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Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-24 04:41am
by Zor
History of Power Rangers

The newest one, for some reason it takes a bit of time for him to put them up on ThatGuywiththeGlasses

A fairly interesting look into this long running track of cheesy ubsurdity of the power rangers franchise. I definately liked In Space and Lost Galaxy when they were first out. I saw some influence from SFdebris, but it was nice to see the confirmation.

Either way, ignore the annoying as fuck 7-11 adds.


Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-24 07:22pm
by Oskuro
I didn't like Power Rangers much, but I like Linkara's reviews because, through his enthusiasm and appreciation of the merits of the series, I can vicariously enjoy it too. And he has an awesome voice.

Also, his videos seem to show up sooner on his channel than they do on TGWT (and I suspect he uploads them to then have an staggered release, not knowing that they'll be accessible. This has happened to the Nostalgia Critic too).

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-24 07:28pm
by Oskuro
Ok, I just watched 30 seconds of the latest review (PR in SPACE)...


Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-25 01:56am
by Agent Fisher
Loved the reviews. Especially PRIS, my favorite of the series.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-25 06:39am
by Big Orange
I think Linkara is a better reviewer than the Nostalgia Critic, he's a deeper review, and a bit more humane and nuanced (unlike RedLetteMedia), plus Louis seems a genuinely nice person.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-25 03:06pm
by Covenant

Awesome. He gave a bump to SFDebris at the end of the end of the review cycle. I knew I saw some similar with "Welcome to Power Rangers!" type introductions. Nice to see.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-25 05:17pm
by Oskuro
Yep, the sfdebris bump was nice.

And regarding the quality of Linkara vs NC, I'd say that Linkara is actually informative. He goes to great lengths to educate the viewer, not just entertain, thus his videos are always worth seeing. NC's format, on the other hand, is going stale, he really should take a leaf from his collaborator's book and try to experiment a bit (I mean, Linkara, Spoony, Nostlagia Chick, they all experimetn with their reviews).

Oh, and "Wait a minute, you're asking a turtle, who lives in a sewer, to explain a cosmic event?!" :lol:

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-25 07:35pm
by Big Orange
I had a feeling Linkara's seen Sonneberg's reviews of Star Trek and he's a Trekkie (with models of the USS Enterprise-D, Deep Space Nine, and USS Voyager seen in his room) and he's done a "Let's Play" review of Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force, an old PC game; here's the link.

Lewis (not Louis :x ) Lovehaug is in general a more indepth and informative reviewer than the Critic (who seems to trail off with his hit 'n miss gags) and is less shrill and hysterical than Spoony (though I love Noah's Dr. Insano act and he's done great reviews of the cheesy Wing Commander movie and even more disasterous Highlander II: The Quickening).

I enjoyed Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as a guilty pleasure back in the day when I was at primary school, though even then as a child I knew it was a load of rubbish, also wondering aloud why the villains didn't kill the Rangers when they were sitting on the crapper at high school and where the cops or military were after all those skyscraper sized monster invasions of Angel Grove.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-25 08:42pm
by Gramzamber
I've been a fan of Linkara since the Superman at Earth's End review, where you will believe a man can fuck up something as potentially awesome as Superman vs. twin clones of Hitler.
I still like the Nostalgia Critic, but have come to really hate Ask That Guy, because it's gone from a funny comedy question time to "Har har I'm a sociopath and I say revolting things for shock value".
That and he never answered any of my questions. Wanker. :evil:

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-26 10:17am
by Crossroads Inc.
You know, watching the series as a Kid while it was on, I don't think I ever thought of it quite as "deeply" as this review, at the time it was always "Monster! Giant Robot! Explosions!"

That said these really were some good reviews and gave me a lot of "Of yeah, I guess that DOES make sense"
I love the constant follow up on the character progression of Bulk and Skull. As a Kid you never thought about it much but there really become the most developed people in the series.

