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Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

Posted: 2003-03-02 09:57pm
by Durandal
Revenge of the Nerds was on Comedy Central, so I figured I'd ask how many of you were treated shittily in high school because of being a nerd or something like that?

Posted: 2003-03-02 09:58pm
by Enforcer Talen
middle school. I went goth afterwards.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:00pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'm not mistreated in school, but the people who I hang out with are immature shits that try to manipulate me.

Re: Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:01pm
by Stormbringer
Durandal wrote:Revenge of the Nerds was on Comedy Central, so I figured I'd ask how many of you were treated shittily in high school because of being a nerd or something like that?
I suppose I was a nerd. The bullies learned really quick that they could say what they want but so much as touch me and they'd get messed up. Frankly, I had very little trouble after my third fight (and 3-0 record) with an all-state wrestler. I spent the next three years just fine.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:05pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Not so much a nerd as I was the opposite of a jock. I suppose judging my nerdness would have to be done in person. :D Regardless, all of my friends happen to be huge hulking guys who can act as body guards should I get into a jam with bullies/drug addicts (has happened only once, and it was an extreme situation, cause the fucker had a knife, and he was a drugee).

Other than that, I'veI've had a clean track record.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:08pm
by RogueIce
Well, I have glasses... 8) Not those kind, but the real ones.

Well, actually, I am. I have never had a girlfriend, never been kissed, never been on a date, or any of that. My first non-family hug occured in this, my senior year. The girl I want to be my girlfriend is more interested in being friends and doesn't want a high school relationship. Never smoked, drank alcohol, or done drugs.

Basically, a high school goodytwoshoes loser. :(

That might change though, or at least some of it. THe girl I mentioned before is going to be my prom date, so the no date thing will change, but the lack of a relationship will, however, go on. And, since I have been bitten rather badly by the Love Bug, I am uninterested in any girl besides her, which means that with her uninterested in any kind of romantic relationship, I am screwed. Though she did say high school, but sadly for me, she's joining the Navy after High School (for my part, it's college NROTC and, hopefully, a commission in four years).

As for the mistreatment bit...yeah, pretty much ever since I first started school up until this very's gotten a but better, but it's still pretty shitty. I'd have to say that yes, my life has pretty much sucked up until this point, and though some parts are getting better, the majority is still pretty downhill... :|

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:09pm
by Joe
I don't know. In High School, no, not really. I was more of a loner than a nerd (still am, unfortunately). In Elementary School and Middle School, yeah, but I probably deserved it. I was a really annoying kid. I was an easy target, I can't really blame anyone for picking on me. I certainly would have. I don't think I personally have ever been really mean to someone, though. My grades were absolutely outstanding in Middle School (I don't mean to brag, I'll be the first to admit they are not stellar now); I took it pretty hard for that. At one point in seventh grade I saw a group of people talking who I thought were my friends, and one of the girls saw me trying to join in and flat-out told me that I wasn't part of the group. That was the beginning of my social paralysis, I think.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:19pm
by Dalton
Sure was. Miserable time for me. All changed in college though; that's when I got enough self-confidence to be intimidating 8)

Started wearing contacts, work boots, jeans, heavy beard, and worked on my angry face. Not one fight in college, not one taunt, jibe or insult. And in my latter two years I was actually worshipped as a TV God :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:19pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Pretty much.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:20pm
by Mr Flibble
Primary school, I was the most intelligent male in my year, but I didn't really get any shit because I had a few 'heavies' as friends, who would deal with anyone who pissed me off. In high school I was really just kept to my clique, didn't get any real crap from anyone, apart from those in my clique. The worst part was I was isolated from all the fun stuff, by my damn boring, nerdy, conservative friends.

Re: Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:24pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Durandal wrote:Revenge of the Nerds was on Comedy Central, so I figured I'd ask how many of you were treated shittily in high school because of being a nerd or something like that?
I was firmly a nerd in middle school. In high school, I just didn't fit in. I didn't fit in that well with the 'nerds' at my school, and though I had spent three years as an NJROTC cadet, I didn't fit in very well with them either.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:24pm
by Kelly Antilles
I'm a band nerd supreme.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:24pm
by phongn
Dalton wrote:Sure was. Miserable time for me. All changed in college though; that's when I got enough self-confidence to be intimidating 8)

Started wearing contacts, work boots, jeans, heavy beard, and worked on my angry face. Not one fight in college, not one taunt, jibe or insult. And in my latter two years I was actually worshipped as a TV God :mrgreen:
But teh angry face is the only requirement for being a TV God!

