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Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 12:11pm
by Azazal
Nick Levasseur, read before submitting

I've seen my fare share of horrible anime over the years, but not enough for this kind of comment.
It must be a relief to many that our petty indiscretions, those that appear online and seem to haunt us daily, will soon become so normal as to be irrelevant.

It must be a particular relief to Nick Levasseur, a Democratic New Hampshire state representative, who, according the Huffington Post, used Facebook to offer his rather strong views on anime. Reports failed to record why Levasseur is so pained by the rather beautiful Japanese style of animation.

However, he is reported to have written on his Facebook page these rather difficult words: "Anime is a prime example of why two nukes just wasn't enough."

These reports appear to be believable, as Levasseur has issued a statement apologizing for the offensive post, if not for his lack of taste.

"I would like to deeply apologize for the insensitivity of this post. It was a poorly thought out comment, posted in jest on my private Facebook page," he said.

When comments like this emerge, what always seems lost is the identity of the person who happened to take Levasseur's words to a wider audience. However, a site called claimed that this wasn't a mere comment, but, in fact, Levasseur's status update.

Isn't the deepest principle of a politician--and I know not many of their principles leave the shallow end of the thought pool--that of being very slightly careful about what you might say to whom. And where.

Don't politicians know that Mark Zuckerberg has declared privacy dead? Don't they realize what is going on? And now, so soon after this alleged jest, there is already a Facebook group, with the frightfully restrained and almost poetic name "Why Nickolas Levasseur, just why?"

**not quite up to N&P standards, but if a mod feels the need to move, who am I to argue**

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 12:15pm
by Vastatosaurus Rex
I think anime is overrated myself, but blaming all Japanese people for it to the extent that you want to nuke the entire population is inexcusable.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 12:18pm
by Mr Bean
If I did not loath social websites like Facebook I'd be joining Why Nickolas Levasseur, just why?"
But I think someone who's never seen anime stumbled onto some of the more... eccentric ones or someone sent him some tentacle porn.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 12:21pm
by General Zod
Meh. If anyone but a politician said this it wouldn't be a big deal at all, but given this guy is in the public arena, he should really watch what he posts online. Or, you know, post it somewhere that's not attached to his real name.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 12:22pm
by open_sketchbook
Wow. There is some fucking twisted, messed up shit that has come down the anime pipe, and it's reputation didn't do go so well when some very stupid people in the early 90s decided that Legend of the Overfiend is a great followup to Akira, and should be released in theaters with no warning as to it's content (Hence the famous "Animated Snuff Film Misogynist Crap" headline from the poor reviewer who had no idea what she was watching). However, somebody needs to sit this man down and explain that we do not commit genocide for animation. Not even Violence Jack.

Well, ok, maybe Violence Jack.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 12:30pm
by Solauren
While there is some, shall we say 'questionable at best, uncivilized at worse' examples of both Anime and Anime drawing style in existence, the same can be said about any artistic medium, style or form of expression.

Anime just seems more prevaliant because of it's current popularity, and quality of the mainstream uses of it.

After all, Rule 34: No exceptions. And that includes Looney Toons/Disney Porn.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 12:46pm
by Simplicius
Dumb politician has dumb reaction to dumb cartoons; film at 11.

Live Update: Aforementioned dumbness exploited by dumb NH Republicans who apparently have nothing better to do than browse Democrats' facebook pages all day. "Guys, don't you get it? It was his status update!!!11"

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 01:10pm
by Sarevok
So politicians are not allowed to have personal opinions ?

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 01:17pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Sarevok wrote:So politicians are not allowed to have personal opinions ?
A politician hates rap music and changes his status to "niggers can't sing for shit". Is this acceptable?

If you're a public servant, you damn well better watch where your opinions take you. Implying bringing about the Shep Solution on Japan because of their fucking artistic style is just damn retarded.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 01:35pm
by Sarevok
Some people need their sarcasm meters adjusted. That Japan either got nuked too much or too little is a fucking ancient joke. That does not mean one is a japanophobe conspiring to put all Japaneese descended people in america inside prison camps again.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 01:38pm
by General Zod
Sarevok wrote:Some people need their sarcasm meters adjusted. That Japan either got nuked too much or too little is a fucking ancient joke. That does not mean one is a japanophobe conspiring to put all Japaneese descended people in america inside prison camps again.
So what? Anything a politician says can and will be used against them by their opponents, so they have to be careful about what they say.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 01:51pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Sarevok wrote:Some people need their sarcasm meters adjusted. That Japan either got nuked too much or too little is a fucking ancient joke. That does not mean one is a japanophobe conspiring to put all Japaneese descended people in america inside prison camps again.
It's also not appropriate for an elected government official to be making such comments in public forums.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 01:53pm
by Phantasee
I think it's fucking hilarious. He's still a dumbass for putting it up on Facebook. As an elected representative, he doesn't get to joke about nuking Japan. He's going to be held to a higher standard than the average Joe, and for a good reason.

