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Weather Reports & Destiny

Posted: 2003-02-26 06:33pm
by Zaia
So, I'm not by nature a superstitious person. Logic and reason, hurrah! However, when it comes to love and trying to figure guys out, I tend to totally abandon reason and my brain stretches to come up with some bizarre rationale to try to twist things to be either very much in my favour or very much not. Although I realize I'm doing it, I still can't see clearly and it ends up skewing my perception of things and then I just end up feeling like a psycho.

For instance, 1 1/2 weeks ago, 28" of snow fell, and basically my entire region of Maryland shut down for a week. This meant that I missed out on seeing this guy in question; we are performing in the same music ensembles, and they were cancelled so I didn't see him. Now, today there was more snow, and there's going to be an additional 5-10" overnight, so I'm almost definitely not going to see him tomorrow. Sounds pretty straightforward, yah?

My issue is--why does my logical brain then say to myself, "Hmmm, more snow? Guess this just isn't meant to be. Give up on him and look somewhere else, Self," and then I get all mopey, but I can't place a finger on why because he didn't do anything. IT'S THE GODDAMN WEATHER!! Obviously the guy didn't brew up a storm or two so that he would have to avoid me, so why do I persist in thinking this?! Why why why?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

And anyone who says that it's simply because I'm a woman is going to get a beating. Not the fun kind, either.

Posted: 2003-02-26 06:42pm
by Dalton
That's just common paranoia. Everyone has that. Sometimes when I'm walking somewhere and the wind's really blowing, I think something's trying to keep me away. But my rational mind can conquer my primitive instincts - the ones that say "evil spirits" - much like your rational mind is. Sometimes this can be dulled though when the power of the rational mind is dulled by emotion.

Or I'm just talking out of my ass again. Who knows ;)

Posted: 2003-02-26 06:42pm
by Mr Bean
Hmm if I where there, To draw on my Psycholist Training I would do the following

Knowing more Snow is to be expect and knowing you might associate that with a lack of chance with this guy I would do the following

Opon hearing that snow was to be expected leap into action! Grap my Duffle Bag, Make one quick stop of and then Drive like Homer Simpson!(Red Lights mean go faster!)

After arriving at your house I'd make exactly fourty two seconds of small talk(The normal how are you how are things going) then say
"Oh by the way have you met..."
At which point I'd reach into the bag and whip out an adorable heart melting puppy... Like this one
Puppy! :D

After handing him off to you and slowly steering the conversation around how cute the puppy is and how good it is and so on and so forth I would mention how much the Puppy Loves snow and you should see him romp around in the snow, he loves it and if I did this correctly when I say, "Good thing we are getting snow in a few days he will have tons of fun out there" you will dis-associate Snow with bad things and barriers and instead associate it with Cute Puppys

Problem solved!

Posted: 2003-02-26 06:45pm
by Zaia
Dalton wrote:Sometimes this can be dulled though when the power of the rational mind is dulled by emotion.
Ahhhhh. I usually have way too much of that crap. Emotion, that is. Makes sense...
Or I'm just talking out of my ass again. Who knows ;)
*chuckle* I sincerely doubt that, darlin'. :wink:

Posted: 2003-02-26 06:47pm
by Zaia
Mr Bean wrote:"Oh by the way have you met..."
At which point I'd reach into the bag and whip out an adorable heart melting puppy... Like this one:
Puppy! :D

Awww, puppy! :D
you will dis-associate Snow with bad things and barriers and instead associate it with Cute Puppys

Problem solved!
*kisses cheek* Mr. Bean, I don't know what I would do without you! Thank you so much! :D :D :D

Posted: 2003-02-26 06:49pm
by Mr Bean
What can I say? Its my gift for planing

And hell better than half my ideas work out perfecty! :P (Not Counting the CO2 power water gun of course...)

Posted: 2003-02-26 06:49pm
by Dalton
Zaia wrote:
Dalton wrote:Sometimes this can be dulled though when the power of the rational mind is dulled by emotion.
Ahhhhh. I usually have way too much of that crap. Emotion, that is. Makes sense...
Lots of people are very emotional. And to be perfectly honest, women are generally more in tune with their emotions than men are - probably a remnant of the caregiver/mother instinct.
Zaia wrote:
Dalton wrote:Or I'm just talking out of my ass again. Who knows ;)
*chuckle* I sincerely doubt that, darlin'. :wink:
I like to think that human emotion can be boiled down to two root instincts: sex and food :)

Posted: 2003-02-27 10:39am
by Zaia
Just as a bit of an update, and maybe hearing this you will understand why I am such a psycho, the snow is now scheduled to arrive around 3, which means that we still have school today (bleh), but that all the fun stuff scheduled with Brian will still be cancelled.

GAH!!! :|

Why? I don't believe in fate, I don't, I don't, I don't...