On the series itself, I personally like to imagine that the "Turbo" series simply never existed. You could cut the whole thing out and go straight from Zeo to In Space. As a Kid I watched only a bit of Turbo and remember hating it, largely because of what was talked about in the review. The main 'Villain' was laughable and impossible to take seriously, A space Pirate with a Fish shaped starship trying to take over the world through... Bank robberies?

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-26 11:48am
by Gramzamber
From what I remember, the main villian in the Space series (the purple haired girl) seemed to be an attempt to make up for the stupidity of Divatox, being similarily a space based foe and related to one of the good guys. But being a space warlord and not a damn pirate she was done a lot better.

As an aside I agree with Linkara's criticism of the Turbo helmets... but he doesn't say anything about Tommy's Zeo helmet? Come on that thing was ridiculous.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-26 11:58am
by Crossroads Inc.
Yeah, Zeo was ok, but the costumes were crap. Shoot most of the Costumes were crap, but Zeo and Turbo were worst of the lot.
Personally the best Ranger suites ever where... The Evil Rangers from season five. The molded plastic actually looked like real" Armor" and not a cloth suit.

As for the Space Villain, that whole series was way above anything else. It feels corny to talk about a Kids show based on Toys and Monsters as having an"Epic Space Opera Story" but they did damn well with the little they had to work with. The fact that the show thought it was ending the series probably helped make it more epic as they wanted to tie up a lot of old plots and end on a Really Epic note. Having the "Alliance of Evil" do a full scale invasion of the Galaxy was something, as a Kid, I had been hoping for for ages. You have these really powerful Bad guys, with Monsters and Armies, and all they ever do is attack one small city on one little planet?

On that note, Its why I feel the whole "Machine Empire" badguys of Zeo had such wasted potential, I kept hoping their finally was going to be a full scale invasion of Earth, but it never really materialized till season five.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-26 05:11pm
by Oskuro
Big Orange wrote:I had a feeling Linkara's seen Sonneberg's reviews of Star Trek and he's a Trekkie (with models of the USS Enterprise-D, Deep Space Nine, and USS Voyager seen in his room) and he's done a "Let's Play" review of Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force, an old PC game;
And he played Starfleet Patton on the TGWTG 2 Year Anniversary Special. :D

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-28 01:06pm
by Beowulf
I'm failing to see how this is appropriate for AMP...

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-05-28 01:29pm
by RogueIce
As a kid, I stopped with Turbo, probably because I was starting to "grow out of it" a bit (or so I thought) but mostly because I hated Justin. I never even got as far as the cast change. I was surprised when one day I caught an ep of PRiS that it was still on. And that the Yellow Space Ranger had some awesome tits.

Anyway, I look forward to further reviews. I do know a bit about Space, though I only really ever watched "Countdown to Destruction", "Always a Chance" (Adam coming back) and the...TMNT team-up... Everything between Lost Galaxy and around Operation Overdrive is pretty much a mystery to me, aside from "Forever Red" (of course!), a bit of Dino Thunder and SPD. I really only got back into PR for OO, and that was mostly due to the "Once a Ranger" crossover. Jungle Fury is the first season I really tried to watch as a whole since MMPR itself. Which I followed up with the excellent RPM.

I also look forward to the RPM review because that season was pretty well done, and was in itself almost a 'finale' to PR (as a whole) as In Space would have been to the Zordon Era (PR has once more been saved from cancellation though...Saban bought it back from Disney and is producing a new season!).

As for Linkara, I do like his reviews. He can get ranty about some of the more inane elements of Power Rangers, but as a whole he treats it relatively fairly and doesn't just hop on the default "lol Power Rangers is crap/for kids/etc" that some find so easy to do. Even though it is for kids, and can get pretty dumb at times. :razz:

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-02 06:42pm
by Zor
Its going to be a bit of a wait until the next reveiw according to Linkara's blog as he is now watching the series that he is less familier with and unlike OVEG, doing a 40 episode season rather than an episode all in one go takes some time.


Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-02 07:49pm
by Big Orange
His review of the series featuring the Power Rangers IIIIN SPAAAAACE is up now.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-02 11:47pm
by adam_grif
I used to like his reviews more than I currently do. Whenever he goes off on a tangent about politics or feminism or some other shit it starts to annoy me. It's especially amazing since I often agree with what he's saying, but still get annoyed by him saying it. That's quite a skill he's got.