What do you think would happen if someone joked about the Holocaust? We'd laugh (or not), and if it's your Jewish neighbour or some random guy at work, it's mostly okay. If it's an elected representative? He'd be crucified in the media, and depending on how high up he was, might become something of a social pariah. The guy in the OP has to hope the Japanese don't give a shit, but they might have to, since he's not some nobody on the street.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 02:08pm
by Uraniun235
The word choice is very unfortunate; "prime example of why" implies that there are other reasons why we should have dropped more a-bombs on Japan, and leads one to wonder just how many Japanese he thinks should have been killed.

Now, if he'd said "anime is retaliation/punishment for dropping the a-bomb", that would have been funnier and without quite as gruesome an implication. There's still the issue of marginalizing the deaths of over a hundred thousand people, but that's a bit easier to deflect than "your cartoons make me so angry that i wish more of you had died".

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 02:16pm
by Sarevok
If he was trying to ban anime or something you guys would have a point. But he is just some obscure small politician writting how much anime sucks in his facebook account. If that is cause for outrage I have to wonder how much sheltered life you guys lead when there are so many problems plagueing the world now to worry about some dudes facebook posts.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 02:24pm
by General Zod
Sarevok wrote:If he was trying to ban anime or something you guys would have a point. But he is just some obscure small politician writting how much anime sucks in his facebook account. If that is cause for outrage I have to wonder how much sheltered life you guys lead when there are so many problems plagueing the world now to worry about some dudes facebook posts.
Exactly where are you getting this "outrage" from? I have to wonder how much of a sheltered life you lead if you think calling a politician a moron for posting something inflammatory counts as "outrage".

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 02:34pm
by SCRawl
Sarevok wrote:If he was trying to ban anime or something you guys would have a point. But he is just some obscure small politician writting how much anime sucks in his facebook account. If that is cause for outrage I have to wonder how much sheltered life you guys lead when there are so many problems plagueing the world now to worry about some dudes facebook posts.
If the guy had simply posted something like "Anime sucks", then while one might be justified in questioning the poster's wit that's about as far as criticisms would go. No, he thoughtlessly picked on an event that many Japanese people are probably rather sensitive about and used it in about as offensive a manner as he could. He's free to hold such an opinion, he's free to talk about it, and everyone else is free to criticize him for doing so, especially since he ought to know better.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 03:02pm
by Sarevok
But have not many other people made the same joke ? As I understand politicians are expected to make decisions. They can say dumb things but ultimately it is the decisions they make that count. If he was trying to get restrictions placed on anime that would be bad. If he was serious about the nuking Japan bit it would be repulsive thing to say. But to condemn him over a joke made on a facebook page ? That goes bit too far.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 03:08pm
by General Zod
Sarevok wrote:But have not many other people made the same joke ? As I understand politicians are expected to make decisions. They can say dumb things but ultimately it is the decisions they make that count. If he was trying to get restrictions placed on anime that would be bad. If he was serious about the nuking Japan bit it would be repulsive thing to say. But to condemn him over a joke made on a facebook page ? That goes bit too far.
You should learn the difference between calling someone a moron and condemning them.

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 03:23pm
by Gil Hamilton
I don't think this should be a big deal. I've heard people say the exact same sentiment repeatly before in a social context (and Facebook is a social context) without much more than chuckles in response. At a certain point, things that are clearly somewhat tasteless jokes (as opposed to things framed that, if questioned, could be called a tasteless joke*) shouldn't be cause for too much alarm. Yeah, he's a politician, but I don't see this as anything more than what he said it was. So who cares?

*such as racist dogwhistle "jokes" that Republican politicians and media celebrities are fond of making, like the imfamous "Barack the Magic Negro" song Republicans were so fond of

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 03:25pm
by eion
Why haven't chiefs of staff learned to take away all their bosses social networking access when they get elected?

"Senator, if you want to make a facebook posting just give us the draft and we'll take care of it for you."

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 04:44pm
by Formless
Sarevok wrote:But have not many other people made the same joke ? As I understand politicians are expected to make decisions. They can say dumb things but ultimately it is the decisions they make that count. If he was trying to get restrictions placed on anime that would be bad. If he was serious about the nuking Japan bit it would be repulsive thing to say. But to condemn him over a joke made on a facebook page ? That goes bit too far.
If an elected official from any other part of the world had made a joke about how the terrorists should have hit more buildings on 9-11 because they hate the New York Yankees (or something like that) how do you think people would react?

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 06:28pm
by DudeGuyMan
I wouldn't give a crap. What, you've never heard any 9/11 jokes?

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 06:30pm
by General Zod
DudeGuyMan wrote:I wouldn't give a crap. What, you've never heard any 9/11 jokes?
When was the last time you heard an elected politician make a 9/11 joke and keep his job?

Re: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough??

Posted: 2010-03-29 08:19pm
by Phantasee
Elected officials can't say whatever is on their minds because they are elected representatives. If an elected representative says something about another country, he is, in effect, making a statement that the other country cannot ignore. It becomes 'official'. Joe Average says something, but he's not speaking for anyone but himself, and the other country doesn't have to give a shit even if this guy rushes the Larry King Live set and says it on-air.

If you represent the state of New Hampshire, the words that come out of your mouth represent the people of that state. That's how it works in foreign relations.