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Stupid A levels
Posted: 2003-03-02 05:19am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Well, they're going to be released in my country on the 5th, and I'm pretty damn nervous about it. I'd just like to take this opportunity to ask you guys if you ever got nervous before the results for a big paper came out.
Posted: 2003-03-02 05:22am
by Robert Treder
What are "A levels"?
And of course I get nervous when the results of a paper or test come back. Not very nervous, but nervous nonetheless.
Posted: 2003-03-02 05:31am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Robert Treder wrote:What are "A levels"?
And of course I get nervous when the results of a paper or test come back. Not very nervous, but nervous nonetheless.
Pardon me for not being clear enough.
They stand for "Cambridge GCE (General Certificate of Education) Academic-level examination". They are administered at the end of a junior college course in ym country, and they determine entrance to university. Rob Wilson and innerbrat should know what I'm talking about.
This is probably the biggest paper in any students life, apart from the various university theses and so on. I'm pretty worries because I don't think I'll do well, and the entry requirements to university are pretty damn high.
Posted: 2003-03-02 05:41am
by Robert Treder
Good luck. I always hate it when they hinge important stuff on stupid bullshit.
Posted: 2003-03-02 05:47am
by Kolinar Romanov
Just an added notice: most countries still take this British form of examination. ESB happens to be from Singapore(and so am I): the British, AFricans and most other asians also take a similar examination.
Posted: 2003-03-02 07:33am
by 2000AD
Do not mention A Levels in my prescence!!!! They are the bane of my existence, but i need them to get into university! It's because of the huge amounts of coursework that i have been unable to get more than part of one chapter of my fanfic done. And now the Cwork is out of the way i need to prepare for my final exams!
Posted: 2003-03-02 08:08am
by RadiO
I always thought Advanced GNVQs looked like a total waste of time. They are (or were) probably easier academically than A-levels, but weigh you down with bullshit paperwork that has nothing to do with the subject. "What have you achieved this term?" Passed a test. "What are your aims and objectives for the next term?" Pass the next test, and go on to uinversity. Yadda yadda yadda.
Re: Stupid A levels
Posted: 2003-03-02 08:56pm
by Rob Wilson
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:Well, they're going to be released in my country on the 5th, and I'm pretty damn nervous about it. I'd just like to take this opportunity to ask you guys if you ever got nervous before the results for a big paper came out.
Don't sweat it, getting nervous now achieves nothing. If you did your best, what else can you do now? And to answer your question, no I wasn't nervous waiting for my A-level results, for the above reasons.
Addendum : Just to say that getting nervous accomplishes nothing, though true, doesn't help you. So, Make sure you have a back-up in place, incase you don't get th grades you need. Are there opportunties for Resits? What other equivalencies can you take in their place? Will the institution you are aiming for allow you to start your courses while taking a resit/equivalency? How would resits affect your timetable?
Get yourself sorted out (it'll take your mind off worrying if nothing else

) and then when you pass it'll just be all the sweeter (because you know how much extra work you just avoided

Posted: 2003-03-03 10:21am
by The_Nice_Guy
Don't worry. The local JC system is good enough that we churn out lots of good results every year.
Unless you're aiming for something like all distinctions, getting at least 2 As shouldn't be a problem.
But yeah, I was real worried the night before my 'A' levels were released. I had failed 3 of my subjects in the prelims, you see, so confidence was at a premium.
It turned out my JC was run by sadistic freaks, which accounted for the utterly misleading prelim results. I've since gathered that the local prelim results are completely unreliable. They're just a way for the JCs to mess with our heads and boot us into studying harder.
In the end, I got 5 distinctions, and the only blotch I got was for economics.
And oh yeah, there's always the back up plan. Sign on as a regular officer!
The Nice Guy
Posted: 2003-03-03 11:07am
by jegs2
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:They stand for "Cambridge GCE (General Certificate of Education) Academic-level examination". They are administered at the end of a junior college course in ym country, and they determine entrance to university. Rob Wilson and innerbrat should know what I'm talking about.
This is probably the biggest paper in any students life, apart from the various university theses and so on. I'm pretty worries because I don't think I'll do well, and the entry requirements to university are pretty damn high.
Arf! Never had anything like
that for my community college. When I was done, I just
signed up for my university and
Posted: 2003-03-03 03:05pm
by Rob Wilson
jegs2 wrote:Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:They stand for "Cambridge GCE (General Certificate of Education) Academic-level examination". They are administered at the end of a junior college course in ym country, and they determine entrance to university. Rob Wilson and innerbrat should know what I'm talking about.
This is probably the biggest paper in any students life, apart from the various university theses and so on. I'm pretty worries because I don't think I'll do well, and the entry requirements to university are pretty damn high.
Arf! Never had anything like
that for my community college. When I was done, I just
signed up for my university and
Universities in the UK require you to have A-levels or the equivalents (as proof that you can produce work and study to the required standards and put in the effort) before you can apply or be accepted. It's the same in a number of old UK dependancies and Colonies, it's also required to become an Officer in the Armed Forces.
Posted: 2003-03-04 05:36am
by The Great Unbearded One
Dude, I hear ya. I'm just around the corner (1 week - arrggghhh) from my mocks and then just over a month and I'm into AS Exams. Best of luck to ya!
Posted: 2003-03-04 01:08pm
by TrailerParkJawa
jegs2 wrote:
Arf! Never had anything like
that for my community college. When I was done, I just
signed up for my university and
They are called community college because anyone in the community can go!
Actually, they are a great place to take a class for personal enjoyment, not the best place to be at if you do not know where you wanna go in life because you cant meet people in the 3rd and 4th year of their studies like you can at a 4yr college. Oh well.