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:27pm
by Dalton
phongn wrote:But teh angry face is the only requirement for being a TV God!
Well, the other things were *before* I became a God :D

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:28pm
by Joe
Kelly Antilles wrote:I'm a band nerd supreme.
Hmm, band fag is the more common term these days. I know, I was there too.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:30pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I wear glasses, lack social skills, am single, and have been known to go on 48 hour D&D binges. Top that off with my atheism, gayness, grades, and the general loathing I have for almost everyone at my school(the feeling is mutual) yes. I am a nerd


Re: Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:31pm
by RogueIce
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:In high school, I just didn't fit in. I didn't fit in that well with the 'nerds' at my school, and though I had spent three years as an NJROTC cadet, I didn't fit in very well with them either.
That's what I am now, an NJROTC cadet. I've managed to fit in fairly well, at least among those who actually give a damn about it, because I like the military, it's what I want to do, and I am thus far reasonably good at it. That's what's made my life a bit better, and where I met the girl who I am in love with, but who doesn't seem to feel the same towards me. :|

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:32pm
by Sea Skimmer
No, I'm just filler in the background of more distinct groups. All of my friends classify as nerds but there actually respected if anything at my school.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:41pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I was a major nerd in middle school, and I often hit my friends if they talk about that repressed period of my life. Luckily that all changed in High School. By then I was corupted by my Skater friends. Now I semi-fit in if it wasn't for my shyness, although I'm still known as the smart kid.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:42pm
by Exonerate
I guess you could call me a nerd. I'm into sci fi, science, computers, etc, so I would probably quallify.

However, I consider myself balanced... I'm physically fit, am capable of social interaction, isn't shunned by everybody else, etc.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:42pm
by aerius
I was a bit of a nerd in middle school, but worse than that I was the unofficial school reject. You know, the kid that everyone picked on and kicked around for shits and giggles. That started changing after I quit being a nice guy and started kicking their asses for being such assholes, unfortunately this resulted in me getting suspended a few times and eventually being threatened with expulsion from that school. Fuckers.

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:47pm
by Anarchist Bunny
aerius wrote:I was a bit of a nerd in middle school, but worse than that I was the unofficial school reject. You know, the kid that everyone picked on and kicked around for shits and giggles. That started changing after I quit being a nice guy and started kicking their asses for being such assholes, unfortunately this resulted in me getting suspended a few times and eventually being threatened with expulsion from that school. Fuckers.
I don't know why, but my high school doesn't seem to do this. I mean we have the kid that masturbated during the Texas standardized test that few people talk to and some make jokes at cause he eats gum off the bottum of desks, but I mean, that kids asking for it. We accually have this crazy Mexican/Really Tanned White Guy(I can't tell) that is slightly retarded and is always flowing, and he's almost the most popular kid at school, know one really makes fun of him, its just so fucking cool what he does, almost everyone knows who Flowmaster is.

Re: Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:50pm
by Ted
RogueIce wrote:That's what I am now, an NJROTC cadet. I've managed to fit in fairly well, at least among those who actually give a damn about it, because I like the military, it's what I want to do, and I am thus far reasonably good at it. That's what's made my life a bit better, and where I met the girl who I am in love with, but who doesn't seem to feel the same towards me. :|
Will she become an officer when she joins up?

Or if you meet when you join up will she have to call you 'Sir'?

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:51pm
by Alyeska
Nerd, no. Unpopular, yes. People seemed to think it was ok to pick on me, though they learned quickly that was not a good choice. In 8th grade I took someone and slammed them against a locked and held my forearm to their throat. In 9th grade I grabbed someone by the collar and drug them over a table. In 10th grade I grabbed someone by the collar and held on while letting them know what I felt about their ideas.

I never actually got into a fight because people realized I wouldn't put up with their shit. Then in 12th grade I was on the yearbook photography staff and suddenly I was Mr. Popular and everyone was suddenly trying to be my friend...

Posted: 2003-03-02 10:53pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I think the wise words of Drew Carey should be given to ever nerd in school, "Don't wear your Spock ears to school, don't join the student council and don't cout out fat chicks, they'll do some wild things."