And to whoever said he has a great voice? I totally disagree. I find RedLetterMedia's voice amusing, but Linkara just sounds annoying, especially when he does that high pitch whining whenever he's trying to raise his voice. Although I do like his Superbitch Prime voice.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-03 02:23am
by Zor
adam_grif wrote:And to whoever said he has a great voice? I totally disagree. I find RedLetterMedia's voice amusing, but Linkara just sounds annoying, especially when he does that high pitch whining whenever he's trying to raise his voice. Although I do like his Superbitch Prime voice.
Are you crazy? Linkara may not be Sinatra, but he is a fucking angel compared to RedLetterMedia voice which sounds like that of some mutant fishman with a bad cold.


Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-03 02:37am
by adam_grif
Are you crazy?
Linkara may not be Sinatra, but he is a fucking angel compared to RedLetterMedia voice which sounds like that of some mutant fishman with a bad cold.
That's the point. RLM's voice is put on for the videos (you can hear the real him when he's doing some interviews in the TPM review near the start), and it's very amusing. Linkara's voice is annoying, except in certain circumstances (i.e. superboy prime voice). It's tollerable, but I don't like it, especially that thing he does with his voice whenever he thinks he's hammering a point home.

Yeah yeah, in before "OH GOD RLM IS HORRIBLE YOU'RE AN IDIOT". Your milage may vary.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-03 08:03pm
by Jim Raynor
I've watched a couple of these videos. As a fan going way back, they're pretty good analysis.
adam_grif wrote:That's the point. RLM's voice is put on for the videos (you can hear the real him when he's doing some interviews in the TPM review near the start), and it's very amusing.
RLM's voice is an abomination. I don't care if it's intentional, because even if it's funny (and I strongly disagree that it is), it would still be a one-note joke that's dragged out for 70 minutes or however long his reviews go on for. I have no idea how it can still be amusing after a couple minutes, let alone over an hour. It's droning, monotone, and a difficult to hear. His decision to adopt this retarded fictional voice means that he has neglected one of the primary strengths of the video medium, which is that the narrator can emote and inject energy into the show with his voice.

Linkara's online persona is that of the good humored, occasionally self-deprecating geek. He can at least speak like a normal human being, and express different tones when he needs to. I've seen a bunch of these geeky video reviews of geeky subjects. Sonnenburg, Linkara, Nostalgia Critic, Angry Video Game Nerd, etc. all do it way better than Retarded Letter Media. They also tend to pick easier and more deserving subjects to bash, and know how to keep their criticism focused on the material itself. I watched some of RLM's reviews, and I was disgusted with the propaganda film-like methods that he used to exaggerate and twist some things around.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-03 10:10pm
by Anguirus
Great find! Just started watching these and am really enjoying them. I feel like I should have given the series more of a chance as a kid...I was turned off by the filler and by the eventual costume changes, but it looks like a great deal of effort was made to keep to the "same" show and consistent. Knowing as I do now (not when I was 8.) that it had to creatively incorporate Toei footage would have led me to appreciate it more, no doubt...back then a lot of stuff was arbitrary weirdness I couldn't put my finger on.

My little bro watched a bit of Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed Rescue, and I was grudgingly impressed by them. Looking forward to seeing where they fit in.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-04 09:19am
by Vendetta
Jim Raynor wrote: He can at least speak like a normal human being, and express different tones when he needs to.
Yes, but when your normal voice is "insufferable nerd whine" it makes your presentation somewhat hard to stomach.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-04 01:52pm
by CaptainChewbacca
I love these videos. In the segment in MMPR season 2 where they show Kim acting like Rita, I almost fell over laughing. It was just awesome.

Re: Linkara's History of Power Rangers

Posted: 2010-06-04 10:18pm
by Gramzamber
The guy can't help having his own voice, which I don't find annoying at all mind you but whatever.
He's made fun of it himself on occassion.