer. The Rock and Stiffler as clones and the immortal line, "I'm a pimp and pimps don't commit suicide."

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 08:07pm
by Tsyroc
FaxModem1 wrote:Southland Tales. Two cars mating. Jon Lovitz as a crazed cop serial killer. The Rock and Stiffler as clones and the immortal line, "I'm a pimp and pimps don't commit suicide."

That's the one I was kind of thinking of.

It gets extra points for the people on IMDB who argue about how great it is and how people who don't like it "just don't get it" or aren't smart enough to get it. What they mean with the last part is that you either needed to be a Biblical scholar who obsessed over Revelations, or someone who read all the prequel comics and read all the interviews with the director so you could really follow what he was trying to do in the movie.

It does have a few good scenes though, and some of satire is good but as a complete movie it blows ass.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 08:10pm
by Instant Sunrise
Careful by Guy Maddin.

The story is set in this remote alpine village which is always at risk of an avalanche, so any and all noise must be avoided. They follow this to the point where animals are implied to have their vocal cords cut out to keep them quiet. So basically, everybody is repressed to hell and back.

The entire movie is done in the style of 1920's German expressionistic movies. So the movie feels like it was made in the 1920's, and not 1992. It is the weirdest fucking movie I have ever seen.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 08:32pm
by loomer
Though not as weird as most of these (and I've seen a good few, including Eraserhead and Gummo), I gotta give my vote to End of Evangelion...

Because I watched it with a 41 degree fever and as such had no concept of time, space, or logic. It's already kind of weird when you're fully conscious, but combine it with waking feverdreams...

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-01 11:13pm
by Isolder74
I have to say that the strangest movie I've ever seen is MirrorMask. The look of the movie is just bizarre and several scenes are just plain strange.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-02 12:23am
by The Yosemite Bear
I would have to say Ring of Iron.

Bruce Lee screenplay, adapted by Italians, so we get a spegetti western adaptation of Journey to the East with David Carridine as the Monkey King....

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-02 07:51am
by wautd
In my case that'll probably Inland Empire.

Though not as disturbing as the one in the OP :shock:

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-02 09:50am
by White Haven
For me, it's Akira. Not because it was the strangest movie on its own, but for reasons that are similar to loomer's. I was watching it while about 2/3 asleep on a friend's couch. As such I was too out of it to read subtitles, and my brain was 'translating' Japanese based on phonetics. You thought that movie was fucked up, imagine how bad it is when you're inventing the entire dialogue on the spot without even realizing it.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-02 11:10am
by SCRawl
David Lynch is a natural for this category. I nominate Lost Highway. Mulholland Drive was strangely comprehensible when explained by a Lynch fanboy.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-02 11:48am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
I've had Lost Highway described to me as a literal, visual view of a nightmare, presumably a nightmare the protagonist is having. Under those conditions it makes a sort of sense. Then again, that explanation describes pretty much everything Lynch has made, to some extent.

I hated Southland Tales when I first saw it, but now I love it in a certain So-Bad-It's-Good way. It's just so wacky. Interpretations of the Apocalypse! Justin Timberlake lip-synching a Killers song! Neo-Marxist pornstars! Bride of Frankenstein Liz Cheney! The Rock doing this hilarious finger-tapping nervous tic (actually, one good thing in the film was that it displayed that the Dwayne Johnson does have a bit of talent)! Kevin Smith as an ancient weelchair-bound... Guy... In an airship...

My brother has attempted to argue that it was attempted as a parody of ultra-weird symbolic films like Donnie Darko and Lynch's works. I remain unconvinced.

Re: Weirdest Movie You've Ever Seen?

Posted: 2009-11-02 11:48am
by Coyote
"A Day Without A Mexican" was wierd. Funny, definitely with something to say, but ...wierd.