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Area Shootings

Posted: 2003-02-26 02:05am
by Cal Wright
Okay, just when I think Huntsville isn't all that ghetto. Something like this crops up. This is from, which has most of what started the shootings, but my local newspaper had the rest. Posts like this really bring things down, but what the hell. This is one of those freaky things that happen. ... spect.html

Basically some asshat went into a job employment service, which he was a regular. Somehow a fight broke out and he just had to go and shoot a number of people. What is freakier than that is this. He pointed the gun at a lady behind the counter and pulled the trigger. He pulled the fucking trigger of his god damned gun that he pointed at some receptionists. It didn't fire!!! She fled and hid in a closet. Then the guy pointed it at someone else and it misfired again. According to the lady in interviewed in the paper, the guy chased him down and finally shot him. I believe he was the forth victim. The gunman fled to his apt, and had a shootout before surrendering. Holy shit. This all happened hours before I woke up this morning.

Yeah, yeah, it's easy to blab and say this now. But I swear, if someone ever, EVER pulled a gun on me, or had the intent of any kind to kill me, they had better hope to HELL that I was dead after the act. I will fucking break someone. Just keep it in mind, death is a release, and I'd much rather be able to come and visit you once a week and watch you suffer helplessly as a vegetable on some local hospital bed. Just like the guy in the Metallica song. Mark my words. I'm talking about not even being able to twitch.