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Well this sucks... I may have a heart problem...

Posted: 2003-02-28 02:25am
by Hyperion
My mom's been commenting about the usual red or purple color of my hands and feet for months, but I never really thought much of it until a few weeks ago when I noticed it was getting significantly worse. (purple most of the time and an even deeper sick-looking purple some of the time, usually for hours at a time combined with a serious lack of energy)

Last week someone in one of my classes, who turned out to be a nurse actually, noticed this and did some looking into it, there are only 2 possible causes for what I appear to have (acrocyanosis? or Reynaud's disease): ideopathic and harmless, or known cause, generally heart related.

To add further problem to this: yesterday driving home from school my hands turned really deep purple and I started feeling real cold, then my energy dropped like a rock with a wierd feeling in my chest, one I'm somewhat familiar with actually, I get it from time to time but not very severe and with hardly any effect on my energy. I should have known I was having something going wrong while I was walking to the car, I was colder than normal given the temp, and my muscles were feeling the same way they do after I've run for about 5-10 minutes and then started walking, but I wasn't out of breath or anything, just stuff feeling real tired for no reason...

I've got an appointment with the doctor on the 24th... I'm not really worried about this per se since there's nothing I can do about it so there's no point in my worrying, but it is a concern, though more of an annoyance as if there is anything wrong it will interfere greatly with my future plans...

Posted: 2003-02-28 02:30am
by Frank Hipper
Jesus, that's pretty fucking harsh news. You're not even 25 yet, are you?
Major health problems suck so much, so many.
Good luck at the Doctor's.

Posted: 2003-02-28 02:30am
by Exonerate
Sucks... :?

How serious is this thing? It could just be poor blood circulation... Whatever it is, I hope it turns out ok.

Posted: 2003-02-28 02:33am
by Captain tycho
Exonerate wrote:Sucks... :?

How serious is this thing? It could just be poor blood circulation... Whatever it is, I hope it turns out ok.
I got Gulf war syndrome, but not as bad as some as the boys who fought over there. One of my symtoms included the same thing as you've described, except not as severe.
Good luck at the doc's. :)
Hope ya turn out all right.

Posted: 2003-02-28 02:53am
by Hyperion
Thanks, I really have no clue what it is or how severe it could be, though I have my suspicions as to potential causes if it is a heart problem and not just bad circulation that suddenly started getting worse...

Only things I can really think of as causes are: 1) born with a heart issue, but that *should* have shown up already. 2) all that damage to the nerves on my left side from hitting that door in 7th grade and later the hit from a 440 3ph AC shore power training panel I was repairing at school (it went from thumb to middle finger, that was the source-to-ground path thankfully). 3) some unknown source signal problem (most likely if there's not a physical problem). and 4) my insanely high triglycerides were a precursor to a problem...

That obviously leaves a HUGE amount of potential sources and an equally large collection of fixes and outcomes for my future. Then again it could just be a localized problem and may either be fixable or I'll have to live with it (hoping it's a localized problem).

Btw, I am 19, so yeah, if it is what I'm suspecting it may be, it's pretty bloody early, which means there's no way in hell I'm putting up with pacemakers and other shit like that which involves long term maintenance... Pacemakers especially since I'd be in the hospital practically monthly at best getting the dang thing fixed thanks to my hobby of working on high voltage electronic equipment... (I'll let my body burn itself out long before I'll give up stuff that makes my life worth living.)

And yes, I will keep you guys informed as to what happens, this will at best be another LONG round of tests, kinda like the last time they tried to chase down whatever was causing me to have almost no energy (they checked me for Mono, chemical balance problems, neutritional problems, and a whole list of other things up to and including AIDS, which I obviously didn't have... I was like "WTF!?!" when they said they were going to check me for that one...)

Captain Tycho: What makes this one suck real bad is that if it is a heart problem or severe circulation problem, I won't be able to join the military, which is something I really want to do (later job opportinities, and the experience). And I knew someone with Gulf War Syndrome, not pretty, sorry to hear you have it. Whenever I hear someone talking about it I pretty much see red cause we all know So-Damed-Insane used gas and bio in that little clusterfuck back in '92... And it looks like Bush's son is gonna do it again, this time giving the Iraqis more to prepare, which is VERY bad...

