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What's your M.O.?
Posted: 2003-02-27 06:12am
by Robert Treder
You're in school, and your teacher assigns you a simple 3-4 page essay, due in seven days. How do you usually handle it?
Posted: 2003-02-27 06:17am
by Dalton
Night before, duh.
Posted: 2003-02-27 06:26am
by Admiral Valdemar
Dalton wrote:Night before, duh.
Yup, it's the only way.
Posted: 2003-02-27 08:36am
by Frank_Scenario
Hell, I have a twelve-page essay due tomorrow that I haven't even started to do the reading on yet, much less start writing.
I find that the less work I do, the better my grades are. Eerie. Weird.
Posted: 2003-02-27 08:38am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Last few days. Although many a paper has been written the night before...
Now, if you exuse me, I have one to write that's due at 1:05 PM...
Posted: 2003-02-27 08:40am
by theski
Always the last day Ding ding ding da da ding ding ding "under pressure" Sorry bad humming
Posted: 2003-02-27 09:14am
by Mr Bean
Spread the work
By which I mean do 1/10 of it the night I get it and forget about it until six hours before classes start
Posted: 2003-02-27 09:57am
by The Great Unbearded One
I start it two nights beofre the day it's due in...then get distracted...then do it in a desperate flurry the night before...
Posted: 2003-02-27 10:41am
by Ted
I usually start it after the class it is due.
I sorta forget about it.
However, I've got good teachers, they dont take any late marks off, until they return the marked work.
And with one of them taking about 8 weeks to mark a test, it's all fine. (BTW, there are 17 students in that class).
Posted: 2003-02-27 10:43am
by Kuja
I wait until I'm in the right mood.
And what mood is that, you ask?
Last-minute panic.
Posted: 2003-02-27 10:44am
by neoolong
I usually do it as early as possible. Mainly because I want to get it out of the way.
Posted: 2003-02-27 10:47am
by Zaia
Ted wrote:However, I've got good teachers, they dont take any late marks off, until they return the marked work.
Teachers who don't hold you to the due date are not good teachers. They are to you right now, of course, but in the long run that just sets you up to fail in the real world. Plus it means your teacher's a pussy who can't enforce his/her own rules.
And with one of them taking about 8 weeks to mark a test, it's all fine. (BTW, there are 17 students in that class).
Eight weeks is way too long a turnaround for returning papers, but you should realize that your teacher has lots of other classes as well, probably many with more than seventeen kids. Grading papers takes a hell of a lot longer than anyone who's never had to grade them realizes.
As for me, when I had homework to due, I usually did it like Ig. I work best under pressure.
Posted: 2003-02-27 10:50am
by Ted
Zaia wrote:Ted wrote:However, I've got good teachers, they dont take any late marks off, until they return the marked work.
Teachers who don't hold you to the due date are not good teachers. They are to you right now, of course, but in the long run that just sets you up to fail in the real world. Plus it means your teacher's a pussy who can't enforce his/her own rules.
Actually, no.
He is enforcing the Ministry of Educations guidelines, which say that teachers cannot punish students (deduction of marks) for late assignments.
Posted: 2003-02-27 10:53am
by Zaia
Ted wrote:Actually, no.
He is enforcing the Ministry of Educations guidelines, which say that teachers cannot punish students (deduction of marks) for late assignments.
WTF kind of shit is that? That's a stupid rule. What the fuck's the point of having a deadline, then?
And if it is a rule, why would a teacher that followed this rule be a 'good teacher' according to you? Wouldn't they all have to follow it?
Posted: 2003-02-27 10:56am
by Ted
Zaia wrote:WTF kind of shit is that? That's a stupid rule. What the fuck's the point of having a deadline, then?
And if it is a rule, why would a teacher that followed this rule be a 'good teacher' according to you? Wouldn't they all have to follow it?
Because not every teacher does it.
Posted: 2003-02-27 11:00am
by Tsyroc
It's hard to say. I never stuck to patterns well. Mostly I'd be done a few days to the night before, but the essay I am most proud of if is the one I cranked out a couple of hours before class and got an "A" on it.
Posted: 2003-02-27 11:16am
by Alex Moon
Last Few days allotted. Usually I work on the rough draft in my head, and start organizing notes. I write the damn thing on the last day, or the day before if I'm really organized.
Posted: 2003-02-27 11:20am
by Zaia
Ted wrote:Zaia wrote:WTF kind of shit is that? That's a stupid rule. What the fuck's the point of having a deadline, then?
And if it is a rule, why would a teacher that followed this rule be a 'good teacher' according to you? Wouldn't they all have to follow it?
Because not every teacher does it.
Hmm, no opinion on the first part of my post, then?
Well, it's this teacher's opinion that, although it sucks for you as a student, the teachers who hold you to their deadlines and penalize you for lateness are the ones who are better teachers. In the real world, if you take your time on an assignment and turn it in when you feel like it, you lose your job. End of story.
And, in theory, school is supposed to prepare you for life, so there's no point to your Ministry of Education's guidelines. In my opinion, anyway.
Posted: 2003-02-27 11:28am
by Damaramu
I tend to procrastinate alot, so I'd probably end up doing the assignment late in the game.
Of course, if there's research to be done, I'd probably tackle it just all depends on my mood and the complexity of the assignment.
But usually, I wait.
Posted: 2003-02-27 11:42am
by salm
back in school i did it in the morning before the gong went. it worked. sometimes.
Posted: 2003-02-27 11:54am
by RadiO
I did all my best work at 4am. I'd fine-tune it on my laptop, down the bottom of the school playing field, in the last hours before the class.
Posted: 2003-02-27 12:29pm
by aerius
Finish about 80-90% of the paper on the first day or 2 after its assigned, after which I forget about it for a few days until the night before it's due. I then write the last paragraph or 2 and do the spell checking and editing.
Now if a teacher gives me a 20 page paper that's worth 1% or some stupidly small amount of my final mark, I'm just going to go "fuck it" and not write the paper and put the time towards studying which'll more than compensate for that 1%. For some reason I've had profs who enjoy giving out term paper sized written assignments that are worth next to nothing. I have better things to do with my time, like drinking and having sex.
Posted: 2003-02-27 02:25pm
by RedImperator
Nothing like Adenol and panic to help get those last minute assignments done.
Posted: 2003-02-27 02:29pm
by Nathan F
Hehehe, two A's in English 101 and 102, every paper was written the night before it was due, too...
Posted: 2003-02-27 02:55pm
Had to vote "I dont do homework", since there wasn't two weeks late -option.