I really do hate ice.

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Kelly Antilles
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I really do hate ice.

Post by Kelly Antilles »

Yes, once again my power is out due to ice on the trees. Ugh. I really hate winter. We hadn't even had time to get the limbs up from the big storm in December because of weather and now it's gone and done it again. So, I'm at my inlaws on the laptop (which sucks) doing dial-up (32000 bps?! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Thank the gods SD.net is mostly test based. It's moving pretty good. Anyway... just wanted to let you know what happened.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Yeah, ice is bad. Just a couple of days ago I was walking and slipped on the side walked. My hands were being sheathed from the cold in my pockets so I couldn't catch myself as I fell backwards into the sidewalk. Luckily for me my head landed into the snow that was over the sidewalk. Came a few inches from hitting my head into the pavement hard.
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Ghost Rider
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Post by Ghost Rider »


Well I'm with ya there...lost power a couple times(though thankfully nothing toppled onto my head yet...no, just a leaky closet)

Currently just really depising this winter.

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Post by Sea Skimmer »

I've been lucky. Dispite having more snow in a couple day then there has been in the last seven years combind, I never lost power. However its all been snow, almost no ice at all.
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Post by Montcalm »

Ice is fun when you slip on it and your feet are in the air at an altitude of 4 feet and you crash down on your back. :mrgreen:
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Phil Skayhan
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Post by Phil Skayhan »

ArmorPierce wrote:Yeah, ice is bad. Just a couple of days ago I was walking and slipped on the side walked...Came a few inches from hitting my head into the pavement hard.
Almost cracked my head open coming down my back steps last Tuesday, the only thing that prevented this was that my backpack (gotta love intertia) cushioned the blow.

My back, however, was a different matter...
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Post by aerius »

Ice is great! Without ice I can't play hockey nor go skating. A few years ago we had enough freezing rain that there was an inch of ice on the ground and I could actually skate around the neighbourhood on the sidewalks. It was great! :D
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Post by Frank Hipper »

I feel for you frigid climate sufferers. We just had another storm move through here yesterday and today, and it's headed for you guys.
We got an inch or so of rain, and living beyond the realm of civilisation the way I do everything is MUD! Last night, just as I'd shut off the computer, the trashy neighbor knocks on the door, her drunk BF had slid off the excuse of a road in his 4WD Pathfinder, and I got to pull him out in the beat up '63 Chevy pickup. This truck is 2WD, and has skinny, skinny tires. I never so much as lost traction once, even pulling him out. At least he gave me $10.
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Post by neoolong »

aerius wrote:Ice is great! Without ice I can't play hockey nor go skating. A few years ago we had enough freezing rain that there was an inch of ice on the ground and I could actually skate around the neighbourhood on the sidewalks. It was great! :D
Watch as you get pelted with snowballs.

As for me, I live in California, I'd have to drive somewhere to get real snow.
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Post by Cap'n Hector »

Ice...I remember this from my childhood. Haven't seen any in three-four years, unless you count that hailstorm in NM last year.

Hope your power gets fixed, Kelly.
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Darth Balls
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Post by Darth Balls »

This afternoon I had a little problem with ice. I live up on a hill and it was snowing a ton. After starting up the hill my wheels start spinning and the car sliding. I knew there was no way I'd be getting up there all the way if I was already stuck. So I couldnt even get home! And it was still snowing!
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Man, that really is a bummer. Being from San Francisco, we haven't had snow since like '89, and we sure as hell have never had ice.
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

Ice can be good* slides a sliver of it up Kellys neck*
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Post by Gandalf »

We even have ice problems in Australia, every year from May till about October, I have to hose down the car every morning. This may sound like pointless bitching but it's harder than one would think.
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Kelly Antilles
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Well, the roads are dry pretty much, it's just that trees are starting to fall or lose limbs which is causing more power outages. Fun. Well, just got off the phone with my husband. Still no power at home. They have power all around us, though. What's so bad is that there are several elderly people in the area without power. Oh well, we can only wait.
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