Posted: 2003-02-28 03:03am
by Tragic

just kidding. I seriously hope everything works out for you.

Posted: 2003-02-28 03:18am
by TrailerParkJawa
Captain Tycho: What makes this one suck real bad is that if it is a heart problem or severe circulation problem, I won't be able to join the military, which is something I really want to do (later job opportinities, and the experience). And I knew someone with Gulf War Syndrome, not pretty, sorry to hear you have it. Whenever I hear someone talking about it I pretty much see red cause we all know So-Damed-Insane used gas and bio in that little clusterfuck back in '92... And it looks like Bush's son is gonna do it again, this time giving the Iraqis more to prepare, which is VERY bad...
Best wishes. I hope you do not get DQ'd from MEPS. That happened to me and it haunts me to this day. I do not want that to happen to anyone else, I hope you get to join the service of your choice.

Posted: 2003-02-28 03:39am
by Hyperion
TrailerParkJawa wrote:Best wishes. I hope you do not get DQ'd from MEPS. That happened to me and it haunts me to this day. I do not want that to happen to anyone else, I hope you get to join the service of your choice.
What on earth is "DQ'd" and what is "MEPS?" (suspects he will like neither)

Btw, about the "BOOO" comment, I already know from experience that (so far at least) it is not agravated by being startled, though that is something I have been thinking about, I'm pretty jumpy in general so I really hope it's not anything which can be triggered by being startled... That would be bad....

Posted: 2003-02-28 03:48am
by TrailerParkJawa
What on earth is "DQ'd" and what is "MEPS?" (suspects he will like neither)
Sorry, for the cryptic post.

I got disqualified from military enlistment when I was 20. MEPS is Military Enlistment Processing Station, thats where you take your physical. DQ is disqualified.

Posted: 2003-02-28 03:59am
by Captain tycho
Well, I was only exposed to the gas briefly, when I was landing at a remote airfield for refueling. A few minutes after I landed, reports came in that some gas had been released near us. By the time we had gotten the report, the gas had already reached us, so we all grabbed our gas masks and waited. We all were exposed for only a half minute at the most, based on current wind speeds, time of release, etc. The gas, however, has never positively identified, and could have possibly been a 'watered down' version of either sarin of VX nerve gas. Either way, I started having alot of health problems when I got back here. But most of them have either gone away naturally or have been severely dimished since then. The only major symptom I still have is imsomnia. :)

EDIT: Some typos

Re: Well this sucks... I may have a heart problem...

Posted: 2003-02-28 05:01am
by BoredShirtless
Hyperion wrote:My mom's been commenting about the usual red or purple color of my hands and feet for months, but I never really thought much of it until a few weeks ago when I noticed it was getting significantly worse. (purple most of the time and an even deeper sick-looking purple some of the time, usually for hours at a time combined with a serious lack of energy)

Last week someone in one of my classes, who turned out to be a nurse actually, noticed this and did some looking into it, there are only 2 possible causes for what I appear to have (acrocyanosis? or Reynaud's disease): ideopathic and harmless, or known cause, generally heart related.

To add further problem to this: yesterday driving home from school my hands turned really deep purple and I started feeling real cold, then my energy dropped like a rock with a wierd feeling in my chest, one I'm somewhat familiar with actually, I get it from time to time but not very severe and with hardly any effect on my energy. I should have known I was having something going wrong while I was walking to the car, I was colder than normal given the temp, and my muscles were feeling the same way they do after I've run for about 5-10 minutes and then started walking, but I wasn't out of breath or anything, just stuff feeling real tired for no reason...

I've got an appointment with the doctor on the 24th... I'm not really worried about this per se since there's nothing I can do about it so there's no point in my worrying, but it is a concern, though more of an annoyance as if there is anything wrong it will interfere greatly with my future plans...
All the best mate :)

Posted: 2003-02-28 05:09am
by Dalton
Ah, what you were talking about the other night. Best of luck.